How to validate empty value in controls on user form of Excel VBA?


In this article, I’d like to describe how to validate empty value in controls on UserForm of Excel VBA. It’s list of controls that you can select and enter on form.

  • CheckBox
  • OptionButton
  • ComboBox
  • ListBox
  • TextBox

It’s assumed that OptionButtons and CheckBoxes are placed in Frame and they aren’t placed within one Frame together.


It is needed to designe as public function that validates empty value.

The function that validates empty value of controls on forms is called from multiple CommandButtons. Therefore, it’s reasonable to design as public function. It’s needed to add module for implementing the function. Data type of return value is Variant as following code because it returns name list of empty controls as string. It may be Boolean if you don’t have to present message box.

Option Explicit

Function CheckControls(myForm As MSForms.UserForm) As Variant
    Dim Ctrl        As MSForms.Control
    Dim CheckCnt    As Long
    Dim myCnt       As Long
    Dim CheckStr    As String
    CheckControls = False
    CheckCnt = 0
    myCnt = 0
    CheckStr = ""
    For Each Ctrl In myForm.Controls
        Select Case TypeName(Ctrl)
            Case "ComboBox"
                If Ctrl.ListIndex  -1 Then
                    myCnt = myCnt + 1
                    CheckStr = CheckStr & Ctrl.Name & vbCrLf
                End If
            Case "Frame"
                If CheckFrame(Ctrl) Then
                    myCnt = myCnt + 1
                    CheckStr = CheckStr & Ctrl.Name & vbCrLf
                End If
            Case "ListBox"
                If Ctrl.ListIndex  -1 Then
                    myCnt = myCnt + 1
                    CheckStr = CheckStr & Ctrl.Name & vbCrLf
                End If
            Case "TextBox"
                If Ctrl.Text  "" Then
                    myCnt = myCnt + 1
                    CheckStr = CheckStr & Ctrl.Name & vbCrLf
                End If
            Case Else
                CheckCnt = CheckCnt - 1
        End Select
        CheckCnt = CheckCnt + 1
    Next Ctrl
    If CheckCnt = myCnt Then
        CheckControls = True
        CheckControls = CheckStr
    End If
End Function

Function CheckFrame(myFrame As MSForms.Frame) As Boolean
    Dim FrmCnt  As Long
    Dim ChkCnt  As Long
    Dim OptCnt  As Long
    Dim tmpCtrl As Control
    CheckFrame = False
    FrmCnt = 0
    ChkCnt = 0
    OptCnt = 0
    For Each tmpCtrl In myFrame.Controls
        Select Case TypeName(tmpCtrl)
            Case "CheckBox"
                If tmpCtrl.Value Then
                    ChkCnt = ChkCnt + 1
                End If
            Case "OptionButton"
                If tmpCtrl.Value Then
                    OptCnt = OptCnt + 1
                End If
        End Select
    Next tmpCtrl
    FrmCnt = FrmCnt + 1
    If FrmCnt = OptCnt Or FrmCnt 

The code that calls the function

You would write the code on click event as below. You could write the procedure between "If ... Then" and "Else" statements that is activated when it has passed verification.

Option Explicit

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    If TypeName(CheckControls(Me)) = "Boolean" Then
        MsgBox Prompt:=CheckControls(Me) & "Missing value above.", Title:="Empty values!"
        Exit Sub
    End If
End Sub

CheckBox could take NULL

To tell the truth, CheckBox has interesting property. Although OptionButton tekes only TRUE or FALSE, CheckBox takes three-valued logic with NULL. It's very difficult problem for database designers because NULL brings them unexpected results in query. Three-valued logic is the greatest weakness of relational model. TripleState property, its default value is FALSE, could select whether three-valued logic would be allowed or not.

It's assumed that one or more controls are checked in Frame. If the procedure validates naked CheckBox without Frame, what happens? Whatever the value of CheckBox is, it passes verification. You shouldn't use three-valued logic to select TURE or FALSE only.

Three-valued logic and set of choices

Furthermore, to allow multiple choices means that users would be allowed to not select any options more. Relation of 1:0 and 1:n are allowed, respectively. Fortunately, the situation could be avoided with careful design of choices. It's needed to be carefully treated of "Other case" that couldn't be treated as number. It's impossible to isolate and salvage data that is classified as "Others".

Userform of Excel VBA as user interface
Three-valued logic (Wikipedia)


投稿者: admin

趣味:写真撮影とデータベース. カメラ:TOYO FIELD, Hasselblad 500C/M, Leica M6. SQL Server 2008 R2, MySQL, Microsoft Access.


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