How to input PDF files of ‘Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan 2010’ and output text file?


MEXT, Ministry of Education,Culture,Sports,Science & Technology in Japan has published PDF files called ‘Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan 2010’. I’m interest in those files, so I have converted them to text file.

Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan 2010

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Download PDF files
  2. Open a file, Copy all text
  3. Paste to EXCEL
  4. Process with VBA

1. Download PDF files

Download the PDF files on the above link. Top of the list is 1299012_1. Last of the list is 1299012_18.

2. Open a file, Copy all text

Open a file with Adobe Reader. In order to select all text in document, you have to select ‘View’ -> ‘Page view’ -> ‘NOT Single page’. Select All, copy.

3. Paste to EXCEL

‘Paste option’ -> ‘Use text file wizard’. Select option ‘The data field separated by delimiters such as comma or tab’. Change option data type of the first column to ‘String’, click ‘Finish’.

4. Process with VBA

Press ‘Alt’ key and ‘F11’ key to launch VBE. ‘Insert’ -> ‘Standard Module’. Paste the code below.

Option Explicit
Sub Procedure1()
Dim mySht           As Worksheet
Dim myAr1           As Variant
Dim myAr2           As Variant
Dim i               As Long
Dim j               As Long
Dim k               As Long
Dim myAr(1878, 53)  As String
Dim RegEx1          As Object
Dim Match1          As Object
Dim Matches1        As Object
Dim strPtn1         As String
Dim tempStr         As String
Dim RegEx2          As Object
Dim Match2          As Object
Dim Matches2        As Object
Dim strPtn2         As String
Set mySht = ActiveSheet
Set myAr1 = Application.Intersect(mySht.UsedRange, mySht.Range("A:B"))
Set myAr2 = mySht.UsedRange
Set RegEx1 = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
Set RegEx2 = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
strPtn2 = "^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?"
i = 0
For k = 1 To myAr1.Rows.Count
    If Len(myAr1.Cells(k, 1).Value) = 5 And _
        myAr1.Cells(k, 1).Value >= "01001" And _
        myAr1.Cells(k, 1).Value  "(欠番)" Then
        myAr(i, 0) = myAr2.Cells(k, 1)
        strPtn1 = "^[0-9]+$"
        RegEx1.Pattern = strPtn1
        RegEx1.IgnoreCase = True
        RegEx1.Global = True
        Set Matches1 = RegEx1.Execute(myAr2.Cells(k, 2))
        If Matches1.Count > 0 Then
            tempStr = myAr2.Cells(k, 2) & myAr2.Cells(k, 3)
            strPtn1 = "[^0-9][0-9]+$"
            RegEx1.Pattern = strPtn1
            RegEx1.IgnoreCase = True
            RegEx1.Global = True
            Set Matches1 = RegEx1.Execute(tempStr)
            If Matches1.Count > 0 Then
                Set Match1 = Matches1.Item(Matches1.Count - 1)
                myAr(i, 1) = Left(tempStr, Match1.firstindex + 1)
                myAr(i, 2) = Mid(tempStr, Match1.firstindex + 2)
                For j = 3 To 52
                    Select Case True
                    Case myAr2.Cells(k, j + 1).Value = "-"
                        myAr(i, j) = 0
                    Case myAr2.Cells(k, j + 1).Value = "Tr"
                        myAr(i, j) = 0
                    Case myAr2.Cells(k, j + 1).Value = "(Tr)"
                        myAr(i, j) = 0
                    Case myAr2.Cells(k, j + 1).Value = "(0)"
                        myAr(i, j) = 0
                    Case Else
                        myAr(i, j) = myAr2.Cells(k, j + 1).Value
                    End Select
                Next j
                RegEx2.Pattern = strPtn2
                RegEx2.IgnoreCase = True
                RegEx2.Global = True
                Set Matches2 = RegEx2.Execute(myAr2.Cells(k, 54))
                On Error Resume Next
                Set Match2 = Matches2.Item(0)
                On Error GoTo 0
                myAr(i, 53) = Match2.Value
                For j = 1 To 52
                    Select Case True
                    Case myAr2.Cells(k, j + 1).Value = "-"
                        myAr(i, j) = 0
                    Case myAr2.Cells(k, j + 1).Value = "Tr"
                        myAr(i, j) = 0
                    Case myAr2.Cells(k, j + 1).Value = "(Tr)"
                        myAr(i, j) = 0
                    Case myAr2.Cells(k, j + 1).Value = "(0)"
                        myAr(i, j) = 0
                    Case Else
                        myAr(i, j) = myAr2.Cells(k, j + 1).Value
                    End Select
                Next j
                    RegEx2.Pattern = strPtn2
                    RegEx2.IgnoreCase = True
                    RegEx2.Global = True
                    Set Matches2 = RegEx2.Execute(myAr2.Cells(k, 54))
                    On Error Resume Next
                    Set Match2 = Matches2.Item(0)
                    On Error GoTo 0
                    myAr(i, 53) = Match2.Value
            End If
            strPtn1 = "[^0-9][0-9]+$"
            RegEx1.Pattern = strPtn1
            RegEx1.IgnoreCase = True
            RegEx1.Global = True
            Set Matches1 = RegEx1.Execute(myAr2.Cells(k, 2))
            If Matches1.Count > 0 Then
                Set Match1 = Matches1.Item(Matches1.Count - 1)
                myAr(i, 1) = Left(myAr2.Cells(k, 2), Match1.firstindex + 1)
                myAr(i, 2) = Mid(myAr2.Cells(k, 2), Match1.firstindex + 2)
                For j = 3 To 52
                    Select Case True
                    Case myAr2.Cells(k, j).Value = "-"
                        myAr(i, j) = 0
                    Case myAr2.Cells(k, j).Value = "Tr"
                        myAr(i, j) = 0
                    Case myAr2.Cells(k, j).Value = "(Tr)"
                        myAr(i, j) = 0
                    Case myAr2.Cells(k, j).Value = "(0)"
                        myAr(i, j) = 0
                    Case Else
                        myAr(i, j) = myAr2.Cells(k, j).Value
                    End Select
                Next j
                RegEx2.Pattern = strPtn2
                RegEx2.IgnoreCase = True
                RegEx2.Global = True
                Set Matches2 = RegEx2.Execute(myAr2.Cells(k, 53))
                On Error Resume Next
                Set Match2 = Matches2.Item(0)
                On Error GoTo 0
                myAr(i, 53) = Match2.Value
                For j = 1 To 52
                    Select Case True
                    Case myAr2.Cells(k, j + 1).Value = "-"
                        myAr(i, j) = 0
                    Case myAr2.Cells(k, j + 1).Value = "Tr"
                        myAr(i, j) = 0
                    Case myAr2.Cells(k, j + 1).Value = "(Tr)"
                        myAr(i, j) = 0
                    Case myAr2.Cells(k, j + 1).Value = "(0)"
                        myAr(i, j) = 0
                    Case Else
                        myAr(i, j) = myAr2.Cells(k, j + 1).Value
                    End Select
                Next j
                    RegEx2.Pattern = strPtn2
                    RegEx2.IgnoreCase = True
                    RegEx2.Global = True
                    Set Matches2 = RegEx2.Execute(myAr2.Cells(k, 54))
                    On Error Resume Next
                    Set Match2 = Matches2.Item(0)
                    On Error GoTo 0
                    myAr(i, 53) = Match2.Value
            End If
        End If
        i = i - 1
    End If
    i = i + 1
Next k
Set mySht = Worksheets.Add
With mySht
    .Name = myAr2.Cells(1, 1).Value & myAr2.Cells(1, 2).Value
    .Range("A1:BB1878").Value = myAr
End With
Set mySht = Nothing
Set myAr1 = Nothing
Set myAr2 = Nothing
Set RegEx1 = Nothing
Set Match1 = Nothing
Set Matches1 = Nothing
Set RegEx2 = Nothing
Set Match2 = Nothing
Set Matches2 = Nothing
End Sub

Please delete worksheets except for worksheets which above code added. Run following code:

Sub AllSheets_to_TextFile()
Dim myBook          As Workbook
Dim mySht           As Worksheet
Dim tmpSht          As Worksheet
Dim myRng           As Range
Dim myAr(1877, 53)  As String
Dim tempAr          As Variant
Dim i               As Long
Dim j               As Long
Dim k               As Long
Dim GOF             As Variant
Dim RegExp          As Object
Dim Matches         As Object
Dim Match           As Object
Dim strPtn          As String
Set RegExp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
strPtn = "\\"
k = 0
For Each tmpSht In Worksheets
    Set myRng = tmpSht.Range("A1").CurrentRegion
    tempAr = myRng
    For i = LBound(tempAr) To UBound(tempAr)
        For j = LBound(tempAr, 2) To UBound(tempAr, 2)
            myAr(k, j - 1) = tempAr(i, j)
        Next j
        k = k + 1
    Next i
Next tmpSht
GOF = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="PDF file,*.pdf", _
                                  Title:="Select PDF file", _
If TypeName(GOF) = "Boolean" Then Exit Sub
GOF = Left(GOF, Len(GOF) - 4) & ".txt"
With RegExp
    .Pattern = strPtn
    .IgnoreCase = True
    .Global = True
End With
Set Matches = RegExp.Execute(GOF)
GOF = Left(GOF, Matches.Item(Matches.Count - 1).FirstIndex) & "\M_FOODS.txt"
Set mySht = Worksheets.Add
With mySht
    .Name = "M_FOODS"
    .Range("A1:BB1878") = myAr
End With
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=GOF, _
                      FileFormat:=xlText, _
Set myBook = ActiveWorkbook
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Set Match = Nothing
Set Matches = Nothing
Set RegExp = Nothing
Set myRng = Nothing
Set mySht = Nothing
Set tmpSht = Nothing
Set myBook = Nothing
End Sub

I can not upload the text file because of copyright. Please contact MEXT about legal issues.


投稿者: admin

趣味:写真撮影とデータベース. カメラ:TOYO FIELD, Hasselblad 500C/M, Leica M6. SQL Server 2008 R2, MySQL, Microsoft Access.


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