Classify the Item_Number of the ‘Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan 2010’


I have released ‘Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan 2010′ on Jan. 18, 2012. However, I did not classify which Item_Number is categorized into food groups or derived from any organism.

In this contents, I have described incomplete way how to classify them.

Example 1 shows that the code exports Item_Number, major category, medium category, minor category and details. Please note that the tree structures is not complete.

Example 2 shows complete tree structures. However, I could not write the complete code with recursion.

Example 1. Incomplete data
Item Number Major Category Medium Category Minor Category Major Category Medium Category Minor Category
01012 こむぎ [玄穀] 国産 Wheat [Whole grain] Domestic




[小麦粉] 薄力粉
[Wheat  flour] Soft flour
[小麦粉] 薄力粉
[Wheat flour] Soft flour


Medium flour

Medium flour


Hard flour


Hard flour


Hard flour


Premixed flour


Premixed flour
Example 2. Complete data
Item Number Major Category Medium Category Minor Category Major Category MediumCategory MinorCategory
01012 こむぎ [玄穀] 国産 Wheat [Whole grain] Domestic
01013 こむぎ [玄穀] 輸入 Wheat [Whole grain] Imported
01014 こむぎ [玄穀] 輸入 Wheat [Whole grain] Imported
01015 こむぎ [小麦粉] 薄力粉 Wheat [Wheat  flour] Soft flour
01016  こむぎ [小麦粉] 薄力粉 Wheat [Wheat flour] Soft flour
01018 こむぎ [小麦粉] 中力粉 Wheat [Wheat flour] Medium flour
01019  こむぎ [小麦粉] 中力粉 Wheat [Wheat flour] Medium flour
01020 こむぎ [小麦粉] 強力粉 Wheat [Whole flour] Hard flour
01021 こむぎ [小麦粉] 強力粉 Wheat [Wheat flour] Hard flour
01023 こむぎ [小麦粉] 強力粉 Wheat [Wheat flour] Hard flour
01024 こむぎ [小麦粉] プレミックス粉 Wheat [Wheat flour] Premixed flour
01025 こむぎ [小麦粉] プレミックス粉 Wheat [Wheat flour] Premixed flour

Please copy text from the PDF files and paste to EXCEL worksheet by such procedure as described in this content. Press ‘Alt’ key and ‘F11’ key to load VBE. Run the following code:

Option Explicit
Sub ItemNum()
Dim mySht           As Worksheet
Dim myRng           As Range
Dim i               As Long
Dim j               As Long
Dim k               As Long
Dim tmpAr           As Variant
Dim myItem()        As String
Dim myNum1()        As String
Dim myNum2()        As String
Dim ItemNumAr()     As String
Dim myCancel()      As String
Dim Cancel_Ar()     As String
Dim myAr()          As String
Dim myAr2()         As String
Dim myGroupNamJP()  As String
Dim myGroupNumJP()  As String
Dim myGroupNamEN()  As String
Dim myGroupNumEN()  As String
Dim GroupAr()       As String
Dim myRegExp1       As Object
Dim myRegExp2       As Object
Dim myStrPtn        As String
Dim myStrPtn2       As String
Const startStrPtn   As String = "^(1\\)|residues)$"
Dim tmpStrJ         As String
Dim tmpStrE         As String
Const endStrPtn     As String = "[0-9]\\)$"
Const JapStrPtn     As String = "([ぁ-ヶ]|[亜-黑])+$"
Dim myStr           As String
Set mySht = ActiveSheet
Set myRng = Application.Intersect(mySht.Range("A:F"), _
tmpAr = myRng
Set myRegExp1 = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
myStrPtn = "^[0-9]{5}$"
With myRegExp1
    .Pattern = myStrPtn
    .IgnoreCase = True
    .Global = True
End With
Set myRegExp2 = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With myRegExp2
    .Pattern = startStrPtn
    .IgnoreCase = True
    .Global = True
End With
j = 0
For i = LBound(tmpAr) To UBound(tmpAr)
    If myRegExp1.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) And _
       tmpAr(i, 2)  "(欠番)" Then
        ReDim Preserve myItem(j)
        ReDim Preserve myNum1(j)
        myItem(j) = tmpAr(i, 1)
        myNum1(j) = i
        j = j - 1
    End If
    j = j + 1
Next i
ReDim ItemNumAr(j - 1, 2)
    ItemNumAr(LBound(ItemNumAr), 0) = myItem(LBound(ItemNumAr))
    ItemNumAr(LBound(ItemNumAr), 1) = 7
    ItemNumAr(LBound(ItemNumAr), 2) = myNum1(LBound(ItemNumAr))
For k = LBound(ItemNumAr) + 1 To UBound(ItemNumAr)
    ItemNumAr(k, 0) = myItem(k)
    ItemNumAr(k, 1) = myNum1(k - 1) + 1
    ItemNumAr(k, 2) = myNum1(k)
Next k
Erase myItem
Erase myNum1
j = 0
For i = LBound(tmpAr) To UBound(tmpAr)
    If myRegExp2.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) _
        ReDim Preserve myItem(j)
        ReDim Preserve myNum1(i)
        myItem(j) = tmpAr(i, 1)
        myNum1(j) = i
        j = j - 1
    End If
    j = j + 1
Next i
ReDim myCancel(UBound(myItem), 1)
For k = LBound(myCancel) To UBound(myCancel)
    myCancel(k, 0) = myItem(k)
    myCancel(k, 1) = myNum1(k)
Next k
Erase myItem
Erase myNum1
ReDim Preserve myCancel(UBound(myCancel), 2)
j = 0
For i = LBound(myCancel) To UBound(myCancel) - 1
    If myCancel(i, 0) = "1)" Then
        If myCancel(i + 2, 0) = "residues" Then
            myCancel(i, 2) = myCancel(i + 2, 1)
            myCancel(i, 2) = myCancel(i + 1, 1)
        End If
        j = j - 1
    End If
    j = j + 1
Next i
ReDim Cancel_Ar(j - 1, 2)
j = 0
For i = LBound(myCancel) To UBound(myCancel) - 1
    If myCancel(i, 0) = "1)" Then
        Cancel_Ar(j, 0) = myCancel(i, 0)
        Cancel_Ar(j, 1) = myCancel(i, 1)
        Cancel_Ar(j, 2) = myCancel(i, 2)
        j = j - 1
    End If
    j = j + 1
Next i
k = 0
ReDim myItem(k)
ReDim myNum1(k)
ReDim myNum2(k)
For i = LBound(ItemNumAr) To UBound(ItemNumAr)
    ReDim Preserve myItem(k)
    ReDim Preserve myNum1(k)
    ReDim Preserve myNum2(k)
    For j = LBound(Cancel_Ar) To UBound(Cancel_Ar)
        If CLng(ItemNumAr(i, 1))  i And _
           myRegExp1.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) _
            ReDim Preserve myGroupNamJP(k)
            ReDim Preserve myGroupNumJP(k)
            ReDim Preserve myGroupNamEN(k)
            ReDim Preserve myGroupNumEN(k)
            myGroupNamJP(k) = tmpAr(i - 1, 1) & _
                           tmpAr(i - 1, 2) & _
                           tmpAr(i - 1, 3) & _
                           tmpAr(i - 1, 4) & _
                           tmpAr(i - 1, 5) & _
                           tmpAr(i - 1, 6)
            myGroupNumJP(k) = i - 1
            myGroupNamEN(k) = RTrim(tmpAr(i, 1) & " " & _
                         Replace(tmpAr(i, 2), "*", "") & " " & _
                         Replace(tmpAr(i, 3), "*", "") & " " & _
                         Replace(tmpAr(i, 4), "*", "") & " " & _
                         Replace(tmpAr(i, 5), "*", "") & " " & _
                         Replace(tmpAr(i, 6), "*", ""))
            myGroupNumEN(k) = i
            k = k - 1
        End If
        k = k + 1
    Next j
Next i
ReDim GroupAr(UBound(myGroupNamJP), 3)
For i = LBound(GroupAr) To UBound(GroupAr)
    GroupAr(i, 0) = myGroupNamJP(i)
    GroupAr(i, 1) = myGroupNumJP(i)
    GroupAr(i, 2) = myGroupNamEN(i)
    GroupAr(i, 3) = myGroupNumEN(i)
Next i
Erase myGroupNamJP
Erase myGroupNumJP
Erase myGroupNamEN
Erase myGroupNumEN
k = 0
For i = LBound(GroupAr) To UBound(GroupAr)
    ReDim Preserve myGroupNamJP(k)
    ReDim Preserve myGroupNumJP(k)
    ReDim Preserve myGroupNamEN(k)
    ReDim Preserve myGroupNumEN(k)
    myGroupNamJP(k) = GroupAr(i, 0)
    myGroupNumJP(k) = GroupAr(i, 1)
    myGroupNamEN(k) = GroupAr(i, 2)
    myGroupNumEN(k) = GroupAr(i, 3)
    k = k + 1
    For j = LBound(Cancel_Ar) To UBound(Cancel_Ar)
        If CLng(Cancel_Ar(j, 1)) 

投稿者: admin

趣味:写真撮影とデータベース. カメラ:TOYO FIELD, Hasselblad 500C/M, Leica M6. SQL Server 2008 R2, MySQL, Microsoft Access.


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