The index of relation between and
is correlation coefficient or Pearson product moment correlation coefficient as formula below. Range of correlation coefficient is between -1 and 1.
are average of
, respectively. i is number of sample (incremental variable). n is number of sample.
Correlation coefficient (r) of 2 variables randomly extracted from population follows t-distribution. T-statistics of r is calculated formula as below and follows t-distribution with degree of freedom n-2, n is number of sample. When correlation coefficient of population is , null hypothesis is described that “
= 0″. If t-statistics calculated from number of sample (n) and correlation coefficient (r) is greater than that of significance level (
), null hypothesis is rejected.
The test of significance for this important null hypothesis H (ρ = 0) is equivalent to that for the null hypothesis H (β1 = 0) or H (β2 = 0). It now follows that if x and y have a joint bivariate normal distribution, then the test for the null hypothesis H (ρ = 0) is obtained by using the fact that if the null hypothesis under test is true, then
has the F distribution with 1, n – 2 d.f. An equivalent test of significance for the null hypothesis is obtained by using the fact that if the null hypothesis is true, then
has “Student’s” distribution. with n – 2 d.f.
For any non-zero null hypothesis about ρ there is no parallelism between the correlation coefficient ρ and the regression coefficients β1 and β2. In fact, no exact test of significance is available for testing readily non-zero null hypothesis about ρ. Fisher has given an approximate method for such null hypothesis, but we do not consider this here.