n-6 Fatty Acids

98% of the n-6 fatty acids that Japanese intake is linoleic acid. The organism can not synthesize n-6 fatty acids. Therefore, they must orally intake them. According to the National Health and Nutrition Survey in 2010 and 2011, the median of the n-6 fatty acids intake of Japanese were 10.0 g/d (4.3 %E) in male and 8.4 g/d (4.6 %E) in female, respectively. There are no reports required to set the Estimated Average Requirement for healthy people or no reports of dermatitis due to lack of n-6 fatty acids in usual diet, the approximate amount has been set.


The approximate amount for 0-5 months infant has been set to 4.0 g/d by multiplying the standard mammalian amount 0.78 L/d to n-6 fatty acids concentration of breast milk 5.16 g/L. The approximate amount for 6-11 months infant has been set to 4.3 g/d by calculating the average of the approximate amount of 0-5 months infant and of 1-2 years old child.

Adults and Child

The approximate amount has been set to the median of n-6 fatty acids intake based on the National Health and Nutrition Survey in 2010 and 2011.

Pregnant and Lactation

The approximate amount for pregnant has been set to 9 g/d based on the median n-6 fatty acids intake in pregnant in the National Health and Nutrition Survey from 2007 to 2011. The approximate amount for lactation has also been set to 9 g/d based on the median n-6 fatty acids intake in lactation.

It is not fully understood of the risk of linoleic acid that it is ingested in large amounts because it is easily oxidized than such monounsaturated fatty acids as oleic acid. And it is concerned of the safety of high intakes of linoleic acid because linoleic acid generate such inflammation including substance as prostaglandins and leukotrienes. Although the risk of overdose has been assumed for n-6 fatty acids, the approximate amount has not been set because there are no reports for Japanese subject.

The Dietary Reference Intakes of n-6 fatty acids in 2015 edition and 2010 edition are following table.

The Dietary reference Intakes of n-6 fatty acids (g/d) (2015 edition)
Gender Male Female
Age Approximate amount Approximate amount
0-5 M 4 4
6-11 M 4 4
1-2 5 5
3-5 7 6
6-7 7 7
8-9 9 7
10-11 9 8
12-14 12 10
15-17 13 10
18-29 11 8
30-49 10 8
50-69 10 8
70- 8 7
Pregnant 9
Lactation 9
The Dietary Reference Intakes of n-6 fatty acids (2010 edition)
Gender Male Female
Age Approximate (g/d) Target (% energy) Approximate (g/d) Target (% energy)
0-5 M 4 4
6-11 M 5 5
1-2 5 5
3-5 7 6
6-7 8 7
8-9 9 8
10-11 10 9
12-14 11 10
15-17 13 11
18-29 11 < 10 9 < 10
30-49 10 < 10 9 < 10
50-69 10 < 10 8 < 10
70- 8 < 10 7 < 10
Addition for Pregnant + 1
Addition for Lactation + 0

The Dietary reference Intakes for Japanese (2015 edition) Lipid (pdf)
THe Dietary reference Intakes for Japanese (2010 edition) Lipid (pdf)

n-6 系脂肪酸

 日本人が摂取する n-6 系脂肪酸の 98 % はリノール酸です.生体は n-6 系脂肪酸を合成できないため経口摂取する必要があります.平成 22 年および 23 年の国民健康・栄養著差によると,日本人の n-6 系脂肪酸摂取量の中央値は男性 10.0 g/d (4.3 %E), 女性 8.4 g/d (4.6 %E) です.健康な人の推定平均必要量の設定に必要な報告はなく,日常生活で n-6 系脂肪酸の欠乏による皮膚炎の報告はないため,目安量を設定しました.


 0-5 ヶ月児については母乳中の n-6 系脂肪酸濃度 5.16 g/L に基準哺乳量 0.78 L/d を乗じて4.0 g/d を目安量としました.6-11 ヶ月児については 0-5 ヶ月児の目安量と 1-2 歳児の目安量の平均を求め,4.3 g/d を目安量に設定しました.


 平成 22 年および 23 年の国民健康・栄養調査から算出した n-6 系脂肪酸摂取量の中央値を目安量に設定しました.


 平成 19 年から 23 年までの国民健康・栄養調査から算出した妊婦の n-6 系脂肪酸摂取量の中央値は 9 g/d であり,これを目安量に設定しました.同様に授乳婦の n-6 系脂肪酸摂取量の中央値は 9 g/d であり,これを目安量に設定しました.

 リノール酸は一価不飽和脂肪酸のオレイン酸より酸化されやすく多量に摂取した際のリスクは十分に分かっていません.またリノール酸は炎症惹起物質のプロスタグランジンやロイコトリエンを生成するため,多量摂取時の安全性が危惧されます.n-6 系脂肪酸については過剰摂取のリスクが想定されていますが,日本人を対象とした報告がないため目標量は設定されていません.

 n-6 系脂肪酸の食事摂取基準の 2015 年版および 2010 年版は下表のとおりです.

n-6 系脂肪酸の食事摂取基準 (g/d) (2015 年版)
性別 男性 女性
年齢 目安量 目安量
0-5 M 4 4
6-11 M 4 4
1-2 5 5
3-5 7 6
6-7 7 7
8-9 9 7
10-11 9 8
12-14 12 10
15-17 13 10
18-29 11 8
30-49 10 8
50-69 10 8
70- 8 7
妊婦 9
授乳婦 9
n-6 系脂肪酸の食事摂取基準 (2010 年版)
性別 男性 女性
年齢 目安量 (g/d) 目標量 (% energy) 目安量 (g/d) 目標量 (% energy)
0-5 M 4 4
6-11 M 5 5
1-2 5 5
3-5 7 6
6-7 8 7
8-9 9 8
10-11 10 9
12-14 11 10
15-17 13 11
18-29 11 < 10 9 < 10
30-49 10 < 10 9 < 10
50-69 10 < 10 8 < 10
70- 8 < 10 7 < 10
妊婦付加量 + 1
授乳婦付加量 + 0

日本人の食事摂取基準(2015 年版)脂質 (pdf)
日本人の食事摂取基準(2010 年版)脂質 (pdf)