How to estimate 95 % confidence interval of population average from sample average and sample standard deviation?

If you had known average and standard deviation of sample which size is N, you could estimate the range of population average with 95 % probability. In standard normal distribution, sum of area under curve greater than 1.96 and less than – 1.96 is 0.05. There is population average between exception multiplying 1.96 by standard error from average and sum of the multiplied and average, called as 95 % confidence interval (95 % CI).

\displaystyle 95 \% C.I.= \mu \pm 1.96 SE = \mu \pm 1.96 \frac{SD}{\sqrt N}

\mu; Average, SE; standard error, SD; standard deviation


 連続変数においてはサンプルサイズ N の標本の平均値の分布から,95 % の確率で母集団の平均値が含まれる範囲が分かります.標準正規分布においては値が 1.96 以上の曲線下面積と – 1.96 以下の曲線下面積の和は 0.05 となります.つまり標準誤差 SE に 1.96 をかけ,平均値から引いた値から平均値に足した値までの間に真の平均値が含まれます.この範囲を 95 % 信頼区間といいます.

\displaystyle 95 \% C.I.= \mu \pm 1.96 SE = \mu \pm 1.96 \frac{SD}{\sqrt N}

\mu; Average, SE; standard error, SD; standard deviation