総務省の都道府県・市区町村別統計表は 5 年毎に施行される国勢調査を元に作成されており,日本の人口統計の基本となる資料です.
with Database, Statistics and Nutrition
総務省の都道府県・市区町村別統計表は 5 年毎に施行される国勢調査を元に作成されており,日本の人口統計の基本となる資料です.
Option Explicit Function MajorCategoryAr(ByRef Sh As Worksheet) As String() Dim mySht As Worksheet Dim myRng As Range Dim tmpAr As Variant Dim StartEnd As Variant Dim strFoodGroup As String Dim strFoodGroupJP As String Dim strFoodGroupEN As String Dim strSubFoodGroup As String Dim strSubFoodGroupJP As String Dim strSubFoodGroupEN As String Dim strSub_Category As String Dim strSub_CategoryJP As String Dim strSub_CategoryEN As String Dim strMajor_Category As String Dim StartNumber() As String Dim Exit_Number() As String Dim FoodGroupJP() As String Dim FoodGroupEN() As String Dim Sub_FoodGroup_JP() As String Dim Sub_FoodGroup_EN() As String Dim Sub_Category_JPN() As String Dim Sub_Category_ENG() As String Dim Major_CategoryJP() As String Dim Major_CategoryEN() As String Dim Major_CategoryLT() As String Dim myArray() As String Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim k As Long Dim n As Long Dim RegExp_3_Digit_Num As Object Dim RegExp_Item_Number As Object Dim RegExp_SentakuHanni As Object Dim RegExp_SubCategory1 As Object Dim RegExp_SubCategory2 As Object Dim RegExp_MedCategory As Object Dim RegExp_Foods_Group As Object Dim RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix As Object Dim RegExp_JapaneseOnly As Object Dim RegExp_Upper_Lower As Object Dim RegExp_Upper_Only As Object Dim RegExp_Lower_Only As Object Dim RegExp_RoundBracket As Object Dim RegExp_SquareBracket As Object Dim RegExp_AngleBracket As Object Dim myMatches As Object Dim myMatch As Object Const Ptn_3_Digit_Num As String = "[0-9]{3}$" Const Ptn_Item_Number As String = "^[0-9]{5}$" Const Ptn_SentakuHanni As String = "(,|~)" Const Ptn_SubCategory1 As String = "^((|\().()|\))$" Const Ptn_SubCategory2 As String = "^(<|>)$" Const Ptn_MedCategory As String = "^\[.\]$" Const Ptn_FoodGroupNum As String = "^([0-9]|[0-9]{2})$" Const Ptn_Jpn_Eng_Mix As String = "^[^A-Za-z0-9]+(\([^A-Za-z0-9]+\))?([A-Za-z])" Const Ptn_JapaneseOnly As String = "^[^A-Za-z0-9]+(\([^A-Za-z0-9]+\))?$" Const Ptn_Upper_Lower As String = "[A-Z][a-z]+" Const Ptn_Upper_Only As String = "[A-Z]+" Const Ptn_Lower_Only As String = "^[a-z]+$" Const Ptn_RoundStart As String = "^[\((]" Const Ptn_Round_Exit As String = "[\((][^A-Za-z0-9]+[\))]" Const Ptn_SquareStart As String = "^\[" Const Ptn_Square_Exit As String = "\[[^A-Za-z0-9]+\]" Const Ptn_AngleStart As String = "^[\<<]" Const Ptn_Angle_Exit As String = "[\<<][^A-Za-z0-9]+[\>>]" Set mySht = Sh Set myRng = mySht.UsedRange tmpAr = myRng Set RegExp_3_Digit_Num = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Item_Number = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_SentakuHanni = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_SubCategory1 = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_SubCategory2 = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_MedCategory = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Foods_Group = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_JapaneseOnly = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Upper_Lower = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Upper_Only = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Lower_Only = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_RoundBracket = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_SquareBracket = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_AngleBracket = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_3_Digit_Num .Pattern = "[0-9]{3}$" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Item_Number .Pattern = "^[0-9]{5}$" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_SentakuHanni .Pattern = "(,|~)" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_SubCategory1 .Pattern = "^((|\().()|\))$" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_SubCategory2 .Pattern = "^(<|>)$" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_MedCategory .Pattern = "^\[.\]$" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Foods_Group .Pattern = "^([0-9]|[0-9]{2})$" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix .Pattern = "^[^A-Za-z0-9]+(\([^A-Za-z0-9]+\))?([A-Za-z])" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_JapaneseOnly .Pattern = "^[^A-Za-z0-9]+(\([^A-Za-z0-9]+\))?$" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Upper_Lower .Pattern = "[A-Z][a-z]+" .IgnoreCase = False .Global = True End With With RegExp_Upper_Only .Pattern = "[A-Z]+" .IgnoreCase = False .Global = True End With With RegExp_Lower_Only .Pattern = "^[a-z]+$" .IgnoreCase = False .Global = True End With j = 0 For i = LBound(tmpAr) + 1 To UBound(tmpAr) With RegExp_RoundBracket .Pattern = Ptn_RoundStart .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_SquareBracket .Pattern = Ptn_SquareStart .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_AngleBracket .Pattern = Ptn_AngleStart .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With strFoodGroup = "" strSubFoodGroup = "" strSub_Category = "" strMajor_Category = "" ReDim Preserve StartNumber(j) ReDim Preserve Exit_Number(j) ReDim Preserve FoodGroupJP(j) ReDim Preserve FoodGroupEN(j) ReDim Preserve Sub_FoodGroup_JP(j) ReDim Preserve Sub_FoodGroup_EN(j) ReDim Preserve Sub_Category_JPN(j) ReDim Preserve Sub_Category_ENG(j) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryJP(j) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryEN(j) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryLT(j) If RegExp_3_Digit_Num.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) Then Select Case True Case RegExp_Item_Number.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) StartNumber(j) = tmpAr(i, 1) Exit_Number(j) = tmpAr(i, 1) Case RegExp_SentakuHanni.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) StartEnd = StartExit(tmpAr(i, 1)) StartNumber(j) = StartEnd(0) Exit_Number(j) = StartEnd(1) Erase StartEnd End Select FoodGroupJP(j) = strFoodGroupJP FoodGroupEN(j) = strFoodGroupEN If (i >= 19 And i <= 27) _ Or (i >= 370 And i <= 596) _ Or (i >= 599 And i <= 626) _ Or (i >= 635 And i <= 639) _ Or (i >= 646 And i <= 668) _ Then Sub_FoodGroup_JP(j) = strSubFoodGroupJP Sub_FoodGroup_EN(j) = strSubFoodGroupEN End If If tmpAr(i, 2) = "" Then Sub_Category_JPN(j) = strSub_CategoryJP Sub_Category_ENG(j) = strSub_CategoryEN End If For k = 2 To 8 strMajor_Category = strMajor_Category & " " & tmpAr(i, k) Next k strMajor_Category = Trim(strMajor_Category) On Error Resume Next For k = 1 To 8 If RegExp_Lower_Only.Test(tmpAr(i + 1, 1)) _ And Not RegExp_SubCategory1.Test(tmpAr(i + 1, 1)) _ And Not RegExp_SubCategory2.Test(tmpAr(i + 1, 1)) _ And Not RegExp_Foods_Group.Test(tmpAr(i + 1, 1)) _ And Not RegExp_3_Digit_Num.Test(tmpAr(i + 1, 1)) _ Then strMajor_Category = strMajor_Category & " " & tmpAr(i + 1, k) End If Next k On Error GoTo 0 strMajor_Category = Trim(strMajor_Category) If RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix.Test(strMajor_Category) Then StartEnd = Separate_Jpn_Eng(strMajor_Category) Major_CategoryJP(j) = StartEnd(0) Erase StartEnd Set myMatches = RegExp_Upper_Lower.Execute(strMajor_Category) Major_CategoryEN(j) = Mid(strMajor_Category, _ myMatches.Item(0).firstindex + 1, _ myMatches.Item(myMatches.Count - 1).firstindex _ - myMatches.Item(0).firstindex - 1) Set myMatch = myMatches.Item(myMatches.Count - 1) Major_CategoryLT(j) = Mid(strMajor_Category, myMatch.firstindex + 1) Else End If Else Select Case True Case RegExp_Foods_Group.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) For k = 2 To 8 strFoodGroup = strFoodGroup & " " & tmpAr(i, k) Next k strFoodGroup = Trim(strFoodGroup) Select Case True Case RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix.Test(strFoodGroup) Set myMatches = RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix.Execute(strFoodGroup) Set myMatch = myMatches.Item(0) strFoodGroupJP = Left(strFoodGroup, myMatches.Item(0).Length - 1) strFoodGroupEN = Mid(strFoodGroup, myMatches.Item(0).Length) Case RegExp_JapaneseOnly.Test(strFoodGroup) Set myMatches = RegExp_JapaneseOnly.Execute(strFoodGroup) Set myMatch = myMatches.Item(0) strFoodGroupJP = Left(strFoodGroup, myMatches.Item(0).Length - 1) strFoodGroupEN = Mid(strFoodGroup, myMatches.Item(0).Length) Case Else End Select Case RegExp_AngleBracket.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) For k = 1 To 8 strSubFoodGroup = strSubFoodGroup & " " & tmpAr(i, k) Next k strSubFoodGroup = Trim(strSubFoodGroup) With RegExp_AngleBracket .Pattern = Ptn_Angle_Exit .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set myMatches = RegExp_AngleBracket.Execute(strSubFoodGroup) strSubFoodGroupJP = myMatches.Item(0).Value strSubFoodGroupEN = Mid(strSubFoodGroup, myMatches.Item(0).Length + 2) strSubFoodGroupEN = Replace(strSubFoodGroupEN, "<", "<") strSubFoodGroupEN = Replace(strSubFoodGroupEN, ">", ">") Case RegExp_RoundBracket.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) For k = 1 To 8 strSub_Category = strSub_Category & " " & tmpAr(i, k) Next k strSub_Category = Trim(strSub_Category) With RegExp_RoundBracket .Pattern = Ptn_Round_Exit .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set myMatches = RegExp_RoundBracket.Execute(strSub_Category) On Error Resume Next strSub_CategoryJP = myMatches.Item(0).Value strSub_CategoryJP = Replace(strSub_CategoryJP, "(", "(") strSub_CategoryJP = Replace(strSub_CategoryJP, ")", ")") strSub_CategoryEN = Mid(strSub_Category, myMatches.Item(0).Length + 2) strSub_CategoryEN = Replace(strSub_CategoryEN, "(", "(") strSub_CategoryEN = Replace(strSub_CategoryEN, ")", ")") On Error GoTo 0 Case Else End Select j = j - 1 End If j = j + 1 Next i ReDim myArray(UBound(StartNumber), 10) For n = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray) myArray(n, 0) = StartNumber(n) myArray(n, 1) = Exit_Number(n) myArray(n, 2) = FoodGroupJP(n) myArray(n, 3) = FoodGroupEN(n) myArray(n, 4) = Sub_FoodGroup_JP(n) myArray(n, 5) = Sub_FoodGroup_EN(n) myArray(n, 6) = Sub_Category_JPN(n) myArray(n, 7) = Sub_Category_ENG(n) myArray(n, 8) = Major_CategoryJP(n) myArray(n, 9) = Major_CategoryEN(n) myArray(n, 10) = Major_CategoryLT(n) Next n MajorCategoryAr = myArray End Function Function StartExit(ByVal InputStr As String) As String() Dim str As String Dim Ar() As String str = InputStr ReDim Ar(1) Ar(0) = Left(str, 5) Ar(1) = Left(str, 2) & Right(str, 3) StartExit = Ar End Function Function Separate_Jpn_Eng(ByVal InputStr As String) As String() Dim str As String Dim Ar() As String Dim RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix As Object Dim myMatches As Object Dim myMatch As Object Const Ptn_Jpn_Eng_Mix As String = "^[^A-Za-z0-9]+(\([^A-Za-z0-9]+\))?([A-Za-z])" str = InputStr ReDim Ar(1) Set RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix .Pattern = Ptn_Jpn_Eng_Mix .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set myMatches = RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix.Execute(str) For Each myMatch In myMatches If myMatches.Count > 0 Then Ar(0) = Left(str, myMatches.Item(0).Length - 1) Ar(1) = Mid(str, myMatches.Item(0).Length) End If Next myMatch Separate_Jpn_Eng = Ar End Function Sub Separate_by_Parent() Dim mySht1 As Worksheet Dim mySht2 As Worksheet Dim mySht3 As Worksheet Dim myRng As Range Dim tmpAr As Variant Dim Major_CategoryAr As Variant Dim No_Cancel_Ar As Variant Dim ItemNamAr() As String Dim ItemNumAr() As String Dim JapaneseName() As String Dim English_Name() As String Dim ItemArray() As String Dim Residual_JPN() As String Dim Residual_ENG() As String Dim Residual_Row() As String Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim k As Long Dim m As Long Dim n As Long Dim p As Long Dim q As Long Dim r As Long Dim s As Long Dim t As Long Dim str_JPN_Analyse As String Dim str_ENG_Analyse As String Dim strFoodGroup As String Dim strFoodGroupJP As String Dim strFoodGroupEN As String Dim strSubFoodGroup As String Dim strSubFoodGroupJP As String Dim strSubFoodGroupEN As String Dim strSub_Category As String Dim strSub_CategoryJP As String Dim strSub_CategoryEN As String Dim strMajor_Category As String Dim strMajor_CategoryJP As String Dim strMajor_CategoryEN As String Dim strMediumCategory As String Dim strMediumCategoryJP As String Dim strMediumCategoryEN As String Dim strMinor_Category As String Dim strMinor_CategoryJP As String Dim strMinor_CategoryEN As String Dim strDetailCategory As String Dim strDetailCategoryJP As String Dim strDetailCategoryEN As String Dim FoodGrouNum() As String Dim FoodGroupJP() As String Dim FoodGroupEN() As String Dim Sub_FoodGroup_JP() As String Dim Sub_FoodGroup_EN() As String Dim Sub_Group_JP_Row() As String Dim Sub_Group_EN_Row() As String Dim Sub_Category_JPN() As String Dim Sub_Category_ENG() As String Dim SubCategory_RowJ() As String Dim SubCategory_RowE() As String Dim Major_CategoryJP() As String Dim Major_CategoryEN() As String Dim Major_CategoryLT() As String Dim Major_JPN_RowNum() As String Dim Major_ENG_RowNum() As String Dim Major_Temp_Array() As String Dim MediumCategoryJP() As String Dim MediumCategoryEN() As String Dim Med_JP_RowNumber() As Long Dim Med_EN_RowNumber() As Long Dim Med_Category_JPN() As String Dim Med_Category_ENG() As String Dim MediumCategoryAr() As String Dim Minor_CategoryJP() As String Dim Minor_CategoryEN() As String Dim Min_JP_RowNumber() As Long Dim Min_EN_RowNumber() As Long Dim Min_Category_JPN() As String Dim Min_Category_ENG() As String Dim Minor_CategoryAr() As String Dim DetailCategoryJP() As String Dim DetailCategoryEN() As String Const Ptn_FoodGroupNum As String = "^([0-9]|[0-9]{2})$" Const Ptn_Jpn_Eng_Mix As String = "^[^A-Za-z0-9]+(\([^A-Za-z0-9]+\))?([A-Za-z])" Const Ptn_JapaneseOnly As String = "^[^A-Za-z0-9\*]+(\([^A-Za-z0-9]+\))?$" Const Ptn_Upper_Lower As String = "[A-Za-z\s:\-,]+" '"[A-Za-z,\s]+" Const Ptn_Upper_Only As String = "[A-Z]+" Const Ptn_Lower_Only As String = "^[a-z]+$" Const Ptn_AngleStart As String = "^[\<<]" Const Ptn_Angle_JPN As String = "[<<].+[>>]" Const Ptn_Angle_ENG As String = "[<<].+[>>]" Const Ptn_RoundStart As String = "^[\((][^0-9]+" Const Ptn_Round_JPN As String = "[\((][^A-Za-z0-9]+[\))]" Const Ptn_Round_ENG As String = "[\((][A-Za-z\s]+[\))]" Const Ptn_SquareStart As String = "^\[" Const Ptn_Square_JPN As String = "\[[^A-Za-z0-9]+\]" Const Ptn_Square_ENG As String = "\[[A-Za-z\s:\-,]+(\]|])" Dim RegExp_MedCategory As Object Dim RegExp_Foods_Group As Object Dim RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix As Object Dim RegExp_JapaneseOnly As Object Dim RegExp_English_Only As Object Dim RegExp_Upper_Lower As Object Dim RegExp_Upper_Only As Object Dim RegExp_Lower_Only As Object Dim RegExp_Angle_Bracket As Object Dim RegExp_Angle_Bracket_JP As Object Dim RegExp_Angle_Bracket_EN As Object Dim RegExp_Round_Bracket As Object Dim RegExp_Round_Bracket_JP As Object Dim RegExp_Round_Bracket_EN As Object Dim RegExp_SquareBracket As Object Dim RegExp_SquareBracket_JP As Object Dim RegExp_SquareBracket_EN As Object Dim RegExp_5_Number As Object Dim RegExp_Japanese As Object Dim RegExp_Alphabet As Object Dim myMatches As Object Dim myMatch As Object Const Ptn_5_Number As String = "^[0-9]{5}$" Const Ptn_Japanese As String = "[^A-Za-z0-9]{2,}" Const Ptn_Alphabet As String = "^[A-Za-z]{2,}" Dim CEREALS As Long Dim POTATOES As Long Dim SUGARS As Long Dim PULSES As Long Dim NUTS As Long Dim VEGETABLES As Long Dim FRUITS As Long Dim MUSHROOMS As Long Dim ALGAE As Long Dim FISHES As Long Dim MEATS As Long Dim EGGS As Long Dim MILK As Long Dim OIL As Long Dim CONFECTIONERIES As Long Dim BEVERAGES As Long Dim SEASONINGS As Long Dim PREPARED As Long Dim RegExpJapaneseName As Object Const Ptn_JapaneseName As String = "^([0-9%]{1,3})?[^A-Za-z0-9]+" Set RegExpJapaneseName = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExpJapaneseName .Pattern = Ptn_JapaneseName .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Dim RegExp_EnglishName As Object Dim Ptn_EnglishName As String Ptn_EnglishName = "^[A-Za-z0-9%\.,\-'" & ChrW(&HC0) & "-" & ChrW(&HFF) & "]+$" Set RegExp_EnglishName = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_EnglishName .Pattern = Ptn_EnglishName .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set RegExp_5_Number = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_MedCategory = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Foods_Group = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_JapaneseOnly = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_English_Only = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Upper_Lower = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Upper_Only = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Lower_Only = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Angle_Bracket = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Angle_Bracket_JP = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Angle_Bracket_EN = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Round_Bracket = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Round_Bracket_JP = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Round_Bracket_EN = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_SquareBracket = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_SquareBracket_JP = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_SquareBracket_EN = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Japanese = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Alphabet = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_5_Number .Pattern = Ptn_5_Number .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Angle_Bracket .Pattern = Ptn_AngleStart .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Angle_Bracket_JP .Pattern = Ptn_Angle_JPN .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Angle_Bracket_EN .Pattern = Ptn_Angle_ENG .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Round_Bracket .Pattern = Ptn_RoundStart .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Round_Bracket_JP .Pattern = Ptn_Round_JPN .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Round_Bracket_EN .Pattern = Ptn_Round_ENG .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_SquareBracket .Pattern = Ptn_SquareStart .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_SquareBracket_JP .Pattern = Ptn_Square_JPN .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_SquareBracket_EN .Pattern = Ptn_Square_ENG .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Japanese .Pattern = Ptn_Japanese .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Alphabet .Pattern = Ptn_Alphabet .IgnoreCase = False .Global = True End With With RegExp_JapaneseOnly .Pattern = Ptn_JapaneseOnly .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set mySht1 = Worksheets("Sheet1") Set mySht2 = Worksheets("Sheet2") Set myRng = mySht1.UsedRange tmpAr = myRng Major_CategoryAr = MajorCategoryAr(mySht2) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryAr(UBound(Major_CategoryAr), UBound(Major_CategoryAr, 2) + 2) m = 0 For i = LBound(tmpAr) To UBound(tmpAr) For n = LBound(Major_CategoryAr) To UBound(Major_CategoryAr) If Major_CategoryAr(n, 0) = tmpAr(i, 1) Then Major_CategoryAr(n, 11) = i End If If Major_CategoryAr(n, 1) = tmpAr(i, 1) Then Major_CategoryAr(n, 12) = i End If Next n Next i m = 0 n = 0 p = 0 q = 0 No_Cancel_Ar = NoCancelArray(mySht1) For r = LBound(No_Cancel_Ar) To UBound(No_Cancel_Ar) For i = No_Cancel_Ar(r, 0) To No_Cancel_Ar(r, 1) str_JPN_Analyse = "" str_ENG_Analyse = "" On Error Resume Next For k = 1 To 5 str_JPN_Analyse = str_JPN_Analyse & tmpAr(i, k) str_ENG_Analyse = str_ENG_Analyse & " " & tmpAr(i + 1, k) str_ENG_Analyse = Replace(str_ENG_Analyse, " ", " ") Next k For k = 1 To 3 str_ENG_Analyse = str_ENG_Analyse & " " & tmpAr(i + 2, k) str_ENG_Analyse = Replace(str_ENG_Analyse, " ", " ") Next k On Error GoTo 0 str_ENG_Analyse = Trim(str_ENG_Analyse) Select Case True Case RegExp_Angle_Bracket.Test(str_JPN_Analyse) And _ RegExp_Angle_Bracket.Test(str_ENG_Analyse) ReDim Preserve Sub_FoodGroup_JP(p) ReDim Preserve Sub_FoodGroup_EN(p) ReDim Preserve Sub_Group_JP_Row(p) ReDim Preserve Sub_Group_EN_Row(p) Set myMatches = RegExp_Angle_Bracket_JP.Execute(str_JPN_Analyse) Sub_FoodGroup_JP(p) = myMatches.Item(0).Value Sub_Group_JP_Row(p) = i Set myMatches = RegExp_Angle_Bracket_EN.Execute(str_ENG_Analyse) Sub_FoodGroup_EN(p) = myMatches.Item(0).Value Sub_FoodGroup_EN(p) = Replace(Sub_FoodGroup_EN(p), "<", "<") Sub_FoodGroup_EN(p) = Replace(Sub_FoodGroup_EN(p), ">", ">") Sub_Group_EN_Row(p) = i + 1 p = p + 1 Case RegExp_Round_Bracket_JP.Test(str_JPN_Analyse) And _ RegExp_Round_Bracket_EN.Test(str_ENG_Analyse) ReDim Preserve Sub_Category_JPN(n) ReDim Preserve Sub_Category_ENG(n) ReDim Preserve SubCategory_RowJ(n) ReDim Preserve SubCategory_RowE(n) Set myMatches = RegExp_Round_Bracket_JP.Execute(str_JPN_Analyse) Sub_Category_JPN(n) = myMatches.Item(0).Value Sub_Category_JPN(n) = Replace(Sub_Category_JPN(n), "(", "(") Sub_Category_JPN(n) = Replace(Sub_Category_JPN(n), ")", ")") SubCategory_RowJ(n) = i Set myMatches = RegExp_Round_Bracket_EN.Execute(str_ENG_Analyse) Sub_Category_ENG(n) = myMatches.Item(0).Value Sub_Category_ENG(n) = Replace(Sub_Category_ENG(n), "(", "(") Sub_Category_ENG(n) = Replace(Sub_Category_ENG(n), ")", ")") SubCategory_RowE(n) = i + 1 n = n + 1 Case RegExp_SquareBracket_JP.Test(str_JPN_Analyse) And _ RegExp_SquareBracket_EN.Test(str_ENG_Analyse) ReDim Preserve MediumCategoryJP(m) ReDim Preserve Med_JP_RowNumber(m) ReDim Preserve MediumCategoryEN(m) ReDim Preserve Med_EN_RowNumber(m) Set myMatches = RegExp_SquareBracket_JP.Execute(str_JPN_Analyse) MediumCategoryJP(m) = myMatches.Item(0).Value Med_JP_RowNumber(m) = i Set myMatches = RegExp_SquareBracket_EN.Execute(str_ENG_Analyse) MediumCategoryEN(m) = myMatches.Item(0).Value Med_EN_RowNumber(m) = i + 1 m = m + 1 Case RegExp_Japanese.Test(str_JPN_Analyse) And _ RegExp_Alphabet.Test(str_ENG_Analyse) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryJP(q) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryEN(q) ReDim Preserve Major_JPN_RowNum(q) ReDim Preserve Major_ENG_RowNum(q) Set myMatches = RegExp_Japanese.Execute(str_JPN_Analyse) Major_CategoryJP(q) = myMatches.Item(0).Value Major_JPN_RowNum(q) = i Set myMatches = RegExp_Alphabet.Execute(str_ENG_Analyse) Major_CategoryEN(q) = myMatches.Item(0).Value Major_ENG_RowNum(q) = i + 1 q = q + 1 Case Else End Select Next i Next r ReDim Major_Temp_Array(UBound(Major_CategoryJP), 5) For q = LBound(Major_Temp_Array) To UBound(Major_Temp_Array) - 1 Major_Temp_Array(q, 0) = Major_CategoryJP(q) Major_Temp_Array(q, 1) = Major_JPN_RowNum(q) Major_Temp_Array(q, 2) = Major_JPN_RowNum(q + 1) Major_Temp_Array(q, 3) = Major_CategoryEN(q) Major_Temp_Array(q, 4) = Major_ENG_RowNum(q) Major_Temp_Array(q, 5) = Major_ENG_RowNum(q + 1) Next q Major_Temp_Array(q, 0) = Major_CategoryJP(UBound(Major_Temp_Array)) Major_Temp_Array(q, 1) = Major_JPN_RowNum(UBound(Major_Temp_Array)) Major_Temp_Array(q, 2) = 32757 Major_Temp_Array(q, 3) = Major_CategoryEN(UBound(Major_Temp_Array)) Major_Temp_Array(q, 4) = Major_ENG_RowNum(UBound(Major_Temp_Array)) Major_Temp_Array(q, 5) = 32757 ReDim MediumCategoryAr(UBound(MediumCategoryJP), 5) For m = LBound(MediumCategoryAr) To UBound(MediumCategoryAr) - 1 MediumCategoryAr(m, 0) = MediumCategoryJP(m) MediumCategoryAr(m, 1) = Med_JP_RowNumber(m) MediumCategoryAr(m, 2) = Med_JP_RowNumber(m + 1) MediumCategoryAr(m, 3) = MediumCategoryEN(m) MediumCategoryAr(m, 4) = Med_EN_RowNumber(m) MediumCategoryAr(m, 5) = Med_EN_RowNumber(m + 1) Next m MediumCategoryAr(m, 0) = MediumCategoryJP(UBound(MediumCategoryAr)) MediumCategoryAr(m, 1) = Med_JP_RowNumber(UBound(MediumCategoryAr)) MediumCategoryAr(m, 2) = 26271 MediumCategoryAr(m, 3) = MediumCategoryEN(UBound(MediumCategoryAr)) MediumCategoryAr(m, 4) = Med_EN_RowNumber(UBound(MediumCategoryAr)) MediumCategoryAr(m, 5) = 26271 For m = LBound(MediumCategoryAr) To UBound(MediumCategoryAr) For n = LBound(Major_CategoryAr) To UBound(Major_CategoryAr) If CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 1)) > CLng(Major_CategoryAr(n, 11)) And _ CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 1)) < CLng(Major_CategoryAr(n, 12)) And _ CLng(Major_CategoryAr(n, 12)) < CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 2)) Then MediumCategoryAr(m, 2) = Major_CategoryAr(n, 12) End If If CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 4)) > CLng(Major_CategoryAr(n, 11)) And _ CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 4)) < CLng(Major_CategoryAr(n, 12)) And _ CLng(Major_CategoryAr(n, 12)) < CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 5)) Then MediumCategoryAr(m, 5) = Major_CategoryAr(n, 12) Exit For End If Next n Next m p = 0 For i = LBound(tmpAr) To UBound(tmpAr) - 1 strMinor_CategoryJP = "" strMinor_CategoryEN = "" For n = LBound(Major_CategoryAr) To UBound(Major_CategoryAr) If RegExp_JapaneseOnly.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) And _ Not RegExp_5_Number.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) And _ Not RegExp_Round_Bracket.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) And _ Not RegExp_SquareBracket.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) And _ Not RegExp_Angle_Bracket.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) And _ InStr(tmpAr(i, 1), Major_CategoryAr(n, 8)) <> 0 And _ InStr(tmpAr(i + 1, 1), Major_CategoryAr(n, 9)) <> 0 And _ i >= Major_CategoryAr(n, 11) And _ i <= Major_CategoryAr(n, 12) Then ReDim Preserve Minor_CategoryJP(p) ReDim Preserve Minor_CategoryEN(p) ReDim Preserve Min_JP_RowNumber(p) ReDim Preserve Min_EN_RowNumber(p) For k = 1 To 2 strMinor_CategoryJP = strMinor_CategoryJP & tmpAr(i, k) strMinor_CategoryEN = strMinor_CategoryEN & " " & tmpAr(i + 1, k) strMinor_CategoryEN = Trim(strMinor_CategoryEN) Next k Set myMatches = RegExp_JapaneseOnly.Execute(strMinor_CategoryJP) Minor_CategoryJP(p) = strMinor_CategoryJP Min_JP_RowNumber(p) = i Set myMatches = RegExp_Upper_Lower.Execute(strMinor_CategoryEN) Minor_CategoryEN(p) = strMinor_CategoryEN Min_EN_RowNumber(p) = i + 1 p = p + 1 Else End If Next n Next i j = 0 For i = LBound(tmpAr) To UBound(tmpAr) strFoodGroup = "" strSubFoodGroup = "" strSub_Category = "" strMajor_Category = "" strMinor_Category = "" strDetailCategory = "" If RegExp_5_Number.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) And tmpAr(i, 2) <> "(欠番)" Then ReDim Preserve ItemNamAr(j) ReDim Preserve ItemNumAr(j) ReDim Preserve FoodGrouNum(j) ReDim Preserve FoodGroupJP(j) ReDim Preserve FoodGroupEN(j) ReDim Preserve Sub_FoodGroup_JP(j) ReDim Preserve Sub_FoodGroup_EN(j) ReDim Preserve Sub_Category_JPN(j) ReDim Preserve Sub_Category_ENG(j) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryJP(j) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryEN(j) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryLT(j) ReDim Preserve Med_Category_JPN(j) ReDim Preserve Med_Category_ENG(j) ReDim Preserve Minor_CategoryJP(j) ReDim Preserve Minor_CategoryEN(j) ReDim Preserve DetailCategoryJP(j) ReDim Preserve DetailCategoryEN(j) ReDim Preserve JapaneseName(j) ReDim Preserve English_Name(j) ItemNamAr(j) = tmpAr(i, 1) ItemNumAr(j) = i Select Case True Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "01" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "穀類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "CEREALS" CEREALS = CEREALS + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "02" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "いも及びでん粉類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "POTATOES AND STARCHES" POTATOES = POTATOES + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "03" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "砂糖及び甘味類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "SUGARS" SUGARS = SUGARS + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "04" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "豆類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "PULSES" PULSES = PULSES + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "05" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "種実類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "NUTS AND SEEDS" NUTS = NUTS + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "06" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "野菜類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "VEGETABLES" VEGETABLES = VEGETABLES + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "07" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "果実類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "FRUITS" FRUITS = FRUITS + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "08" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "きのこ類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "MUSHROOMS" MUSHROOMS = MUSHROOMS + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "09" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "藻類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "ALGAE" ALGAE = ALGAE + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "10" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "魚介類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "FISHES AND SHELLFISHES" FISHES = FISHES + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "11" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "肉類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "MEATS" MEATS = MEATS + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "12" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "卵類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "EGGS" EGGS = EGGS + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "13" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "乳類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "MILKS" MILK = MILK + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "14" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "油脂類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "FATS AND OILS" OIL = OIL + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "15" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "菓子類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "CONFECTIONERIES" CONFECTIONERIES = CONFECTIONERIES + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "16" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "し好飲料類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "BEVERAGES" BEVERAGES = BEVERAGES + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "17" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "調味料及び香辛料類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "SEASONINGS AND SPICES" SEASONINGS = SEASONINGS + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "18" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "調理加工食品類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "PREPARED FOODS" PREPARED = PREPARED + 1 Case Else End Select If RegExpJapaneseName.Test(tmpAr(i, 2)) Then Set myMatches = RegExpJapaneseName.Execute(tmpAr(i, 2)) JapaneseName(j) = myMatches.Item(0).Value End If For t = 1 To 6 If RegExp_EnglishName.Test(tmpAr(i + 1, t)) Then English_Name(j) = English_Name(j) & " " & tmpAr(i + 1, t) English_Name(j) = Trim(English_Name(j)) Else Exit For End If Next t For k = LBound(Major_CategoryAr) To UBound(Major_CategoryAr) If CLng(tmpAr(i, 1)) >= CLng(Major_CategoryAr(k, 0)) _ And CLng(tmpAr(i, 1)) <= CLng(Major_CategoryAr(k, 1)) Then Sub_FoodGroup_JP(j) = Major_CategoryAr(k, 4) Sub_FoodGroup_EN(j) = Major_CategoryAr(k, 5) Sub_Category_JPN(j) = Major_CategoryAr(k, 6) Sub_Category_ENG(j) = Major_CategoryAr(k, 7) Major_CategoryJP(j) = Major_CategoryAr(k, 8) Major_CategoryEN(j) = Major_CategoryAr(k, 9) Major_CategoryLT(j) = Major_CategoryAr(k, 10) For m = LBound(MediumCategoryAr) To UBound(MediumCategoryAr) If i >= CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 1)) And _ i <= CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 2)) Then Med_Category_JPN(j) = MediumCategoryAr(m, 0) End If If i >= CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 4)) And _ i <= CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 5)) Then Med_Category_ENG(j) = MediumCategoryAr(m, 3) End If Next m Else End If Next k Else j = j - 1 End If j = j + 1 Next i ReDim ItemArray(UBound(ItemNamAr), 14) For i = LBound(ItemArray) To UBound(ItemArray) ItemArray(i, 0) = ItemNamAr(i) ItemArray(i, 1) = FoodGrouNum(i) ItemArray(i, 2) = FoodGroupJP(i) ItemArray(i, 3) = FoodGroupEN(i) ItemArray(i, 4) = Sub_FoodGroup_JP(i) ItemArray(i, 5) = Sub_FoodGroup_EN(i) ItemArray(i, 6) = Sub_Category_JPN(i) ItemArray(i, 7) = Sub_Category_ENG(i) ItemArray(i, 8) = Major_CategoryJP(i) ItemArray(i, 9) = Major_CategoryEN(i) ItemArray(i, 10) = Major_CategoryLT(i) ItemArray(i, 11) = Med_Category_JPN(i) ItemArray(i, 12) = Med_Category_ENG(i) ItemArray(i, 13) = JapaneseName(i) ItemArray(i, 14) = English_Name(i) Next i Set mySht3 = Worksheets.Add With mySht3 .Name = "Result" .Range("A1").Value = "ItemNumber" .Range("B1").Value = "食品群番号" .Range("C1").Value = "食品群" .Range("D1").Value = "FoodGroup" .Range("E1").Value = "副分類" .Range("F1").Value = "SubFoodGroup" .Range("G1").Value = "区分" .Range("H1").Value = "SubCategory" .Range("I1").Value = "大分類" .Range("J1").Value = "MajorCategory" .Range("K1").Value = "AcademicName" .Range("L1").Value = "中分類" .Range("M1").Value = "MediumCategory" .Range("N1").Value = "小分類・細分" .Range("O1").Value = "MinorCategory_Details" .Range("A2:O1879").Value = ItemArray End With End Sub Function NoCancelArray(ByRef Sh As Worksheet) As Variant Dim mySht As Worksheet Dim myRng As Range Dim tmpAr As Variant Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim RegExpCancel As Object Dim RegExp_Exit As Object Const StrCancel As String = "^(1\)|residues)$" Dim CancelItem() As String Dim CancelRow1() As String Dim CancelRow2() As String Dim myCancelAr() As String Dim Cancel_Array() As String Set RegExpCancel = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExpCancel .Pattern = StrCancel .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set mySht = Sh Set myRng = mySht.UsedRange tmpAr = myRng j = 0 For i = LBound(tmpAr) To UBound(tmpAr) If RegExpCancel.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) Then ReDim Preserve CancelItem(j) ReDim Preserve CancelRow1(i) CancelItem(j) = tmpAr(i, 1) CancelRow1(j) = i j = j + 1 End If Next i ReDim myCancelAr(UBound(CancelItem), 1) For j = LBound(myCancelAr) To UBound(myCancelAr) myCancelAr(j, 0) = CancelItem(j) myCancelAr(j, 1) = CancelRow1(j) Next j ReDim Preserve myCancelAr(UBound(myCancelAr), 2) j = 0 For i = LBound(myCancelAr) To UBound(myCancelAr) - 1 If myCancelAr(i, 0) = "1)" Then If myCancelAr(i + 2, 0) = "residues" Then myCancelAr(i, 2) = myCancelAr(i + 2, 1) Else myCancelAr(i, 2) = myCancelAr(i + 1, 1) End If j = j + 1 End If Next i Erase CancelRow1 j = 0 ReDim CancelRow1(j) ReDim CancelRow2(j) CancelRow1(j) = myCancelAr(j, 1) CancelRow2(j) = myCancelAr(j, 2) For i = LBound(myCancelAr) + 1 To UBound(myCancelAr) If myCancelAr(i, 0) = "1)" And _ myCancelAr(i - 1, 0) <> "1)" Then j = j + 1 ReDim Preserve CancelRow1(j) ReDim Preserve CancelRow2(j) CancelRow1(j) = myCancelAr(i, 1) CancelRow2(j) = myCancelAr(i, 2) End If Next i ReDim Cancel_Array(UBound(CancelRow1), 1) j = 0 For j = LBound(Cancel_Array) To UBound(Cancel_Array) Cancel_Array(j, 0) = CancelRow1(j) Cancel_Array(j, 1) = CancelRow2(j) Next j j = 0 Cancel_Array(j, 0) = 1 Cancel_Array(j, 1) = CancelRow1(j) For j = LBound(Cancel_Array) + 1 To UBound(Cancel_Array) Cancel_Array(j, 0) = CancelRow2(j - 1) Cancel_Array(j, 1) = CancelRow1(j) Next j NoCancelArray = Cancel_Array End Function
日本食品標準成分表2010の食品番号をカテゴリー分類する その2