The Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy (JSDT) recommends PCR as an indicator of protein intake. Otherwise K/DOQQI recommends nPNA. If you calculate Kt/V with Daugirdas’ method, you can also define nPNA.
Execute the following procedure.
CREATE FUNCTION Function_nPNA ( @preBUN DEC(4, 1) , @postBUN DEC(4, 1) , @preWeight DEC(4, 1) , @postWeight DEC(4, 1) , @DialysisDuration int ) RETURNS DEC(3, 2) AS BEGIN DECLARE @nPNA DEC(3, 2) SELECT @nPNA = @preBUN / (36.3 + 5.48 * (dbo.Function_KtV(@preBUN, @postBUN, @preWeight, @postWeight, @DialysisDuration)) + 53.5 / (dbo.Function_KtV(@preBUN, @postBUN, @preWeight, @postWeight, @DialysisDuration))) + 0.168 RETURN @nPNA END
Reference: Simplified nutritional screening tools for patients on maintenance hemodialysis