EXCEL のワークシートに挿入されたテーブルにはデフォルトでオートフィルターが設定されています.このテーブルに対してオートフィルターをかけた結果を VBA で取得する方法は難解で,従来の考え方とは少し異なります.
with Database, Statistics and Nutrition
EXCEL のワークシートに挿入されたテーブルにはデフォルトでオートフィルターが設定されています.このテーブルに対してオートフィルターをかけた結果を VBA で取得する方法は難解で,従来の考え方とは少し異なります.
EXCEL は散布図を描く際によく用いています.散布図のデータ系列の指定は奥深く,非常に難しいものがあり,少し凝ったことをしようとすると大変な目に遭います.
手動では設定不可能なほどの数のデータ系列の設定を VBA から行えないか,試行錯誤しました.今回はマクロの記録にとどめます.
森林を構成する樹木の分布と積算温度には対応が見られます.暖かい地方では冬の寒さが,寒い地方では夏の暑さが植物の分布を制約するためです.吉良竜夫はこの点に注目し,暖かさの指数warmth indexおよび寒さの指数coldness indexという温量指数を考案しました.
日本の植生帯を特徴づける樹木の分布帯と暖かさの指数との関係をみると,180, 85, 45, 15のところにそれぞれの植生帯の上端(すなわち低温側の分布限界)が集中していると言われます.それに基づいて日本の気候は次のように分類されます.
気象庁のサイトでは日本全国の過去の気象データを蓄積しており,それらをダウンロードすることができます.今回は EXCEL VBA を用いて Web Query によりデータをダウンロードし,温量指数を計算する方法を述べます.
方法はこちらのページ(EXCEL VBAで気象庁ホームページから風向風速,降水量,気温,日照時間のデータをダウンロードする)に詳しいですが,同ページのコードが動かなかったため,再度マクロの記録から接続文字列などを検証しました.
year= で年を指定しており,ここを変数化してループすればEXCELでデータを自動抽出できます.以下コードです.
Option Explicit Sub WarmthIndex() Dim mySht As Worksheet Dim myWeather(1048574, 15) As Variant Dim myURL As String Dim myYear As Integer Dim myMonth As Integer Dim myDate As Date Dim myRng As Range Dim myPlace As String Dim i As Integer Dim j As Long Dim myTime As Single Application.ScreenUpdating = False j = 0 myDate = Date myPlace = "**" myTime = Timer For myYear = 1977 To Year(myDate) - 1 myURL = "URL;https://www.data.jma.go.jp/obd/stats/etrn/view/monthly_a1.php?prec_no=55&block_no=0552&year=" & myYear & "&month=&day=&view=p1" Set mySht = Worksheets.Add Set myRng = mySht.Range("$A$1") With mySht.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=myURL, Destination:=myRng) .WebSelectionType = xlSpecifiedTables .WebFormatting = xlWebFormattingNone .WebTables = """tablefix1""" .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False End With Set myRng = myRng.CurrentRegion With myRng .Replace What:=" ", Replacement:="" .Replace What:="]", Replacement:="" .Replace What:=")", Replacement:="" .Replace What:="/", Replacement:="" End With For i = 0 To myRng.Rows.Count - 4 myWeather(j, 0) = myPlace myWeather(j, 1) = myYear myWeather(j, 2) = myRng(i + 4, 1) myWeather(j, 3) = myRng(i + 4, 2) myWeather(j, 4) = myRng(i + 4, 3) myWeather(j, 5) = myRng(i + 4, 4) myWeather(j, 6) = myRng(i + 4, 6) myWeather(j, 7) = myRng(i + 4, 7) myWeather(j, 8) = myRng(i + 4, 8) myWeather(j, 9) = myRng(i + 4, 9) myWeather(j, 10) = myRng(i + 4, 10) myWeather(j, 11) = myRng(i + 4, 11) myWeather(j, 12) = myRng(i + 4, 12) myWeather(j, 13) = myRng(i + 4, 13) myWeather(j, 14) = myRng(i + 4, 16) Select Case True Case myRng(i + 4, 6) - 5 <= 0 myWeather(j, 15) = 0 Case Else myWeather(j, 15) = myRng(i + 4, 6) - 5 End Select j = j + 1 Next i Application.DisplayAlerts = False mySht.Delete Application.DisplayAlerts = True Next myYear Set mySht = Worksheets.Add With mySht .Name = myYear & myPlace & "温量指数" .Range("$A$1") = "地点" .Range("$B$1") = "年" .Range("$C$1") = "月" .Range("$D$1") = "降水量合計" .Range("$E$1") = "日最大降水量" .Range("$F$1") = "1時間最大降水量" .Range("$G$1") = "日平均気温" .Range("$H$1") = "日最高気温" .Range("$I$1") = "日最低気温" .Range("$J$1") = "最高気温" .Range("$K$1") = "最低気温" .Range("$L$1") = "平均風速" .Range("$M$1") = "最大風速" .Range("$N$1") = "最大風向" .Range("$O$1") = "日照時間" .Range("$P$1") = "温量指数" .Range("$A$2:$P$1048576") = myWeather End With Debug.Print Round(Timer - myTime, 2) Set myRng = Nothing Set mySht = Nothing Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
Option Explicit Sub SummerSlumpIndex() Dim mySht As Worksheet Dim myWeather(1048574, 13) As Variant Dim myURL As String Dim myYear As Integer Dim myMonth As Integer Dim myDate As Date Dim myRng As Range Dim myPlace As String Dim i As Integer Dim j As Long Dim myTime As Single Application.ScreenUpdating = False j = 0 myDate = Date myPlace = "**" myTime = Timer For myYear = 1977 To Year(myDate) - 1 On Error Resume Next If DateSerial(myYear, myMonth, 1) - DateSerial(Year(myDate), Month(myDate), 1) >= 0 Then Exit For End If On Error GoTo 0 For myMonth = 1 To 12 myURL = "URL;https://www.data.jma.go.jp/obd/stats/etrn/view/daily_a1.php?prec_no=55&block_no=0552&year=" & myYear & "&month=" & myMonth & "&day=&view=p1" Set mySht = Worksheets.Add Set myRng = mySht.Range("$A$1") With mySht.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=myURL, Destination:=myRng) .WebSelectionType = xlSpecifiedTables .WebFormatting = xlWebFormattingNone .WebTables = """tablefix1""" .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False End With Set myRng = myRng.CurrentRegion With myRng .Replace What:=" ", Replacement:="" .Replace What:="]", Replacement:="" .Replace What:=")", Replacement:="" .Replace What:="/", Replacement:="" End With For i = 0 To myRng.Rows.Count - 4 myWeather(j, 0) = myPlace myWeather(j, 1) = DateSerial(myYear, myMonth, myRng(i + 4, 1)) myWeather(j, 2) = myRng(i + 4, 2) myWeather(j, 3) = myRng(i + 4, 3) myWeather(j, 4) = myRng(i + 4, 5) myWeather(j, 5) = myRng(i + 4, 6) myWeather(j, 6) = myRng(i + 4, 7) myWeather(j, 7) = myRng(i + 4, 8) myWeather(j, 8) = myRng(i + 4, 9) myWeather(j, 9) = myRng(i + 4, 10) myWeather(j, 10) = myRng(i + 4, 13) myWeather(j, 11) = myRng(i + 4, 14) Select Case True Case myRng(i + 4, 5) - 5 <= 0 myWeather(j, 12) = 0 Case Else myWeather(j, 12) = myRng(i + 4, 5) - 5 End Select Select Case True Case myRng(i + 4, 6) - 25 <= 0 myWeather(j, 13) = 0 Case Else myWeather(j, 13) = myRng(i + 4, 6) - 25 End Select j = j + 1 Next i Application.DisplayAlerts = False mySht.Delete Application.DisplayAlerts = True Next myMonth Next myYear Set mySht = Worksheets.Add With mySht .Name = myYear & myPlace .Range("$A$1") = "地点" .Range("$B$1") = "年月日" .Range("$C$1") = "降水量合計" .Range("$D$1") = "1時間最大降水量" .Range("$E$1") = "平均気温" .Range("$F$1") = "最高気温" .Range("$G$1") = "最低気温" .Range("$H$1") = "平均風速" .Range("$I$1") = "最大風速" .Range("$J$1") = "最大風向" .Range("$K$1") = "最多風向" .Range("$L$1") = "日照時間" .Range("$M$1") = "温量指数" .Range("$N$1") = "夏枯れ指数" .Range("$A$2:$N$1048576") = myWeather End With Debug.Print Round(Timer - myTime, 2) Set myRng = Nothing Set mySht = Nothing Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
In this article, I’d like to describe how to fix the text file of the food composition of the diet recipes, which a facility have provided for one year, to the first normal form in order to insert into database.
Option Explicit Sub LoopProcedure() Dim Sh As Worksheet For Each Sh In Worksheets If Sh.Name Like "Sheet" & "*" Then Call TransportFromTxtToCSV(Sh) End If Next Sh End Sub Sub TransportFromTxtToCSV() Dim mySht As Worksheet Dim myRng As Range Dim myAr As Variant Dim RecAr() As String Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim k As Long Dim Date_Serving_Meal As Date Dim Menu_Name As String Dim tmpStart As Long Dim Meal_Time As String Dim Dish As String Dim RecordNumber As Long set mysht = sh RecordNumber = Count_Record(mySht) ReDim RecAr(RecordNumber - 1, 51) Set myRng = mySht.UsedRange myAr = myRng k = 0 Date_Serving_Meal = "2011/1/1" Menu_Name = myAr(1, 11) & myAr(1, 12) & myAr(1, 13) tmpStart = InStr(Menu_Name, ")") Menu_Name = Mid(Menu_Name, tmpStart + 1) Meal_Time = "朝食" For i = LBound(myAr) To UBound(myAr) Select Case True Case myAr(i, 2) = "合 計" Date_Serving_Meal = DateAdd("d", 1, Date_Serving_Meal) Case myAr(i, 2) = "《朝食》" Meal_Time = "朝食" Case myAr(i, 2) = "《昼食》" Meal_Time = "昼食" Case myAr(i, 2) = "《夕食》" Meal_Time = "夕食" Case myAr(i, 2) = "小 計" Case myAr(i, 2) = "^e12【献立" Case myAr(i, 2) Like "動蛋比" & "*" Case myAr(i, 2) = "・・・・・・・・・・" Case myAr(i, 2) = "料理名" Case myAr(i, 2) = "" Case Else Dish = myAr(i, 2) End Select Select Case True Case myAr(i, 3) = "・・・・・・・・・・・" Case myAr(i, 3) Like "EN比" & "*" Case myAr(i, 3) = "食品名" Case myAr(i, 3) Like "一覧表】 ^e11" & "*" Case myAr(i, 3) = "" Case Else RecAr(k, 0) = Date_Serving_Meal RecAr(k, 1) = Menu_Name RecAr(k, 2) = Meal_Time RecAr(k, 3) = Dish RecAr(k, 4) = myAr(i, 3) For j = 5 To 22 RecAr(k, j) = myAr(i, j - 1) Next j For j = 23 To 39 RecAr(k, j) = myAr(i + 1, j - 18) Next j For j = 40 To 51 RecAr(k, j) = myAr(i + 2, j - 35) Next j k = k + 1 End Select Next i Set mySht = Worksheets.Add With mySht .Name = Menu_Name .Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(RecordNumber, 52)) = RecAr End With Set mySht = Nothing Set myRng = Nothing Erase RecAr End Sub Function Count_Record(ByRef Sh As Worksheet) As Long Dim mySht As Worksheet Dim myAr As Variant Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim k As Long Set mySht = Sh myAr = mySht.UsedRange j = 0 k = 0 For i = LBound(myAr) To UBound(myAr) Select Case True Case myAr(i, 2) = "合 計" Case myAr(i, 2) = "小 計" Case myAr(i, 2) = "《朝食》" Case myAr(i, 2) = "《昼食》" Case myAr(i, 2) = "《夕食》" Case myAr(i, 2) = "^e12【献立" Case myAr(i, 2) Like "動蛋比" & "*" Case myAr(i, 2) = "・・・・・・・・・・" Case myAr(i, 2) = "料理名" Case myAr(i, 2) = "" Case Else j = j + 1 End Select Select Case True Case myAr(i, 3) = "・・・・・・・・・・・" Case myAr(i, 3) Like "EN比" & "*" Case myAr(i, 3) = "食品名" Case myAr(i, 3) Like "一覧表】 ^e11" & "*" Case myAr(i, 3) = "" Case Else k = k + 1 End Select Next i Count_Record = k End Function
ある施設の1年間で提供した食事のレシピの食品成分のテキストファイルから,データベースに取り込むための前処置としてデータを第1正規形に整形する EXCEL VBA コードです.個人的な備忘録です.
94行目以降の関数 Count_Record は,アクティブシートをループして必要なレコード数を計測する関数です.104行目以降で料理名の数(B列),119行目以降で食品名の数(C列)に注目しています.サブルーチン TransportFromTxtToCSV から呼び出して,動的配列の要素数を後で決定するのに用います.
Option Explicit Sub LoopProcedure() Dim Sh As Worksheet For Each Sh In Worksheets If Sh.Name Like "Sheet" & "*" Then Call TransportFromTxtToCSV(Sh) End If Next Sh End Sub Sub TransportFromTxtToCSV() Dim mySht As Worksheet Dim myRng As Range Dim myAr As Variant Dim RecAr() As String Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim k As Long Dim Date_Serving_Meal As Date Dim Menu_Name As String Dim tmpStart As Long Dim Meal_Time As String Dim Dish As String Dim RecordNumber As Long set mysht = sh RecordNumber = Count_Record(mySht) ReDim RecAr(RecordNumber - 1, 51) Set myRng = mySht.UsedRange myAr = myRng k = 0 Date_Serving_Meal = "2011/1/1" Menu_Name = myAr(1, 11) & myAr(1, 12) & myAr(1, 13) tmpStart = InStr(Menu_Name, ")") Menu_Name = Mid(Menu_Name, tmpStart + 1) Meal_Time = "朝食" For i = LBound(myAr) To UBound(myAr) Select Case True Case myAr(i, 2) = "合 計" Date_Serving_Meal = DateAdd("d", 1, Date_Serving_Meal) Case myAr(i, 2) = "《朝食》" Meal_Time = "朝食" Case myAr(i, 2) = "《昼食》" Meal_Time = "昼食" Case myAr(i, 2) = "《夕食》" Meal_Time = "夕食" Case myAr(i, 2) = "小 計" Case myAr(i, 2) = "^e12【献立" Case myAr(i, 2) Like "動蛋比" & "*" Case myAr(i, 2) = "・・・・・・・・・・" Case myAr(i, 2) = "料理名" Case myAr(i, 2) = "" Case Else Dish = myAr(i, 2) End Select Select Case True Case myAr(i, 3) = "・・・・・・・・・・・" Case myAr(i, 3) Like "EN比" & "*" Case myAr(i, 3) = "食品名" Case myAr(i, 3) Like "一覧表】 ^e11" & "*" Case myAr(i, 3) = "" Case Else RecAr(k, 0) = Date_Serving_Meal RecAr(k, 1) = Menu_Name RecAr(k, 2) = Meal_Time RecAr(k, 3) = Dish RecAr(k, 4) = myAr(i, 3) For j = 5 To 22 RecAr(k, j) = myAr(i, j - 1) Next j For j = 23 To 39 RecAr(k, j) = myAr(i + 1, j - 18) Next j For j = 40 To 51 RecAr(k, j) = myAr(i + 2, j - 35) Next j k = k + 1 End Select Next i Set mySht = Worksheets.Add With mySht .Name = Menu_Name .Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(RecordNumber, 52)) = RecAr End With Set mySht = Nothing Set myRng = Nothing Erase RecAr End Sub Function Count_Record(ByRef Sh As Worksheet) As Long Dim mySht As Worksheet Dim myAr As Variant Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim k As Long Set mySht = Sh myAr = mySht.UsedRange j = 0 k = 0 For i = LBound(myAr) To UBound(myAr) Select Case True Case myAr(i, 2) = "合 計" Case myAr(i, 2) = "小 計" Case myAr(i, 2) = "《朝食》" Case myAr(i, 2) = "《昼食》" Case myAr(i, 2) = "《夕食》" Case myAr(i, 2) = "^e12【献立" Case myAr(i, 2) Like "動蛋比" & "*" Case myAr(i, 2) = "・・・・・・・・・・" Case myAr(i, 2) = "料理名" Case myAr(i, 2) = "" Case Else j = j + 1 End Select Select Case True Case myAr(i, 3) = "・・・・・・・・・・・" Case myAr(i, 3) Like "EN比" & "*" Case myAr(i, 3) = "食品名" Case myAr(i, 3) Like "一覧表】 ^e11" & "*" Case myAr(i, 3) = "" Case Else k = k + 1 End Select Next i Count_Record = k End Function
EXCEL VBA において,2 つの配列が等しいか否か調べたいことはよくあります.更に2つの配列の差分,つまり互いに重複しない要素を取り出したいという需要もあります.今回は配列の差分を求めるコードを紹介します.
Array1 の配列要素全体を A, Array2 の配列要素全体を B とすると Array1 から Array2 を差し引いた差分は下式で表現されます.
Option Explicit Function COMPARE_ARRAY(ByRef Array1() As String, ByRef Array2() As String) As Boolean Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim k As Long k = 0 For i = LBound(Array1) To UBound(Array1) For j = LBound(Array2) To UBound(Array2) If Array1(i) = Array2(j) Then k = k + 1 End If Next j Next i If i = j And i = k Then COMPARE_ARRAY = True Else COMPARE_ARRAY = False End If End Function Function PROPERSUBSET_ARRAY(ByRef Array1() As String, ByRef Array2() As String) As Boolean Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim k As Long k = 0 For i = LBound(Array1) To UBound(Array1) For j = LBound(Array2) To UBound(Array2) If Array1(i) = Array2(j) Then k = k + 1 End If Next j Next i If k = i Then PROPERSUBSET_ARRAY = True Else PROPERSUBSET_ARRAY = False End If End Function
下記関数では第 3 引数の Compare の指定により Array1 から Array2 の差分を求めるか,Array2 から Array1 の差分を求めるかを指定しています.但し,配列内の要素にもともと空白文字列があった場合にはうまく動作しません.
Function EXCEPT_ARRAY(ByRef Array1() As String, ByRef Array2() As String, ByVal Compare As Boolean) As String() Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim k As Long Dim InternalAr1() As String Dim InternalAr2() As String Dim Ar1Ar() As String Dim Ar2Ar() As String InternalAr1 = Array1 InternalAr2 = Array2 For i = LBound(InternalAr1) To UBound(InternalAr1) For j = LBound(InternalAr2) To UBound(InternalAr2) If InternalAr1(i) = InternalAr2(j) Then InternalAr1(i) = "" InternalAr2(j) = "" k = k + 1 End If Next j Next i k = 0 For i = LBound(InternalAr1) To UBound(InternalAr1) If InternalAr1(i) = "" Then Else ReDim Preserve Ar1Ar(k) Ar1Ar(k) = InternalAr1(i) k = k + 1 End If Next i k = 0 For j = LBound(InternalAr2) To UBound(InternalAr2) If InternalAr2(j) = "" Then Else ReDim Preserve Ar2Ar(k) Ar2Ar(k) = InternalAr2(j) k = k + 1 End If Next j If Compare Then EXCEPT_ARRAY = Ar1Ar Else EXCEPT_ARRAY = Ar2Ar End If End Function
When you’d like to compare 2 arrays in EXCEL VBA whether they are equal or not, what would you do? Furthermore, you might get different elements that don’t overlap each other. I’d like to describe the code that how to get differences of 2 arrays.
At first, you would have to check whether they are equal each other or not because the difference of equal arrays is empty set. Next, you would have to check whether an array is proper subset of another array or not. At last, you could get difference between 2 arrays.
See formula as below, it is shown all elements of Array1 as “A”, all elements of Array2 as “B” and differences elements from Array1 and Array2 as “A And (not B)”.
The following code compares elements between two set and get number of equal elements with double loop, that means to get intersection of 2 sets.
Option Explicit Function COMPARE_ARRAY(ByRef Array1() As String, ByRef Array2() As String) As Boolean Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim k As Long k = 0 For i = LBound(Array1) To UBound(Array1) For j = LBound(Array2) To UBound(Array2) If Array1(i) = Array2(j) Then k = k + 1 End If Next j Next i If i = j And i = k Then COMPARE_ARRAY = True Else COMPARE_ARRAY = False End If End Function Function PROPERSUBSET_ARRAY(ByRef Array1() As String, ByRef Array2() As String) As Boolean Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim k As Long k = 0 For i = LBound(Array1) To UBound(Array1) For j = LBound(Array2) To UBound(Array2) If Array1(i) = Array2(j) Then k = k + 1 End If Next j Next i If k = i Then PROPERSUBSET_ARRAY = True Else PROPERSUBSET_ARRAY = False End If End Function
Configuration of the 3rd argument “Compare” specifies which array should be excepted, when it was TRUE the function would except the latter from the former, when it was FALSE then it would except the former from the latter, respectively. It’s assumed that the elements of arrays has no empty string.
Function EXCEPT_ARRAY(ByRef Array1() As String, ByRef Array2() As String, ByVal Compare As Boolean) As String() Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim k As Long Dim InternalAr1() As String Dim InternalAr2() As String Dim Ar1Ar() As String Dim Ar2Ar() As String InternalAr1 = Array1 InternalAr2 = Array2 For i = LBound(InternalAr1) To UBound(InternalAr1) For j = LBound(InternalAr2) To UBound(InternalAr2) If InternalAr1(i) = InternalAr2(j) Then InternalAr1(i) = "" InternalAr2(j) = "" k = k + 1 End If Next j Next i k = 0 For i = LBound(InternalAr1) To UBound(InternalAr1) If InternalAr1(i) = "" Then Else ReDim Preserve Ar1Ar(k) Ar1Ar(k) = InternalAr1(i) k = k + 1 End If Next i k = 0 For j = LBound(InternalAr2) To UBound(InternalAr2) If InternalAr2(j) = "" Then Else ReDim Preserve Ar2Ar(k) Ar2Ar(k) = InternalAr2(j) k = k + 1 End If Next j If Compare Then EXCEPT_ARRAY = Ar1Ar Else EXCEPT_ARRAY = Ar2Ar End If End Function
It’s needed to enter password which requires a character, a number and a symbol at least, respectively. I’d like to describe how to validate password with VBScript®. It’s assumed that the length of password is 8 or greater.
In 23 line, the constraint is shown. In 22 line with comment, it’s shown that constrains password to require both a single-byte character and number at least and 8 or greater character length.
Option Explicit Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() With TextBox1 If Not CheckPassword(.Text) Then .SetFocus .SelStart = 0 .SelLength = Len(.Text) Exit Sub Else End If End With Unload Me End Sub Function CheckPassword(InputString As String) As Boolean Dim myReg As Object CheckPassword = False Set myReg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With myReg '.Pattern = "(?!^[0-9]*$)(?!^[a-zA-Z]*$)^([a-zA-Z0-9]{8,})$" .Pattern = "(?!^[0-9]*$)(?!^[a-zA-Z]*$)(?!^[!-/:-@[-`{-~]*$)(?!^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$)(?!^[!-@[-`{-~]*$)(?!^[!-/:-~]*$)^([!-~]{8,})$" .IgnoreCase = False .Global = True End With If myReg.Test(InputString) Then CheckPassword = True End If Set myReg = Nothing End Function Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() With TextBox1 .IMEMode = fmIMEModeDisable .PasswordChar = "*" End With End Sub
You might need description here. The pattern (?!pattern) means such negative lookahead as EXCEPT operator effects in SQL. To seek area three circles overlap, it’s needed to remove areas around. After filtering out not required patterns with negative lookahead, it validates length of the password. The number of required pattern, which verifies n types of letter, is 2n – 2.
Not Needed | Negative Lookahead Pattern |
Number | (?!^[0-9]*$) |
Character | (?!^[a-zA-Z]*$) |
Symbol | (?!^[!-/:-@[-`{-~]*$) |
Character and number | (?!^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$) |
Number and symbol | (?!^[!-@[-`{-~]*$) |
Character and symbol | (?!^[!-/:-~]*$) |
Regular Expression Language – Quick Reference
How To: Use Regular Expressions to Constrain Input in ASP.NET
ASCII character code list (0-127)
Userform of Excel VBA as user interface
パスワード設定の際に半角数字,半角英字,半角記号をそれぞれ最低でも 1 文字使用するよう求められるケースは多いと思います.今回は VBScript の正規表現を用いてパスワードをチェックする方法を紹介します.
制約条件を半角英数字,半角記号を最低でも 1 文字用いることとし,文字列長を 8 文字以上とします.下図のようにユーザーフォーム上にラベルとテキストボックスとコマンドボタンを配置します.それぞれ Label1, TextBox1, CommandButton1 とします.
下記コードの 23 行目で制約条件を表現します.コメントアウトした 22 行目は半角英数字のみを 8 文字以上用いる場合の正規表現です.文字クラス内でエスケープが必要なメタ文字は \ と ] の 2 種類です.
Option Explicit Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() With TextBox1 If Not CheckPassword(.Text) Then .SetFocus .SelStart = 0 .SelLength = Len(.Text) Exit Sub Else End If End With Unload Me End Sub Function CheckPassword(InputString As String) As Boolean Dim myReg As Object CheckPassword = False Set myReg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With myReg '.Pattern = "(?!^[0-9]*$)(?!^[a-zA-Z]*$)^([a-zA-Z0-9]{8,})$" .Pattern = "(?!^[0-9]*$)(?!^[a-zA-Z]*$)(?!^[!-/:-@[-`{-~]*$)(?!^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$)(?!^[!-@[-`{-~]*$)(?!^[!-/:-~]*$)^([!-~]{8,})$" .IgnoreCase = False .Global = True End With If myReg.Test(InputString) Then CheckPassword = True End If Set myReg = Nothing End Function Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() With TextBox1 .IMEMode = fmIMEModeDisable .PasswordChar = "*" End With End Sub
ここで解説が必要かと思います.(?!pattern) は否定先読みを示し,SQL で言うところの EXCEPT 演算子と同じ働きをします.半角英数字と半角記号を最低でも 1 文字以上使用するとは,下表の文字の組み合わせを許可しないということです.下図の 3 つの円の重なる領域を求めるには,その周辺の領域を引き算して求めます.許可しないパターンを否定先読みで予めフィルタリングしておき,最後に全種類の文字クラスの文字列長をチェックしています.集合論とも考え方の重なる領域です.ちなみに,n 種類の文字種を検証するのに必要な否定先読みのパターン数は 2n – 2 です.
Not Needed | Negative Lookahead Pattern |
Number | (?!^[0-9]*$) |
Character | (?!^[a-zA-Z]*$) |
Symbol | (?!^[!-/:-@[-`{-~]*$) |
Character and number | (?!^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$) |
Number and symbol | (?!^[!-@[-`{-~]*$) |
Character and symbol | (?!^[!-/:-~]*$) |
ASP.NET への入力を制約するために正規表現を使用する方法
インターフェースとしてのEXCEL VBAによるユーザーフォーム
I have asked National Institute of Health and Nutrition if I could publish the text file revised edition of “METs table of Physical Activities” on this blog on July 3rd, 2012. I have received e-mail from staff on July 12, 2012, they consent that I publish the text file.
The file has 4 columns and 826 rows. First row shows data structure. First column shows code, second column METS value, third column major heading, and fourth column specific activities. I couldn’t separate English from Japanese.
The source is this PDF file. Although you don’t have to contact National Institute of Health and Nutrition when you would like to use for yourself, you would be asked to contact National Institute of Health and Nutrition when you would like to publish the file or create a web service with the file.
当ファイルは国立健康・栄養研究所の改訂版『身体活動メッツ表』を元に 作成したものです.個人利用においては特に連絡の必要はございませんが,ウェブサービス等,第三者が利用するサービスに当ファイルを使用する場合には国立健康・栄養研究所に確認のご連絡をお願いします.
2014 年 11 月 7 日,指摘を受け METS2011.csv ファイルを訂正しました.
National Institute of Health and Nutrition has revised ‘METs table of Physical Activities’ 2011 edition. Because it’s difficult to use as PDF file, I have extracted text data from it. I have asked if I could publish the file on this blog on July 3rd, 2012.
1. Open the file and copy all text.
2. Create new EXCEL book and paste with ‘Text File Wizard’. In the second tab, you have to remove all check mark of delimiters. In the third tab, select ‘String’ data type of column.
3. Press ‘Alt’ key and ‘F11’ key to launch VBE, insert module, and run the following code.
Option Explicit Sub METS() Dim mySht As Worksheet Dim myRng As Range Dim myAr As Variant Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim myReg As Object Dim myMatches As Object Dim myMatch As Object Const strReg As String = "^[0-9]{5}$" Dim CODE() As String Dim METS() As Single Dim MajorHeading() As String Dim SpecificActivities() As String Dim myArray() As Variant Set myReg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With myReg .Pattern = strReg .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set mySht = ActiveSheet Set myRng = mySht.UsedRange myAr = myRng j = 0 For i = LBound(myAr) To UBound(myAr) If myReg.Test(myAr(i, 1)) Then Set myMatches = myReg.Execute(myAr(i, 1)) ReDim Preserve CODE(j) ReDim Preserve METS(j) ReDim Preserve MajorHeading(j) ReDim Preserve SpecificActivities(j) CODE(j) = myAr(i, 1) METS(j) = myAr(i + 1, 1) MajorHeading(j) = myAr(i + 2, 1) SpecificActivities(j) = myAr(i + 3, 1) j = j + 1 End If Next i ReDim myArray(j, 3) For j = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray) - 1 myArray(j, 0) = CODE(j) myArray(j, 1) = METS(j) myArray(j, 2) = MajorHeading(j) myArray(j, 3) = SpecificActivities(j) Next j Set mySht = Worksheets.Add mySht.Range("A1").Value = "CODE" mySht.Range("B1").Value = "METS" mySht.Range("C1").Value = "MajorHeading" mySht.Range("D1").Value = "SpecificActivities" mySht.Range("A2:D827") = myArray End Sub
1. PDFファイルを開き,全てを選択してコピーします.
2. EXCELの新規ブックを作成し,テキストファイルウィザードを使用して貼り付けます.この際,テキストファイルウィザードの2番目のタブで区切り文字の全てのチェックを外して下さい.3番目のタブでは列のデータ形式を『文字列』に変更して下さい.
3. ‘Alt’ キーと ‘F11’ キーを押下して VBE を起動し,標準モジュールを挿入して下記コードを実行して下さい.
Option Explicit Sub METS() Dim mySht As Worksheet Dim myRng As Range Dim myAr As Variant Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim myReg As Object Dim myMatches As Object Dim myMatch As Object Const strReg As String = "^[0-9]{5}$" Dim CODE() As String Dim METS() As Single Dim MajorHeading() As String Dim SpecificActivities() As String Dim myArray() As Variant Set myReg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With myReg .Pattern = strReg .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set mySht = ActiveSheet Set myRng = mySht.UsedRange myAr = myRng j = 0 For i = LBound(myAr) To UBound(myAr) If myReg.Test(myAr(i, 1)) Then Set myMatches = myReg.Execute(myAr(i, 1)) ReDim Preserve CODE(j) ReDim Preserve METS(j) ReDim Preserve MajorHeading(j) ReDim Preserve SpecificActivities(j) CODE(j) = myAr(i, 1) METS(j) = myAr(i + 1, 1) MajorHeading(j) = myAr(i + 2, 1) SpecificActivities(j) = myAr(i + 3, 1) j = j + 1 End If Next i ReDim myArray(j, 3) For j = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray) - 1 myArray(j, 0) = CODE(j) myArray(j, 1) = METS(j) myArray(j, 2) = MajorHeading(j) myArray(j, 3) = SpecificActivities(j) Next j Set mySht = Worksheets.Add mySht.Range("A1").Value = "CODE" mySht.Range("B1").Value = "METS" mySht.Range("C1").Value = "MajorHeading" mySht.Range("D1").Value = "SpecificActivities" mySht.Range("A2:D827") = myArray End Sub
According to the article, download the PDF files ‘1299012_1.pdf’ to ‘1299012_18.pdf’. Corresponding to each PDF file in PDF files, copy all text from one file and option paste to one worksheet. As a result, you would make 18 worksheets in a book. In the first tab of ‘Text File Wizard’, select option ‘The data field separated by delimiters such as comma or tab’. Go to the last tab without any change in second tab. In the last tab, change option data type of the first column to ‘String’. Mainly in column A of all worksheets, you have to fix cell value by yourself. Save the book as ‘Category.xlsm’. Furthermore, download the EXCEL book from this site, copy worksheet from it to ‘Category.xlsm’ which you previously prepared, and change the sheet name to ‘Sheet0’.
Copy or move the worksheet, which you made at Classify the Item_Number of the ‘Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan 2010′, Part 1, to ‘Category.xlsm’. As a result, ‘Category.xlsm’ book has 20 worksheets. Press ‘Alt’ key and ‘F11’ key to launch VBE, insert module and run the code below. The code makes ‘M_CATEGORY’ sheet.
Option Explicit Sub Select_Class() Dim tmpSht As Worksheet Dim tmpRng As Range Dim tmpArray As Variant Dim workArray As Variant Dim h As Long Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim k As Long Dim l As Long Dim m As Long Dim n As Long Dim p As Long Dim q As Long Dim r As Long Dim RegExp_Japanese As Object Dim RegExp_English As Object Dim RegExp_ItemNum As Object Const PtnJPN As String = "[^A-Za-z0-9'\.\-\*]{2,}" Const PtnENG As String = "^[A-Za-z0-9'\,\.\-\%]+$" Const PtnItemNum As String = "^[0-9]{5}$" Dim Item_Number() As String Dim JapaneseItem() As String Dim EnglishItem() As String Dim EnglishString As String Dim JapaneseClass() As String Dim English_Class() As String Dim ClassStringEN As String Dim ItemNumArray() As String Dim ItemENGArray() As String Dim ClassArrayJP() As String Dim ClassArrayEN() As String Dim RegExp_AngleBracket As Object Dim RegExp_RoundStartJP As Object Dim RegExp_RoundStartEN As Object Dim RegExp_RoundExitEN As Object Const Ptn_Round_Start As String = "^(\(|()" Const Ptn_Round_Exit As String = "(\)|))$" Dim StringRoundEnglish As String Dim SubClassJapanese() As String Dim SubClass_English() As String Dim RegExp_Square_Start As Object Dim RegExp_SquareExitEN As Object Const Ptn_Angle_Start As String = "^[<<]" Const Ptn_SquareStart As String = "^\[" Const Ptn_Square_Exit As String = "\]$" Dim MidleClassJP() As String Dim MidleClassEN() As String Dim StrMidClassENG As String Dim SubClass_JPN() As String Dim SubClass_ENG() As String Dim mySht As Worksheet Dim myRng As Range Dim myAr As Variant Dim workArray2() As String Dim workArray3() As String Dim mySht2 As Worksheet Dim myRng2 As Range Dim myAr2 As Variant Dim CEREALS As Long Dim POTATOES As Long Dim SUGARS As Long Dim PULSES As Long Dim NUTS As Long Dim VEGETABLES As Long Dim FRUITS As Long Dim MUSHROOMS As Long Dim ALGAE As Long Dim FISHES As Long Dim MEATS As Long Dim EGGS As Long Dim MILK As Long Dim OIL As Long Dim CONFECTIONERIES As Long Dim BEVERAGES As Long Dim SEASONINGS As Long Dim PREPARED As Long Set RegExp_Japanese = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_Japanese .Pattern = PtnJPN .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set RegExp_English = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_English .Pattern = PtnENG .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set RegExp_ItemNum = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_ItemNum .Pattern = PtnItemNum .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set RegExp_Square_Start = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_Square_Start .Pattern = Ptn_SquareStart .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set RegExp_SquareExitEN = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_SquareExitEN .Pattern = "[A-Za-z0-9'\,\.\-\%]+" & Ptn_Square_Exit .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set RegExp_RoundStartJP = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_RoundStartJP .Pattern = Ptn_Round_Start & "[^A-Za-z0-9'\.\-\*]{2,}" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set RegExp_RoundStartEN = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_RoundStartEN .Pattern = Ptn_Round_Start & "[A-Za-z'\,\.\-\%]+" End With Set RegExp_RoundExitEN = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_RoundExitEN .Pattern = "[A-Za-z0-9'\,\.\-\%]+" & Ptn_Round_Exit .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With j = 0 k = 0 l = 0 m = 0 q = 0 For Each tmpSht In Worksheets If tmpSht.Name = "M_CATEGORY" Then MsgBox prompt:="This book already has M_CATEGORY sheet." & vbCrLf & _ "Exit procedure.", _ Buttons:=vbOKOnly, _ Title:="Internal Error" Exit Sub End If If tmpSht.Name <> "Sheet0" And _ tmpSht.Name <> "Sheet00" And _ tmpSht.Name <> "Result" Then Set tmpRng = tmpSht.UsedRange tmpArray = tmpRng workArray = NoCancelArray(tmpArray) For h = LBound(workArray) To UBound(workArray) For i = workArray(h, 0) To workArray(h, 1) On Error Resume Next If RegExp_ItemNum.Test(tmpArray(i, 1)) And _ tmpArray(i, 2) <> "(欠番)" Then EnglishString = "" ReDim Preserve Item_Number(j) ReDim Preserve JapaneseItem(j) ReDim Preserve EnglishItem(j) For p = 1 To 6 If RegExp_English.Test(tmpArray(i + 1, p)) Then EnglishString = EnglishString & " " & tmpArray(i + 1, p) EnglishString = Trim(EnglishString) Else Exit For End If Next p Item_Number(j) = tmpArray(i, 1) JapaneseItem(j) = tmpArray(i, 2) EnglishItem(j) = EnglishString j = j + 1 End If On Error GoTo 0 If RegExp_Japanese.Test(tmpArray(i, 1)) And _ RegExp_English.Test(tmpArray(i + 1, 1)) Then ClassStringEN = "" ReDim Preserve JapaneseClass(k) ReDim Preserve English_Class(k) For p = 1 To 6 If RegExp_English.Test(tmpArray(i + 1, p)) Then ClassStringEN = ClassStringEN & " " & tmpArray(i + 1, p) ClassStringEN = Trim(ClassStringEN) Else Exit For End If Next p JapaneseClass(k) = tmpArray(i, 1) English_Class(k) = ClassStringEN k = k + 1 End If If RegExp_Square_Start.Test(tmpArray(i, 1)) And _ RegExp_Square_Start.Test(tmpArray(i + 1, 1)) Then StrMidClassENG = "" ReDim Preserve MidleClassJP(l) ReDim Preserve MidleClassEN(l) For p = 1 To 6 StrMidClassENG = StrMidClassENG + " " + tmpArray(i + 1, p) StrMidClassENG = Trim(StrMidClassENG) If RegExp_SquareExitEN.Test(tmpArray(i + 1, p)) Then Exit For Next p MidleClassJP(l) = tmpArray(i, 1) MidleClassEN(l) = StrMidClassENG l = l + 1 End If If RegExp_RoundStartJP.Test(tmpArray(i, 1)) And _ RegExp_RoundStartEN.Test(tmpArray(i + 1, 1)) Then StringRoundEnglish = "" ReDim Preserve SubClassJapanese(m) ReDim Preserve SubClass_English(m) For p = 1 To 6 StringRoundEnglish = StringRoundEnglish & " " & tmpArray(i + 1, p) StringRoundEnglish = Trim(StringRoundEnglish) If RegExp_RoundExitEN.Test(tmpArray(i + 1, p)) Then Exit For Next p tmpArray(i, 1) = Replace(tmpArray(i, 1), "(", "(") tmpArray(i, 1) = Replace(tmpArray(i, 1), ")", ")") SubClassJapanese(m) = tmpArray(i, 1) StringRoundEnglish = Replace(StringRoundEnglish, "(", "(") StringRoundEnglish = Replace(StringRoundEnglish, ")", ")") SubClass_English(m) = StringRoundEnglish m = m + 1 End If Next i Next h q = q + 1 End If Next tmpSht Set mySht = Worksheets("Sheet0") Set myRng = Intersect(mySht.Range("A:H"), mySht.UsedRange) myAr = myRng ReDim workArray2(UBound(myAr) - 1, 16) For i = LBound(workArray2) To UBound(workArray2) workArray2(i, 0) = myAr(i + 1, 1) workArray2(i, 1) = myAr(i + 1, 2) workArray2(i, 2) = myAr(i + 1, 3) myAr(i + 1, 4) = Replace(myAr(i + 1, 4), "(", "(") myAr(i + 1, 4) = Replace(myAr(i + 1, 4), ")", ")") workArray2(i, 6) = myAr(i + 1, 4) workArray2(i, 8) = myAr(i + 1, 5) workArray2(i, 10) = myAr(i + 1, 6) workArray2(i, 12) = myAr(i + 1, 7) workArray2(i, 14) = myAr(i + 1, 8) Next i Set mySht2 = Worksheets("Result") Set myRng2 = mySht2.UsedRange myAr2 = myRng2 For i = LBound(workArray2) To UBound(workArray2) For k = LBound(JapaneseClass) To UBound(JapaneseClass) If workArray2(i, 2) = JapaneseClass(k) Then workArray2(i, 3) = English_Class(k) End If If workArray2(i, 4) = JapaneseClass(k) Then workArray2(i, 5) = English_Class(k) End If If workArray2(i, 8) = JapaneseClass(k) Then workArray2(i, 9) = English_Class(k) End If If workArray2(i, 12) = JapaneseClass(k) Then workArray2(i, 13) = English_Class(k) End If Next k For m = LBound(SubClassJapanese) To UBound(SubClassJapanese) If workArray2(i, 6) = SubClassJapanese(m) Then workArray2(i, 7) = SubClass_English(m) End If Next m For l = UBound(MidleClassJP) To LBound(MidleClassJP) Step -1 If workArray2(i, 10) = MidleClassJP(l) Then workArray2(i, 11) = MidleClassEN(l) End If Next l For r = LBound(myAr2) To UBound(myAr2) If workArray2(i, 0) = myAr2(r, 1) Then workArray2(i, 4) = myAr2(r, 5) On Error Resume Next Select Case True Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "10001" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "10278" workArray2(i, 4) = "<魚類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "10319" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "10341" workArray2(i, 4) = "<えび・かに類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "10342" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "10362" workArray2(i, 4) = "<いか・たこ類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "10376" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "10388" workArray2(i, 4) = "<水産練り製品>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "11205" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "11240" workArray2(i, 4) = "<鳥肉類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "11245" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "11246" workArray2(i, 4) = "<獣肉類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "11247" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "11247" workArray2(i, 4) = "<鳥肉類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "13001" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "13050" workArray2(i, 4) = "<牛乳及び乳製品>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15001" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15040" workArray2(i, 4) = "<和生菓子・和半生菓子類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15041" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15068" workArray2(i, 4) = "<和干菓子類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15069" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15072" workArray2(i, 4) = "<菓子パン類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15073" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15085" workArray2(i, 4) = "<ケーキ・ペストリー類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15086" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15091" workArray2(i, 4) = "<デザート菓子類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15092" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15100" workArray2(i, 4) = "<ビスケット類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15101" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15104" workArray2(i, 4) = "<スナック類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15105" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15113" workArray2(i, 4) = "<キャンデー類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15114" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15116" workArray2(i, 4) = "<チョコレート類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15117" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15117" workArray2(i, 4) = "<果実菓子類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15118" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15120" workArray2(i, 4) = "<チューインガム類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "16001" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "16032" workArray2(i, 4) = "<アルコール飲料類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "16033" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "16044" workArray2(i, 4) = "<茶類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "16045" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "16049" workArray2(i, 4) = "<コーヒー・ココア類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "16050" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "16055" workArray2(i, 4) = "<その他>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "17001" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "17054" workArray2(i, 4) = "<調味料類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "17055" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "17081" workArray2(i, 4) = "<香辛料類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "17082" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "17084" workArray2(i, 4) = "<その他>" End Select On Error GoTo 0 workArray2(i, 5) = myAr2(r, 6) On Error Resume Next Select Case True Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "10001" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "10278" workArray2(i, 5) = "" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "10319" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "10341" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "10342" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "10362" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "10376" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "10388" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "11205" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "11240" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "11245" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "11246" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "11247" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "11247" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "13001" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "13050" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15001" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15040" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15041" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15068" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15069" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15072" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15073" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15085" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15086" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15091" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15092" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15100" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15101" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15104" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15105" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15113" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15114" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15116" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15117" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15117" workArray2(i, 5) = "<CANDIED FRUITS>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15118" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15120" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "16001" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "16032" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "16033" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "16044" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "16045" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "16049" workArray2(i, 5) = "COFFEES AND COCOAS>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "16050" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "16055" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "17001" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "17054" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "17055" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "17081" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "17082" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "17084" workArray2(i, 5) = " " End Select On Error GoTo 0 If workArray2(i, 6) <> "" And _ workArray2(i, 7) = "" Then workArray2(i, 7) = myAr2(r, 8) End If If workArray2(i, 8) <> "" And _ workArray2(i, 9) = "" Then If myAr2(r, 10) = "" Then workArray2(i, 9) = myAr2(r, 15) Else workArray2(i, 9) = myAr2(r, 10) End If End If If workArray2(i, 12) <> "" And _ workArray2(i, 13) = "" Then workArray2(i, 13) = myAr2(r, 15) End If If workArray2(i, 14) <> "" Then workArray2(i, 15) = myAr2(r, 15) End If workArray2(i, 16) = myAr2(r, 11) End If Select Case True Case workArray2(i, 0) = "14004a" workArray2(i, 9) = "Safflower oil" Case workArray2(i, 0) = "14011a" workArray2(i, 9) = "Sunflower oil" Case workArray2(i, 0) = "14011b" workArray2(i, 9) = "Sunflower oil" End Select Next r Next i ReDim workArray3(UBound(workArray2), UBound(workArray2, 2)) For i = LBound(workArray3) To UBound(workArray3) workArray3(i, 0) = workArray2(i, 0) workArray3(i, 1) = workArray2(i, 1) workArray3(i, 2) = workArray2(i, 2) workArray3(i, 3) = workArray2(i, 4) workArray3(i, 4) = workArray2(i, 6) workArray3(i, 5) = workArray2(i, 8) workArray3(i, 6) = workArray2(i, 10) workArray3(i, 7) = workArray2(i, 12) workArray3(i, 8) = workArray2(i, 14) workArray3(i, 9) = workArray2(i, 3) workArray3(i, 10) = workArray2(i, 5) workArray3(i, 11) = workArray2(i, 7) workArray3(i, 12) = workArray2(i, 16) workArray3(i, 13) = workArray2(i, 9) workArray3(i, 14) = workArray2(i, 11) workArray3(i, 15) = workArray2(i, 13) workArray3(i, 16) = workArray2(i, 15) Next i Set mySht = Worksheets.Add With mySht .Name = "M_CATEGORY" .Range("A1").Value = "ItemNumber" .Range("B1").Value = "FoodGroupNumber" .Range("C1").Value = "FoodGroupJP" .Range("D1").Value = "SubGroupJP" .Range("E1").Value = "SubCategoryJP" .Range("F1").Value = "MajorCategoryJP" .Range("G1").Value = "MediumCategoryJP" .Range("H1").Value = "MinorCategoryJP" .Range("I1").Value = "DetailsJP" .Range("J1").Value = "FoodGroupEN" .Range("K1").Value = "SubGroupEN" .Range("L1").Value = "SubCategoryEN" .Range("M1").Value = "AcademicName" .Range("N1").Value = "MajorCategoryEN" .Range("O1").Value = "MediumCategoryEN" .Range("P1").Value = "MinorCategoryEN" .Range("Q1").Value = "DetailsEN" .Range("A2:Q1892") = workArray3 End With Set tmpSht = Nothing Set tmpRng = Nothing Set tmpArray = Nothing Set workArray = Nothing Set RegExp_Japanese = Nothing Set RegExp_English = Nothing Set RegExp_ItemNum = Nothing Set RegExp_Square_Start = Nothing Set RegExp_SquareExitEN = Nothing Set RegExp_RoundStartJP = Nothing Set RegExp_RoundStartEN = Nothing Set RegExp_RoundExitEN = Nothing Erase Item_Number() Erase JapaneseItem() Erase EnglishItem() Erase JapaneseClass() Erase English_Class() Erase ItemNumArray() Erase ItemENGArray() Erase ClassArrayJP() Erase ClassArrayEN() Erase SubClassJapanese() Erase SubClass_English() Erase MidleClassJP() Erase MidleClassEN() Erase SubClass_JPN() Erase SubClass_ENG() Erase workArray2() Erase workArray3() Set mySht = Nothing Set myRng = Nothing Set myAr = Nothing Set mySht2 = Nothing Set myRng2 = Nothing Set myAr2 = Nothing End Sub Function NoCancelArray(ByRef Sh As Variant) As Variant Dim mySht As Variant Dim myRng As Range Dim tmpAr As Variant Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim RegExpCancel As Object Dim RegExp_Exit As Object Const StrCancel As String = "^(1\)|residues)$" Dim CancelItem() As String Dim CancelRow1() As String Dim CancelRow2() As String Dim myCancelAr() As String Dim Cancel_Array() As String Set RegExpCancel = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExpCancel .Pattern = StrCancel .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With tmpAr = Sh j = 0 For i = LBound(tmpAr) To UBound(tmpAr) If RegExpCancel.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) Then ReDim Preserve CancelItem(j) ReDim Preserve CancelRow1(i) CancelItem(j) = tmpAr(i, 1) CancelRow1(j) = i j = j + 1 End If Next i ReDim myCancelAr(UBound(CancelItem), 1) For j = LBound(myCancelAr) To UBound(myCancelAr) myCancelAr(j, 0) = CancelItem(j) myCancelAr(j, 1) = CancelRow1(j) Next j ReDim Preserve myCancelAr(UBound(myCancelAr), 2) j = 0 For i = LBound(myCancelAr) To UBound(myCancelAr) - 1 If myCancelAr(i, 0) = "1)" Then If UBound(myCancelAr) >= 2 Then If myCancelAr(i + 2, 0) = "residues" Then myCancelAr(i, 2) = myCancelAr(i + 2, 1) Else myCancelAr(i, 2) = myCancelAr(i + 1, 1) End If Else myCancelAr(i, 2) = myCancelAr(i + 1, 1) End If j = j + 1 End If Next i Erase CancelRow1 j = 0 ReDim CancelRow1(j) ReDim CancelRow2(j) CancelRow1(j) = myCancelAr(j, 1) CancelRow2(j) = myCancelAr(j, 2) For i = LBound(myCancelAr) + 1 To UBound(myCancelAr) If myCancelAr(i, 0) = "1)" And _ myCancelAr(i - 1, 0) <> "1)" Then j = j + 1 ReDim Preserve CancelRow1(j) ReDim Preserve CancelRow2(j) CancelRow1(j) = myCancelAr(i, 1) CancelRow2(j) = myCancelAr(i, 2) End If Next i ReDim Cancel_Array(UBound(CancelRow1), 1) j = 0 For j = LBound(Cancel_Array) To UBound(Cancel_Array) Cancel_Array(j, 0) = CancelRow1(j) Cancel_Array(j, 1) = CancelRow2(j) Next j j = 0 Cancel_Array(j, 0) = 1 Cancel_Array(j, 1) = CancelRow1(j) For j = LBound(Cancel_Array) + 1 To UBound(Cancel_Array) Cancel_Array(j, 0) = CancelRow2(j - 1) + 1 Cancel_Array(j, 1) = CancelRow1(j) - 1 Next j NoCancelArray = Cancel_Array End Function
I have counted number of modified cells. It was more than 2400. I could not write complete code without manual processing. It is the responsibility of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology in Japan (MEXT).
CSV file of the ‘Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan 2010′
Classify the Item_Number of the ‘Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan 2010′, Part 1
日本食品標準成分表2010』のPDFを.txtファイルに変換するの記事を参考に,ファイル名 “1299012_1.pdf” から “1299012_18.pdf” までのファイルをダウンロードします.PDF1ファイルの全テキストをコピーしてワークシート1枚に貼り付けのオプションでペーストします.テキストファイルウィザード1/3では元のデータ形式で『カンマやタブなどの区切り文字によってフィールドごとに区切られたデータ』を選択します.テキストファイルウィザード2/3では特に変更なく次へ進みます.テキストファイルウィザード3/3では最初のカラムの列のデータ形式のみ『文字列』に変更して完了をクリックします.この作業をPDFファイル分繰り返します.主にA列に対して若干の修正を施します.さらに Webテク実験室 からダウンロードしたブック “成分表2010.xls” のワークシートをコピーし,シート名を “Sheet0” に変更します.このEXCELのブックに “Category.xlsm” と名前を付けて保存します.
日本食品標準成分表2010の食品番号をカテゴリー分類する その1で作成した ”Sample.xlsm” ブックから ”Result” シートを “Category.xlsm” ブックに移動又はコピーします.AltキーとF11キーを押下してVBEを起動します.標準モジュールを挿入し,下記コードを貼り付けて実行して下さい.結果として “M_CATEGORY” という名のシートが生成します.
Option Explicit Sub Select_Class() Dim tmpSht As Worksheet Dim tmpRng As Range Dim tmpArray As Variant Dim workArray As Variant Dim h As Long Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim k As Long Dim l As Long Dim m As Long Dim n As Long Dim p As Long Dim q As Long Dim r As Long Dim RegExp_Japanese As Object Dim RegExp_English As Object Dim RegExp_ItemNum As Object Const PtnJPN As String = "[^A-Za-z0-9'\.\-\*]{2,}" Const PtnENG As String = "^[A-Za-z0-9'\,\.\-\%]+$" Const PtnItemNum As String = "^[0-9]{5}$" Dim Item_Number() As String Dim JapaneseItem() As String Dim EnglishItem() As String Dim EnglishString As String Dim JapaneseClass() As String Dim English_Class() As String Dim ClassStringEN As String Dim ItemNumArray() As String Dim ItemENGArray() As String Dim ClassArrayJP() As String Dim ClassArrayEN() As String Dim RegExp_AngleBracket As Object Dim RegExp_RoundStartJP As Object Dim RegExp_RoundStartEN As Object Dim RegExp_RoundExitEN As Object Const Ptn_Round_Start As String = "^(\(|()" Const Ptn_Round_Exit As String = "(\)|))$" Dim StringRoundEnglish As String Dim SubClassJapanese() As String Dim SubClass_English() As String Dim RegExp_Square_Start As Object Dim RegExp_SquareExitEN As Object Const Ptn_Angle_Start As String = "^[<<]" Const Ptn_SquareStart As String = "^\[" Const Ptn_Square_Exit As String = "\]$" Dim MidleClassJP() As String Dim MidleClassEN() As String Dim StrMidClassENG As String Dim SubClass_JPN() As String Dim SubClass_ENG() As String Dim mySht As Worksheet Dim myRng As Range Dim myAr As Variant Dim workArray2() As String Dim workArray3() As String Dim mySht2 As Worksheet Dim myRng2 As Range Dim myAr2 As Variant Dim CEREALS As Long Dim POTATOES As Long Dim SUGARS As Long Dim PULSES As Long Dim NUTS As Long Dim VEGETABLES As Long Dim FRUITS As Long Dim MUSHROOMS As Long Dim ALGAE As Long Dim FISHES As Long Dim MEATS As Long Dim EGGS As Long Dim MILK As Long Dim OIL As Long Dim CONFECTIONERIES As Long Dim BEVERAGES As Long Dim SEASONINGS As Long Dim PREPARED As Long Set RegExp_Japanese = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_Japanese .Pattern = PtnJPN .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set RegExp_English = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_English .Pattern = PtnENG .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set RegExp_ItemNum = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_ItemNum .Pattern = PtnItemNum .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set RegExp_Square_Start = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_Square_Start .Pattern = Ptn_SquareStart .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set RegExp_SquareExitEN = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_SquareExitEN .Pattern = "[A-Za-z0-9'\,\.\-\%]+" & Ptn_Square_Exit .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set RegExp_RoundStartJP = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_RoundStartJP .Pattern = Ptn_Round_Start & "[^A-Za-z0-9'\.\-\*]{2,}" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set RegExp_RoundStartEN = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_RoundStartEN .Pattern = Ptn_Round_Start & "[A-Za-z'\,\.\-\%]+" End With Set RegExp_RoundExitEN = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_RoundExitEN .Pattern = "[A-Za-z0-9'\,\.\-\%]+" & Ptn_Round_Exit .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With j = 0 k = 0 l = 0 m = 0 q = 0 For Each tmpSht In Worksheets If tmpSht.Name = "M_CATEGORY" Then MsgBox prompt:="M_CATEGORYと同名のシートがあります." & vbCrLf & _ "処理を終了します", _ Buttons:=vbOKOnly, _ Title:="内部エラー" Exit Sub End If If tmpSht.Name <> "Sheet0" And _ tmpSht.Name <> "Sheet00" And _ tmpSht.Name <> "Result" Then Set tmpRng = tmpSht.UsedRange tmpArray = tmpRng workArray = NoCancelArray(tmpArray) For h = LBound(workArray) To UBound(workArray) For i = workArray(h, 0) To workArray(h, 1) On Error Resume Next If RegExp_ItemNum.Test(tmpArray(i, 1)) And _ tmpArray(i, 2) <> "(欠番)" Then EnglishString = "" ReDim Preserve Item_Number(j) ReDim Preserve JapaneseItem(j) ReDim Preserve EnglishItem(j) For p = 1 To 6 If RegExp_English.Test(tmpArray(i + 1, p)) Then EnglishString = EnglishString & " " & tmpArray(i + 1, p) EnglishString = Trim(EnglishString) Else Exit For End If Next p Item_Number(j) = tmpArray(i, 1) JapaneseItem(j) = tmpArray(i, 2) EnglishItem(j) = EnglishString j = j + 1 End If On Error GoTo 0 If RegExp_Japanese.Test(tmpArray(i, 1)) And _ RegExp_English.Test(tmpArray(i + 1, 1)) Then ClassStringEN = "" ReDim Preserve JapaneseClass(k) ReDim Preserve English_Class(k) For p = 1 To 6 If RegExp_English.Test(tmpArray(i + 1, p)) Then ClassStringEN = ClassStringEN & " " & tmpArray(i + 1, p) ClassStringEN = Trim(ClassStringEN) Else Exit For End If Next p JapaneseClass(k) = tmpArray(i, 1) English_Class(k) = ClassStringEN k = k + 1 End If If RegExp_Square_Start.Test(tmpArray(i, 1)) And _ RegExp_Square_Start.Test(tmpArray(i + 1, 1)) Then StrMidClassENG = "" ReDim Preserve MidleClassJP(l) ReDim Preserve MidleClassEN(l) For p = 1 To 6 StrMidClassENG = StrMidClassENG + " " + tmpArray(i + 1, p) StrMidClassENG = Trim(StrMidClassENG) If RegExp_SquareExitEN.Test(tmpArray(i + 1, p)) Then Exit For Next p MidleClassJP(l) = tmpArray(i, 1) MidleClassEN(l) = StrMidClassENG l = l + 1 End If If RegExp_RoundStartJP.Test(tmpArray(i, 1)) And _ RegExp_RoundStartEN.Test(tmpArray(i + 1, 1)) Then StringRoundEnglish = "" ReDim Preserve SubClassJapanese(m) ReDim Preserve SubClass_English(m) For p = 1 To 6 StringRoundEnglish = StringRoundEnglish & " " & tmpArray(i + 1, p) StringRoundEnglish = Trim(StringRoundEnglish) If RegExp_RoundExitEN.Test(tmpArray(i + 1, p)) Then Exit For Next p tmpArray(i, 1) = Replace(tmpArray(i, 1), "(", "(") tmpArray(i, 1) = Replace(tmpArray(i, 1), ")", ")") SubClassJapanese(m) = tmpArray(i, 1) StringRoundEnglish = Replace(StringRoundEnglish, "(", "(") StringRoundEnglish = Replace(StringRoundEnglish, ")", ")") SubClass_English(m) = StringRoundEnglish m = m + 1 End If Next i Next h q = q + 1 End If Next tmpSht Set mySht = Worksheets("Sheet0") Set myRng = Intersect(mySht.Range("A:H"), mySht.UsedRange) myAr = myRng ReDim workArray2(UBound(myAr) - 1, 16) For i = LBound(workArray2) To UBound(workArray2) workArray2(i, 0) = myAr(i + 1, 1) workArray2(i, 1) = myAr(i + 1, 2) workArray2(i, 2) = myAr(i + 1, 3) myAr(i + 1, 4) = Replace(myAr(i + 1, 4), "(", "(") myAr(i + 1, 4) = Replace(myAr(i + 1, 4), ")", ")") workArray2(i, 6) = myAr(i + 1, 4) workArray2(i, 8) = myAr(i + 1, 5) workArray2(i, 10) = myAr(i + 1, 6) workArray2(i, 12) = myAr(i + 1, 7) workArray2(i, 14) = myAr(i + 1, 8) Next i Set mySht2 = Worksheets("Result") Set myRng2 = mySht2.UsedRange myAr2 = myRng2 For i = LBound(workArray2) To UBound(workArray2) For k = LBound(JapaneseClass) To UBound(JapaneseClass) If workArray2(i, 2) = JapaneseClass(k) Then workArray2(i, 3) = English_Class(k) End If If workArray2(i, 4) = JapaneseClass(k) Then workArray2(i, 5) = English_Class(k) End If If workArray2(i, 8) = JapaneseClass(k) Then workArray2(i, 9) = English_Class(k) End If If workArray2(i, 12) = JapaneseClass(k) Then workArray2(i, 13) = English_Class(k) End If Next k For m = LBound(SubClassJapanese) To UBound(SubClassJapanese) If workArray2(i, 6) = SubClassJapanese(m) Then workArray2(i, 7) = SubClass_English(m) End If Next m For l = UBound(MidleClassJP) To LBound(MidleClassJP) Step -1 If workArray2(i, 10) = MidleClassJP(l) Then workArray2(i, 11) = MidleClassEN(l) End If Next l For r = LBound(myAr2) To UBound(myAr2) If workArray2(i, 0) = myAr2(r, 1) Then workArray2(i, 4) = myAr2(r, 5) On Error Resume Next Select Case True Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "10001" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "10278" workArray2(i, 4) = "<魚類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "10319" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "10341" workArray2(i, 4) = "<えび・かに類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "10342" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "10362" workArray2(i, 4) = "<いか・たこ類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "10376" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "10388" workArray2(i, 4) = "<水産練り製品>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "11205" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "11240" workArray2(i, 4) = "<鳥肉類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "11245" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "11246" workArray2(i, 4) = "<獣肉類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "11247" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "11247" workArray2(i, 4) = "<鳥肉類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "13001" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "13050" workArray2(i, 4) = "<牛乳及び乳製品>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15001" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15040" workArray2(i, 4) = "<和生菓子・和半生菓子類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15041" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15068" workArray2(i, 4) = "<和干菓子類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15069" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15072" workArray2(i, 4) = "<菓子パン類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15073" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15085" workArray2(i, 4) = "<ケーキ・ペストリー類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15086" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15091" workArray2(i, 4) = "<デザート菓子類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15092" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15100" workArray2(i, 4) = "<ビスケット類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15101" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15104" workArray2(i, 4) = "<スナック類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15105" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15113" workArray2(i, 4) = "<キャンデー類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15114" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15116" workArray2(i, 4) = "<チョコレート類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15117" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15117" workArray2(i, 4) = "<果実菓子類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15118" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15120" workArray2(i, 4) = "<チューインガム類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "16001" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "16032" workArray2(i, 4) = "<アルコール飲料類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "16033" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "16044" workArray2(i, 4) = "<茶類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "16045" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "16049" workArray2(i, 4) = "<コーヒー・ココア類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "16050" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "16055" workArray2(i, 4) = "<その他>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "17001" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "17054" workArray2(i, 4) = "<調味料類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "17055" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "17081" workArray2(i, 4) = "<香辛料類>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "17082" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "17084" workArray2(i, 4) = "<その他>" End Select On Error GoTo 0 workArray2(i, 5) = myAr2(r, 6) On Error Resume Next Select Case True Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "10001" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "10278" workArray2(i, 5) = "" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "10319" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "10341" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "10342" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "10362" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "10376" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "10388" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "11205" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "11240" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "11245" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "11246" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "11247" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "11247" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "13001" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "13050" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15001" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15040" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15041" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15068" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15069" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15072" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15073" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15085" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15086" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15091" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15092" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15100" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15101" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15104" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15105" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15113" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15114" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15116" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15117" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15117" workArray2(i, 5) = "<CANDIED FRUITS>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "15118" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "15120" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "16001" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "16032" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "16033" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "16044" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "16045" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "16049" workArray2(i, 5) = "COFFEES AND COCOAS>" Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "16050" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "16055" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "17001" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "17054" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "17055" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "17081" workArray2(i, 5) = " " Case workArray2(i, 0) >= "17082" And workArray2(i, 0) <= "17084" workArray2(i, 5) = " " End Select On Error GoTo 0 If workArray2(i, 6) <> "" And _ workArray2(i, 7) = "" Then workArray2(i, 7) = myAr2(r, 8) End If If workArray2(i, 8) <> "" And _ workArray2(i, 9) = "" Then If myAr2(r, 10) = "" Then workArray2(i, 9) = myAr2(r, 15) Else workArray2(i, 9) = myAr2(r, 10) End If End If If workArray2(i, 12) <> "" And _ workArray2(i, 13) = "" Then workArray2(i, 13) = myAr2(r, 15) End If If workArray2(i, 14) <> "" Then workArray2(i, 15) = myAr2(r, 15) End If workArray2(i, 16) = myAr2(r, 11) End If Select Case True Case workArray2(i, 0) = "14004a" workArray2(i, 9) = "Safflower oil" Case workArray2(i, 0) = "14011a" workArray2(i, 9) = "Sunflower oil" Case workArray2(i, 0) = "14011b" workArray2(i, 9) = "Sunflower oil" End Select Next r Next i ReDim workArray3(UBound(workArray2), UBound(workArray2, 2)) For i = LBound(workArray3) To UBound(workArray3) workArray3(i, 0) = workArray2(i, 0) workArray3(i, 1) = workArray2(i, 1) workArray3(i, 2) = workArray2(i, 2) workArray3(i, 3) = workArray2(i, 4) workArray3(i, 4) = workArray2(i, 6) workArray3(i, 5) = workArray2(i, 8) workArray3(i, 6) = workArray2(i, 10) workArray3(i, 7) = workArray2(i, 12) workArray3(i, 8) = workArray2(i, 14) workArray3(i, 9) = workArray2(i, 3) workArray3(i, 10) = workArray2(i, 5) workArray3(i, 11) = workArray2(i, 7) workArray3(i, 12) = workArray2(i, 16) workArray3(i, 13) = workArray2(i, 9) workArray3(i, 14) = workArray2(i, 11) workArray3(i, 15) = workArray2(i, 13) workArray3(i, 16) = workArray2(i, 15) Next i Set mySht = Worksheets.Add With mySht .Name = "M_CATEGORY" .Range("A1").Value = "ItemNumber" .Range("B1").Value = "FoodGroupNumber" .Range("C1").Value = "FoodGroupJP" .Range("D1").Value = "SubGroupJP" .Range("E1").Value = "SubCategoryJP" .Range("F1").Value = "MajorCategoryJP" .Range("G1").Value = "MediumCategoryJP" .Range("H1").Value = "MinorCategoryJP" .Range("I1").Value = "DetailsJP" .Range("J1").Value = "FoodGroupEN" .Range("K1").Value = "SubGroupEN" .Range("L1").Value = "SubCategoryEN" .Range("M1").Value = "AcademicName" .Range("N1").Value = "MajorCategoryEN" .Range("O1").Value = "MediumCategoryEN" .Range("P1").Value = "MinorCategoryEN" .Range("Q1").Value = "DetailsEN" .Range("A2:Q1892") = workArray3 End With Set tmpSht = Nothing Set tmpRng = Nothing Set tmpArray = Nothing Set workArray = Nothing Set RegExp_Japanese = Nothing Set RegExp_English = Nothing Set RegExp_ItemNum = Nothing Set RegExp_Square_Start = Nothing Set RegExp_SquareExitEN = Nothing Set RegExp_RoundStartJP = Nothing Set RegExp_RoundStartEN = Nothing Set RegExp_RoundExitEN = Nothing Erase Item_Number() Erase JapaneseItem() Erase EnglishItem() Erase JapaneseClass() Erase English_Class() Erase ItemNumArray() Erase ItemENGArray() Erase ClassArrayJP() Erase ClassArrayEN() Erase SubClassJapanese() Erase SubClass_English() Erase MidleClassJP() Erase MidleClassEN() Erase SubClass_JPN() Erase SubClass_ENG() Erase workArray2() Erase workArray3() Set mySht = Nothing Set myRng = Nothing Set myAr = Nothing Set mySht2 = Nothing Set myRng2 = Nothing Set myAr2 = Nothing End Sub Function NoCancelArray(ByRef Sh As Variant) As Variant Dim mySht As Variant Dim myRng As Range Dim tmpAr As Variant Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim RegExpCancel As Object Dim RegExp_Exit As Object Const StrCancel As String = "^(1\)|residues)$" Dim CancelItem() As String Dim CancelRow1() As String Dim CancelRow2() As String Dim myCancelAr() As String Dim Cancel_Array() As String Set RegExpCancel = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExpCancel .Pattern = StrCancel .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With tmpAr = Sh j = 0 For i = LBound(tmpAr) To UBound(tmpAr) If RegExpCancel.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) Then ReDim Preserve CancelItem(j) ReDim Preserve CancelRow1(i) CancelItem(j) = tmpAr(i, 1) CancelRow1(j) = i j = j + 1 End If Next i ReDim myCancelAr(UBound(CancelItem), 1) For j = LBound(myCancelAr) To UBound(myCancelAr) myCancelAr(j, 0) = CancelItem(j) myCancelAr(j, 1) = CancelRow1(j) Next j ReDim Preserve myCancelAr(UBound(myCancelAr), 2) j = 0 For i = LBound(myCancelAr) To UBound(myCancelAr) - 1 If myCancelAr(i, 0) = "1)" Then If UBound(myCancelAr) >= 2 Then If myCancelAr(i + 2, 0) = "residues" Then myCancelAr(i, 2) = myCancelAr(i + 2, 1) Else myCancelAr(i, 2) = myCancelAr(i + 1, 1) End If Else myCancelAr(i, 2) = myCancelAr(i + 1, 1) End If j = j + 1 End If Next i Erase CancelRow1 j = 0 ReDim CancelRow1(j) ReDim CancelRow2(j) CancelRow1(j) = myCancelAr(j, 1) CancelRow2(j) = myCancelAr(j, 2) For i = LBound(myCancelAr) + 1 To UBound(myCancelAr) If myCancelAr(i, 0) = "1)" And _ myCancelAr(i - 1, 0) <> "1)" Then j = j + 1 ReDim Preserve CancelRow1(j) ReDim Preserve CancelRow2(j) CancelRow1(j) = myCancelAr(i, 1) CancelRow2(j) = myCancelAr(i, 2) End If Next i ReDim Cancel_Array(UBound(CancelRow1), 1) j = 0 For j = LBound(Cancel_Array) To UBound(Cancel_Array) Cancel_Array(j, 0) = CancelRow1(j) Cancel_Array(j, 1) = CancelRow2(j) Next j j = 0 Cancel_Array(j, 0) = 1 Cancel_Array(j, 1) = CancelRow1(j) For j = LBound(Cancel_Array) + 1 To UBound(Cancel_Array) Cancel_Array(j, 0) = CancelRow2(j - 1) + 1 Cancel_Array(j, 1) = CancelRow1(j) - 1 Next j NoCancelArray = Cancel_Array End Function
日本食品標準成分表2010の食品番号をカテゴリー分類する その1
I have posted the article Classify the Item_Number of the ‘Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan 2010′ that caused incomplete result. After post it, I have found good article in Japanese. Therefore, I gave it additional value in English.
Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan 2010
Make a new EXCEL Book. Copy text from the PDF files (‘1299012_1.pdf’ to ‘1299012_18.pdf’) and option paste to EXCEL worksheet ‘Sheet1’ continuously without blank line between the last line of previous text and the first line of next text. With ‘Text File Wizard’, change option data type of the first column to ‘String’. Download Academic name of food materials, select all text and paste to Sheet2. In the first tab of ‘Text File Wizard’, select option ‘The data field separated by delimiters such as comma or tab’. In second tab, remove check mark ‘Consider continuous delimiters as one’. In the last tab, change option data type of the first column to ‘String’. Save as ‘Sample.xlsm’.
Press ‘Alt’ key and ‘F11’ key to launch VBE. Insert module and paste following code. Run ‘Separate_by_Parent’ procedure.
Option Explicit Function MajorCategoryAr(ByRef Sh As Worksheet) As String() Dim mySht As Worksheet Dim myRng As Range Dim tmpAr As Variant Dim StartEnd As Variant Dim strFoodGroup As String Dim strFoodGroupJP As String Dim strFoodGroupEN As String Dim strSubFoodGroup As String Dim strSubFoodGroupJP As String Dim strSubFoodGroupEN As String Dim strSub_Category As String Dim strSub_CategoryJP As String Dim strSub_CategoryEN As String Dim strMajor_Category As String Dim StartNumber() As String Dim Exit_Number() As String Dim FoodGroupJP() As String Dim FoodGroupEN() As String Dim Sub_FoodGroup_JP() As String Dim Sub_FoodGroup_EN() As String Dim Sub_Category_JPN() As String Dim Sub_Category_ENG() As String Dim Major_CategoryJP() As String Dim Major_CategoryEN() As String Dim Major_CategoryLT() As String Dim myArray() As String Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim k As Long Dim n As Long Dim RegExp_3_Digit_Num As Object Dim RegExp_Item_Number As Object Dim RegExp_SentakuHanni As Object Dim RegExp_SubCategory1 As Object Dim RegExp_SubCategory2 As Object Dim RegExp_MedCategory As Object Dim RegExp_Foods_Group As Object Dim RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix As Object Dim RegExp_JapaneseOnly As Object Dim RegExp_Upper_Lower As Object Dim RegExp_Upper_Only As Object Dim RegExp_Lower_Only As Object Dim RegExp_RoundBracket As Object Dim RegExp_SquareBracket As Object Dim RegExp_AngleBracket As Object Dim myMatches As Object Dim myMatch As Object Const Ptn_3_Digit_Num As String = "[0-9]{3}$" Const Ptn_Item_Number As String = "^[0-9]{5}$" Const Ptn_SentakuHanni As String = "(,|~)" Const Ptn_SubCategory1 As String = "^((|\().()|\))$" Const Ptn_SubCategory2 As String = "^(<|>)$" Const Ptn_MedCategory As String = "^\[.\]$" Const Ptn_FoodGroupNum As String = "^([0-9]|[0-9]{2})$" Const Ptn_Jpn_Eng_Mix As String = "^[^A-Za-z0-9]+(\([^A-Za-z0-9]+\))?([A-Za-z])" Const Ptn_JapaneseOnly As String = "^[^A-Za-z0-9]+(\([^A-Za-z0-9]+\))?$" Const Ptn_Upper_Lower As String = "[A-Z][a-z]+" Const Ptn_Upper_Only As String = "[A-Z]+" Const Ptn_Lower_Only As String = "^[a-z]+$" Const Ptn_RoundStart As String = "^[\((]" Const Ptn_Round_Exit As String = "[\((][^A-Za-z0-9]+[\))]" Const Ptn_SquareStart As String = "^\[" Const Ptn_Square_Exit As String = "\[[^A-Za-z0-9]+\]" Const Ptn_AngleStart As String = "^[\<<]" Const Ptn_Angle_Exit As String = "[\<<][^A-Za-z0-9]+[\>>]" Set mySht = Sh Set myRng = mySht.UsedRange tmpAr = myRng Set RegExp_3_Digit_Num = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Item_Number = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_SentakuHanni = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_SubCategory1 = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_SubCategory2 = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_MedCategory = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Foods_Group = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_JapaneseOnly = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Upper_Lower = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Upper_Only = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Lower_Only = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_RoundBracket = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_SquareBracket = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_AngleBracket = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_3_Digit_Num .Pattern = "[0-9]{3}$" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Item_Number .Pattern = "^[0-9]{5}$" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_SentakuHanni .Pattern = "(,|~)" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_SubCategory1 .Pattern = "^((|\().()|\))$" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_SubCategory2 .Pattern = "^(<|>)$" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_MedCategory .Pattern = "^\[.\]$" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Foods_Group .Pattern = "^([0-9]|[0-9]{2})$" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix .Pattern = "^[^A-Za-z0-9]+(\([^A-Za-z0-9]+\))?([A-Za-z])" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_JapaneseOnly .Pattern = "^[^A-Za-z0-9]+(\([^A-Za-z0-9]+\))?$" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Upper_Lower .Pattern = "[A-Z][a-z]+" .IgnoreCase = False .Global = True End With With RegExp_Upper_Only .Pattern = "[A-Z]+" .IgnoreCase = False .Global = True End With With RegExp_Lower_Only .Pattern = "^[a-z]+$" .IgnoreCase = False .Global = True End With j = 0 For i = LBound(tmpAr) + 1 To UBound(tmpAr) With RegExp_RoundBracket .Pattern = Ptn_RoundStart .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_SquareBracket .Pattern = Ptn_SquareStart .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_AngleBracket .Pattern = Ptn_AngleStart .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With strFoodGroup = "" strSubFoodGroup = "" strSub_Category = "" strMajor_Category = "" ReDim Preserve StartNumber(j) ReDim Preserve Exit_Number(j) ReDim Preserve FoodGroupJP(j) ReDim Preserve FoodGroupEN(j) ReDim Preserve Sub_FoodGroup_JP(j) ReDim Preserve Sub_FoodGroup_EN(j) ReDim Preserve Sub_Category_JPN(j) ReDim Preserve Sub_Category_ENG(j) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryJP(j) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryEN(j) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryLT(j) If RegExp_3_Digit_Num.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) Then Select Case True Case RegExp_Item_Number.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) StartNumber(j) = tmpAr(i, 1) Exit_Number(j) = tmpAr(i, 1) Case RegExp_SentakuHanni.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) StartEnd = StartExit(tmpAr(i, 1)) StartNumber(j) = StartEnd(0) Exit_Number(j) = StartEnd(1) Erase StartEnd End Select FoodGroupJP(j) = strFoodGroupJP FoodGroupEN(j) = strFoodGroupEN If (i >= 19 And i <= 27) _ Or (i >= 370 And i <= 596) _ Or (i >= 599 And i <= 626) _ Or (i >= 635 And i <= 639) _ Or (i >= 646 And i <= 668) _ Then Sub_FoodGroup_JP(j) = strSubFoodGroupJP Sub_FoodGroup_EN(j) = strSubFoodGroupEN End If If tmpAr(i, 2) = "" Then Sub_Category_JPN(j) = strSub_CategoryJP Sub_Category_ENG(j) = strSub_CategoryEN End If For k = 2 To 8 strMajor_Category = strMajor_Category & " " & tmpAr(i, k) Next k strMajor_Category = Trim(strMajor_Category) On Error Resume Next For k = 1 To 8 If RegExp_Lower_Only.Test(tmpAr(i + 1, 1)) _ And Not RegExp_SubCategory1.Test(tmpAr(i + 1, 1)) _ And Not RegExp_SubCategory2.Test(tmpAr(i + 1, 1)) _ And Not RegExp_Foods_Group.Test(tmpAr(i + 1, 1)) _ And Not RegExp_3_Digit_Num.Test(tmpAr(i + 1, 1)) _ Then strMajor_Category = strMajor_Category & " " & tmpAr(i + 1, k) End If Next k On Error GoTo 0 strMajor_Category = Trim(strMajor_Category) If RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix.Test(strMajor_Category) Then StartEnd = Separate_Jpn_Eng(strMajor_Category) Major_CategoryJP(j) = StartEnd(0) Erase StartEnd Set myMatches = RegExp_Upper_Lower.Execute(strMajor_Category) Major_CategoryEN(j) = Mid(strMajor_Category, _ myMatches.Item(0).firstindex + 1, _ myMatches.Item(myMatches.Count - 1).firstindex _ - myMatches.Item(0).firstindex - 1) Set myMatch = myMatches.Item(myMatches.Count - 1) Major_CategoryLT(j) = Mid(strMajor_Category, myMatch.firstindex + 1) Else End If Else Select Case True Case RegExp_Foods_Group.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) For k = 2 To 8 strFoodGroup = strFoodGroup & " " & tmpAr(i, k) Next k strFoodGroup = Trim(strFoodGroup) Select Case True Case RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix.Test(strFoodGroup) Set myMatches = RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix.Execute(strFoodGroup) Set myMatch = myMatches.Item(0) strFoodGroupJP = Left(strFoodGroup, myMatches.Item(0).Length - 1) strFoodGroupEN = Mid(strFoodGroup, myMatches.Item(0).Length) Case RegExp_JapaneseOnly.Test(strFoodGroup) Set myMatches = RegExp_JapaneseOnly.Execute(strFoodGroup) Set myMatch = myMatches.Item(0) strFoodGroupJP = Left(strFoodGroup, myMatches.Item(0).Length - 1) strFoodGroupEN = Mid(strFoodGroup, myMatches.Item(0).Length) Case Else End Select Case RegExp_AngleBracket.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) For k = 1 To 8 strSubFoodGroup = strSubFoodGroup & " " & tmpAr(i, k) Next k strSubFoodGroup = Trim(strSubFoodGroup) With RegExp_AngleBracket .Pattern = Ptn_Angle_Exit .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set myMatches = RegExp_AngleBracket.Execute(strSubFoodGroup) strSubFoodGroupJP = myMatches.Item(0).Value strSubFoodGroupEN = Mid(strSubFoodGroup, myMatches.Item(0).Length + 2) strSubFoodGroupEN = Replace(strSubFoodGroupEN, "<", "<") strSubFoodGroupEN = Replace(strSubFoodGroupEN, ">", ">") Case RegExp_RoundBracket.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) For k = 1 To 8 strSub_Category = strSub_Category & " " & tmpAr(i, k) Next k strSub_Category = Trim(strSub_Category) With RegExp_RoundBracket .Pattern = Ptn_Round_Exit .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set myMatches = RegExp_RoundBracket.Execute(strSub_Category) On Error Resume Next strSub_CategoryJP = myMatches.Item(0).Value strSub_CategoryJP = Replace(strSub_CategoryJP, "(", "(") strSub_CategoryJP = Replace(strSub_CategoryJP, ")", ")") strSub_CategoryEN = Mid(strSub_Category, myMatches.Item(0).Length + 2) strSub_CategoryEN = Replace(strSub_CategoryEN, "(", "(") strSub_CategoryEN = Replace(strSub_CategoryEN, ")", ")") On Error GoTo 0 Case Else End Select j = j - 1 End If j = j + 1 Next i ReDim myArray(UBound(StartNumber), 10) For n = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray) myArray(n, 0) = StartNumber(n) myArray(n, 1) = Exit_Number(n) myArray(n, 2) = FoodGroupJP(n) myArray(n, 3) = FoodGroupEN(n) myArray(n, 4) = Sub_FoodGroup_JP(n) myArray(n, 5) = Sub_FoodGroup_EN(n) myArray(n, 6) = Sub_Category_JPN(n) myArray(n, 7) = Sub_Category_ENG(n) myArray(n, 8) = Major_CategoryJP(n) myArray(n, 9) = Major_CategoryEN(n) myArray(n, 10) = Major_CategoryLT(n) Next n MajorCategoryAr = myArray End Function Function StartExit(ByVal InputStr As String) As String() Dim str As String Dim Ar() As String str = InputStr ReDim Ar(1) Ar(0) = Left(str, 5) Ar(1) = Left(str, 2) & Right(str, 3) StartExit = Ar End Function Function Separate_Jpn_Eng(ByVal InputStr As String) As String() Dim str As String Dim Ar() As String Dim RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix As Object Dim myMatches As Object Dim myMatch As Object Const Ptn_Jpn_Eng_Mix As String = "^[^A-Za-z0-9]+(\([^A-Za-z0-9]+\))?([A-Za-z])" str = InputStr ReDim Ar(1) Set RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix .Pattern = Ptn_Jpn_Eng_Mix .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set myMatches = RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix.Execute(str) For Each myMatch In myMatches If myMatches.Count > 0 Then Ar(0) = Left(str, myMatches.Item(0).Length - 1) Ar(1) = Mid(str, myMatches.Item(0).Length) End If Next myMatch Separate_Jpn_Eng = Ar End Function Sub Separate_by_Parent() Dim mySht1 As Worksheet Dim mySht2 As Worksheet Dim mySht3 As Worksheet Dim myRng As Range Dim tmpAr As Variant Dim Major_CategoryAr As Variant Dim No_Cancel_Ar As Variant Dim ItemNamAr() As String Dim ItemNumAr() As String Dim JapaneseName() As String Dim English_Name() As String Dim ItemArray() As String Dim Residual_JPN() As String Dim Residual_ENG() As String Dim Residual_Row() As String Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim k As Long Dim m As Long Dim n As Long Dim p As Long Dim q As Long Dim r As Long Dim s As Long Dim t As Long Dim str_JPN_Analyse As String Dim str_ENG_Analyse As String Dim strFoodGroup As String Dim strFoodGroupJP As String Dim strFoodGroupEN As String Dim strSubFoodGroup As String Dim strSubFoodGroupJP As String Dim strSubFoodGroupEN As String Dim strSub_Category As String Dim strSub_CategoryJP As String Dim strSub_CategoryEN As String Dim strMajor_Category As String Dim strMajor_CategoryJP As String Dim strMajor_CategoryEN As String Dim strMediumCategory As String Dim strMediumCategoryJP As String Dim strMediumCategoryEN As String Dim strMinor_Category As String Dim strMinor_CategoryJP As String Dim strMinor_CategoryEN As String Dim strDetailCategory As String Dim strDetailCategoryJP As String Dim strDetailCategoryEN As String Dim FoodGrouNum() As String Dim FoodGroupJP() As String Dim FoodGroupEN() As String Dim Sub_FoodGroup_JP() As String Dim Sub_FoodGroup_EN() As String Dim Sub_Group_JP_Row() As String Dim Sub_Group_EN_Row() As String Dim Sub_Category_JPN() As String Dim Sub_Category_ENG() As String Dim SubCategory_RowJ() As String Dim SubCategory_RowE() As String Dim Major_CategoryJP() As String Dim Major_CategoryEN() As String Dim Major_CategoryLT() As String Dim Major_JPN_RowNum() As String Dim Major_ENG_RowNum() As String Dim Major_Temp_Array() As String Dim MediumCategoryJP() As String Dim MediumCategoryEN() As String Dim Med_JP_RowNumber() As Long Dim Med_EN_RowNumber() As Long Dim Med_Category_JPN() As String Dim Med_Category_ENG() As String Dim MediumCategoryAr() As String Dim Minor_CategoryJP() As String Dim Minor_CategoryEN() As String Dim Min_JP_RowNumber() As Long Dim Min_EN_RowNumber() As Long Dim Min_Category_JPN() As String Dim Min_Category_ENG() As String Dim Minor_CategoryAr() As String Dim DetailCategoryJP() As String Dim DetailCategoryEN() As String Const Ptn_FoodGroupNum As String = "^([0-9]|[0-9]{2})$" Const Ptn_Jpn_Eng_Mix As String = "^[^A-Za-z0-9]+(\([^A-Za-z0-9]+\))?([A-Za-z])" Const Ptn_JapaneseOnly As String = "^[^A-Za-z0-9\*]+(\([^A-Za-z0-9]+\))?$" Const Ptn_Upper_Lower As String = "[A-Za-z\s:\-,]+" '"[A-Za-z,\s]+" Const Ptn_Upper_Only As String = "[A-Z]+" Const Ptn_Lower_Only As String = "^[a-z]+$" Const Ptn_AngleStart As String = "^[\<<]" Const Ptn_Angle_JPN As String = "[<<].+[>>]" Const Ptn_Angle_ENG As String = "[<<].+[>>]" Const Ptn_RoundStart As String = "^[\((][^0-9]+" Const Ptn_Round_JPN As String = "[\((][^A-Za-z0-9]+[\))]" Const Ptn_Round_ENG As String = "[\((][A-Za-z\s]+[\))]" Const Ptn_SquareStart As String = "^\[" Const Ptn_Square_JPN As String = "\[[^A-Za-z0-9]+\]" Const Ptn_Square_ENG As String = "\[[A-Za-z\s:\-,]+(\]|])" Dim RegExp_MedCategory As Object Dim RegExp_Foods_Group As Object Dim RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix As Object Dim RegExp_JapaneseOnly As Object Dim RegExp_English_Only As Object Dim RegExp_Upper_Lower As Object Dim RegExp_Upper_Only As Object Dim RegExp_Lower_Only As Object Dim RegExp_Angle_Bracket As Object Dim RegExp_Angle_Bracket_JP As Object Dim RegExp_Angle_Bracket_EN As Object Dim RegExp_Round_Bracket As Object Dim RegExp_Round_Bracket_JP As Object Dim RegExp_Round_Bracket_EN As Object Dim RegExp_SquareBracket As Object Dim RegExp_SquareBracket_JP As Object Dim RegExp_SquareBracket_EN As Object Dim RegExp_5_Number As Object Dim RegExp_Japanese As Object Dim RegExp_Alphabet As Object Dim myMatches As Object Dim myMatch As Object Const Ptn_5_Number As String = "^[0-9]{5}$" Const Ptn_Japanese As String = "[^A-Za-z0-9]{2,}" Const Ptn_Alphabet As String = "^[A-Za-z]{2,}" Dim CEREALS As Long Dim POTATOES As Long Dim SUGARS As Long Dim PULSES As Long Dim NUTS As Long Dim VEGETABLES As Long Dim FRUITS As Long Dim MUSHROOMS As Long Dim ALGAE As Long Dim FISHES As Long Dim MEATS As Long Dim EGGS As Long Dim MILK As Long Dim OIL As Long Dim CONFECTIONERIES As Long Dim BEVERAGES As Long Dim SEASONINGS As Long Dim PREPARED As Long Dim RegExpJapaneseName As Object Const Ptn_JapaneseName As String = "^([0-9%]{1,3})?[^A-Za-z0-9]+" Set RegExpJapaneseName = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExpJapaneseName .Pattern = Ptn_JapaneseName .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Dim RegExp_EnglishName As Object Dim Ptn_EnglishName As String Ptn_EnglishName = "^[A-Za-z0-9%\.,\-'" & ChrW(&HC0) & "-" & ChrW(&HFF) & "]+$" Set RegExp_EnglishName = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_EnglishName .Pattern = Ptn_EnglishName .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set RegExp_5_Number = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_MedCategory = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Foods_Group = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_JapaneseOnly = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_English_Only = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Upper_Lower = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Upper_Only = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Lower_Only = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Angle_Bracket = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Angle_Bracket_JP = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Angle_Bracket_EN = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Round_Bracket = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Round_Bracket_JP = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Round_Bracket_EN = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_SquareBracket = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_SquareBracket_JP = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_SquareBracket_EN = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Japanese = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Alphabet = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_5_Number .Pattern = Ptn_5_Number .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Angle_Bracket .Pattern = Ptn_AngleStart .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Angle_Bracket_JP .Pattern = Ptn_Angle_JPN .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Angle_Bracket_EN .Pattern = Ptn_Angle_ENG .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Round_Bracket .Pattern = Ptn_RoundStart .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Round_Bracket_JP .Pattern = Ptn_Round_JPN .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Round_Bracket_EN .Pattern = Ptn_Round_ENG .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_SquareBracket .Pattern = Ptn_SquareStart .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_SquareBracket_JP .Pattern = Ptn_Square_JPN .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_SquareBracket_EN .Pattern = Ptn_Square_ENG .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Japanese .Pattern = Ptn_Japanese .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Alphabet .Pattern = Ptn_Alphabet .IgnoreCase = False .Global = True End With With RegExp_JapaneseOnly .Pattern = Ptn_JapaneseOnly .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set mySht1 = Worksheets("Sheet1") Set mySht2 = Worksheets("Sheet2") Set myRng = mySht1.UsedRange tmpAr = myRng Major_CategoryAr = MajorCategoryAr(mySht2) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryAr(UBound(Major_CategoryAr), UBound(Major_CategoryAr, 2) + 2) m = 0 For i = LBound(tmpAr) To UBound(tmpAr) For n = LBound(Major_CategoryAr) To UBound(Major_CategoryAr) If Major_CategoryAr(n, 0) = tmpAr(i, 1) Then Major_CategoryAr(n, 11) = i End If If Major_CategoryAr(n, 1) = tmpAr(i, 1) Then Major_CategoryAr(n, 12) = i End If Next n Next i m = 0 n = 0 p = 0 q = 0 No_Cancel_Ar = NoCancelArray(mySht1) For r = LBound(No_Cancel_Ar) To UBound(No_Cancel_Ar) For i = No_Cancel_Ar(r, 0) To No_Cancel_Ar(r, 1) str_JPN_Analyse = "" str_ENG_Analyse = "" On Error Resume Next For k = 1 To 5 str_JPN_Analyse = str_JPN_Analyse & tmpAr(i, k) str_ENG_Analyse = str_ENG_Analyse & " " & tmpAr(i + 1, k) str_ENG_Analyse = Replace(str_ENG_Analyse, " ", " ") Next k For k = 1 To 3 str_ENG_Analyse = str_ENG_Analyse & " " & tmpAr(i + 2, k) str_ENG_Analyse = Replace(str_ENG_Analyse, " ", " ") Next k On Error GoTo 0 str_ENG_Analyse = Trim(str_ENG_Analyse) Select Case True Case RegExp_Angle_Bracket.Test(str_JPN_Analyse) And _ RegExp_Angle_Bracket.Test(str_ENG_Analyse) ReDim Preserve Sub_FoodGroup_JP(p) ReDim Preserve Sub_FoodGroup_EN(p) ReDim Preserve Sub_Group_JP_Row(p) ReDim Preserve Sub_Group_EN_Row(p) Set myMatches = RegExp_Angle_Bracket_JP.Execute(str_JPN_Analyse) Sub_FoodGroup_JP(p) = myMatches.Item(0).Value Sub_Group_JP_Row(p) = i Set myMatches = RegExp_Angle_Bracket_EN.Execute(str_ENG_Analyse) Sub_FoodGroup_EN(p) = myMatches.Item(0).Value Sub_FoodGroup_EN(p) = Replace(Sub_FoodGroup_EN(p), "<", "<") Sub_FoodGroup_EN(p) = Replace(Sub_FoodGroup_EN(p), ">", ">") Sub_Group_EN_Row(p) = i + 1 p = p + 1 Case RegExp_Round_Bracket_JP.Test(str_JPN_Analyse) And _ RegExp_Round_Bracket_EN.Test(str_ENG_Analyse) ReDim Preserve Sub_Category_JPN(n) ReDim Preserve Sub_Category_ENG(n) ReDim Preserve SubCategory_RowJ(n) ReDim Preserve SubCategory_RowE(n) Set myMatches = RegExp_Round_Bracket_JP.Execute(str_JPN_Analyse) Sub_Category_JPN(n) = myMatches.Item(0).Value Sub_Category_JPN(n) = Replace(Sub_Category_JPN(n), "(", "(") Sub_Category_JPN(n) = Replace(Sub_Category_JPN(n), ")", ")") SubCategory_RowJ(n) = i Set myMatches = RegExp_Round_Bracket_EN.Execute(str_ENG_Analyse) Sub_Category_ENG(n) = myMatches.Item(0).Value Sub_Category_ENG(n) = Replace(Sub_Category_ENG(n), "(", "(") Sub_Category_ENG(n) = Replace(Sub_Category_ENG(n), ")", ")") SubCategory_RowE(n) = i + 1 n = n + 1 Case RegExp_SquareBracket_JP.Test(str_JPN_Analyse) And _ RegExp_SquareBracket_EN.Test(str_ENG_Analyse) ReDim Preserve MediumCategoryJP(m) ReDim Preserve Med_JP_RowNumber(m) ReDim Preserve MediumCategoryEN(m) ReDim Preserve Med_EN_RowNumber(m) Set myMatches = RegExp_SquareBracket_JP.Execute(str_JPN_Analyse) MediumCategoryJP(m) = myMatches.Item(0).Value Med_JP_RowNumber(m) = i Set myMatches = RegExp_SquareBracket_EN.Execute(str_ENG_Analyse) MediumCategoryEN(m) = myMatches.Item(0).Value Med_EN_RowNumber(m) = i + 1 m = m + 1 Case RegExp_Japanese.Test(str_JPN_Analyse) And _ RegExp_Alphabet.Test(str_ENG_Analyse) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryJP(q) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryEN(q) ReDim Preserve Major_JPN_RowNum(q) ReDim Preserve Major_ENG_RowNum(q) Set myMatches = RegExp_Japanese.Execute(str_JPN_Analyse) Major_CategoryJP(q) = myMatches.Item(0).Value Major_JPN_RowNum(q) = i Set myMatches = RegExp_Alphabet.Execute(str_ENG_Analyse) Major_CategoryEN(q) = myMatches.Item(0).Value Major_ENG_RowNum(q) = i + 1 q = q + 1 Case Else End Select Next i Next r ReDim Major_Temp_Array(UBound(Major_CategoryJP), 5) For q = LBound(Major_Temp_Array) To UBound(Major_Temp_Array) - 1 Major_Temp_Array(q, 0) = Major_CategoryJP(q) Major_Temp_Array(q, 1) = Major_JPN_RowNum(q) Major_Temp_Array(q, 2) = Major_JPN_RowNum(q + 1) Major_Temp_Array(q, 3) = Major_CategoryEN(q) Major_Temp_Array(q, 4) = Major_ENG_RowNum(q) Major_Temp_Array(q, 5) = Major_ENG_RowNum(q + 1) Next q Major_Temp_Array(q, 0) = Major_CategoryJP(UBound(Major_Temp_Array)) Major_Temp_Array(q, 1) = Major_JPN_RowNum(UBound(Major_Temp_Array)) Major_Temp_Array(q, 2) = 32757 Major_Temp_Array(q, 3) = Major_CategoryEN(UBound(Major_Temp_Array)) Major_Temp_Array(q, 4) = Major_ENG_RowNum(UBound(Major_Temp_Array)) Major_Temp_Array(q, 5) = 32757 ReDim MediumCategoryAr(UBound(MediumCategoryJP), 5) For m = LBound(MediumCategoryAr) To UBound(MediumCategoryAr) - 1 MediumCategoryAr(m, 0) = MediumCategoryJP(m) MediumCategoryAr(m, 1) = Med_JP_RowNumber(m) MediumCategoryAr(m, 2) = Med_JP_RowNumber(m + 1) MediumCategoryAr(m, 3) = MediumCategoryEN(m) MediumCategoryAr(m, 4) = Med_EN_RowNumber(m) MediumCategoryAr(m, 5) = Med_EN_RowNumber(m + 1) Next m MediumCategoryAr(m, 0) = MediumCategoryJP(UBound(MediumCategoryAr)) MediumCategoryAr(m, 1) = Med_JP_RowNumber(UBound(MediumCategoryAr)) MediumCategoryAr(m, 2) = 26271 MediumCategoryAr(m, 3) = MediumCategoryEN(UBound(MediumCategoryAr)) MediumCategoryAr(m, 4) = Med_EN_RowNumber(UBound(MediumCategoryAr)) MediumCategoryAr(m, 5) = 26271 For m = LBound(MediumCategoryAr) To UBound(MediumCategoryAr) For n = LBound(Major_CategoryAr) To UBound(Major_CategoryAr) If CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 1)) > CLng(Major_CategoryAr(n, 11)) And _ CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 1)) < CLng(Major_CategoryAr(n, 12)) And _ CLng(Major_CategoryAr(n, 12)) < CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 2)) Then MediumCategoryAr(m, 2) = Major_CategoryAr(n, 12) End If If CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 4)) > CLng(Major_CategoryAr(n, 11)) And _ CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 4)) < CLng(Major_CategoryAr(n, 12)) And _ CLng(Major_CategoryAr(n, 12)) < CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 5)) Then MediumCategoryAr(m, 5) = Major_CategoryAr(n, 12) Exit For End If Next n Next m p = 0 For i = LBound(tmpAr) To UBound(tmpAr) - 1 strMinor_CategoryJP = "" strMinor_CategoryEN = "" For n = LBound(Major_CategoryAr) To UBound(Major_CategoryAr) If RegExp_JapaneseOnly.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) And _ Not RegExp_5_Number.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) And _ Not RegExp_Round_Bracket.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) And _ Not RegExp_SquareBracket.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) And _ Not RegExp_Angle_Bracket.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) And _ InStr(tmpAr(i, 1), Major_CategoryAr(n, 8)) <> 0 And _ InStr(tmpAr(i + 1, 1), Major_CategoryAr(n, 9)) <> 0 And _ i >= Major_CategoryAr(n, 11) And _ i <= Major_CategoryAr(n, 12) Then ReDim Preserve Minor_CategoryJP(p) ReDim Preserve Minor_CategoryEN(p) ReDim Preserve Min_JP_RowNumber(p) ReDim Preserve Min_EN_RowNumber(p) For k = 1 To 2 strMinor_CategoryJP = strMinor_CategoryJP & tmpAr(i, k) strMinor_CategoryEN = strMinor_CategoryEN & " " & tmpAr(i + 1, k) strMinor_CategoryEN = Trim(strMinor_CategoryEN) Next k Set myMatches = RegExp_JapaneseOnly.Execute(strMinor_CategoryJP) Minor_CategoryJP(p) = strMinor_CategoryJP Min_JP_RowNumber(p) = i Set myMatches = RegExp_Upper_Lower.Execute(strMinor_CategoryEN) Minor_CategoryEN(p) = strMinor_CategoryEN Min_EN_RowNumber(p) = i + 1 p = p + 1 Else End If Next n Next i j = 0 For i = LBound(tmpAr) To UBound(tmpAr) strFoodGroup = "" strSubFoodGroup = "" strSub_Category = "" strMajor_Category = "" strMinor_Category = "" strDetailCategory = "" If RegExp_5_Number.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) And tmpAr(i, 2) <> "(欠番)" Then ReDim Preserve ItemNamAr(j) ReDim Preserve ItemNumAr(j) ReDim Preserve FoodGrouNum(j) ReDim Preserve FoodGroupJP(j) ReDim Preserve FoodGroupEN(j) ReDim Preserve Sub_FoodGroup_JP(j) ReDim Preserve Sub_FoodGroup_EN(j) ReDim Preserve Sub_Category_JPN(j) ReDim Preserve Sub_Category_ENG(j) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryJP(j) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryEN(j) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryLT(j) ReDim Preserve Med_Category_JPN(j) ReDim Preserve Med_Category_ENG(j) ReDim Preserve Minor_CategoryJP(j) ReDim Preserve Minor_CategoryEN(j) ReDim Preserve DetailCategoryJP(j) ReDim Preserve DetailCategoryEN(j) ReDim Preserve JapaneseName(j) ReDim Preserve English_Name(j) ItemNamAr(j) = tmpAr(i, 1) ItemNumAr(j) = i Select Case True Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "01" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "穀類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "CEREALS" CEREALS = CEREALS + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "02" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "いも及びでん粉類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "POTATOES AND STARCHES" POTATOES = POTATOES + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "03" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "砂糖及び甘味類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "SUGARS" SUGARS = SUGARS + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "04" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "豆類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "PULSES" PULSES = PULSES + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "05" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "種実類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "NUTS AND SEEDS" NUTS = NUTS + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "06" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "野菜類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "VEGETABLES" VEGETABLES = VEGETABLES + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "07" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "果実類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "FRUITS" FRUITS = FRUITS + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "08" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "きのこ類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "MUSHROOMS" MUSHROOMS = MUSHROOMS + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "09" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "藻類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "ALGAE" ALGAE = ALGAE + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "10" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "魚介類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "FISHES AND SHELLFISHES" FISHES = FISHES + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "11" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "肉類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "MEATS" MEATS = MEATS + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "12" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "卵類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "EGGS" EGGS = EGGS + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "13" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "乳類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "MILKS" MILK = MILK + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "14" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "油脂類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "FATS AND OILS" OIL = OIL + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "15" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "菓子類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "CONFECTIONERIES" CONFECTIONERIES = CONFECTIONERIES + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "16" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "し好飲料類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "BEVERAGES" BEVERAGES = BEVERAGES + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "17" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "調味料及び香辛料類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "SEASONINGS AND SPICES" SEASONINGS = SEASONINGS + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "18" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "調理加工食品類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "PREPARED FOODS" PREPARED = PREPARED + 1 Case Else End Select If RegExpJapaneseName.Test(tmpAr(i, 2)) Then Set myMatches = RegExpJapaneseName.Execute(tmpAr(i, 2)) JapaneseName(j) = myMatches.Item(0).Value End If For t = 1 To 6 If RegExp_EnglishName.Test(tmpAr(i + 1, t)) Then English_Name(j) = English_Name(j) & " " & tmpAr(i + 1, t) English_Name(j) = Trim(English_Name(j)) Else Exit For End If Next t For k = LBound(Major_CategoryAr) To UBound(Major_CategoryAr) If CLng(tmpAr(i, 1)) >= CLng(Major_CategoryAr(k, 0)) _ And CLng(tmpAr(i, 1)) <= CLng(Major_CategoryAr(k, 1)) Then Sub_FoodGroup_JP(j) = Major_CategoryAr(k, 4) Sub_FoodGroup_EN(j) = Major_CategoryAr(k, 5) Sub_Category_JPN(j) = Major_CategoryAr(k, 6) Sub_Category_ENG(j) = Major_CategoryAr(k, 7) Major_CategoryJP(j) = Major_CategoryAr(k, 8) Major_CategoryEN(j) = Major_CategoryAr(k, 9) Major_CategoryLT(j) = Major_CategoryAr(k, 10) For m = LBound(MediumCategoryAr) To UBound(MediumCategoryAr) If i >= CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 1)) And _ i <= CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 2)) Then Med_Category_JPN(j) = MediumCategoryAr(m, 0) End If If i >= CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 4)) And _ i <= CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 5)) Then Med_Category_ENG(j) = MediumCategoryAr(m, 3) End If Next m Else End If Next k Else j = j - 1 End If j = j + 1 Next i ReDim ItemArray(UBound(ItemNamAr), 14) For i = LBound(ItemArray) To UBound(ItemArray) ItemArray(i, 0) = ItemNamAr(i) ItemArray(i, 1) = FoodGrouNum(i) ItemArray(i, 2) = FoodGroupJP(i) ItemArray(i, 3) = FoodGroupEN(i) ItemArray(i, 4) = Sub_FoodGroup_JP(i) ItemArray(i, 5) = Sub_FoodGroup_EN(i) ItemArray(i, 6) = Sub_Category_JPN(i) ItemArray(i, 7) = Sub_Category_ENG(i) ItemArray(i, 8) = Major_CategoryJP(i) ItemArray(i, 9) = Major_CategoryEN(i) ItemArray(i, 10) = Major_CategoryLT(i) ItemArray(i, 11) = Med_Category_JPN(i) ItemArray(i, 12) = Med_Category_ENG(i) ItemArray(i, 13) = JapaneseName(i) ItemArray(i, 14) = English_Name(i) Next i Set mySht3 = Worksheets.Add With mySht3 .Name = "Result" .Range("A1").Value = "ItemNumber" .Range("B1").Value = "食品群番号" .Range("C1").Value = "食品群" .Range("D1").Value = "FoodGroup" .Range("E1").Value = "副分類" .Range("F1").Value = "SubFoodGroup" .Range("G1").Value = "区分" .Range("H1").Value = "SubCategory" .Range("I1").Value = "大分類" .Range("J1").Value = "MajorCategory" .Range("K1").Value = "AcademicName" .Range("L1").Value = "中分類" .Range("M1").Value = "MediumCategory" .Range("N1").Value = "小分類・細分" .Range("O1").Value = "MinorCategory_Details" .Range("A2:O1879").Value = ItemArray End With End Sub Function NoCancelArray(ByRef Sh As Worksheet) As Variant Dim mySht As Worksheet Dim myRng As Range Dim tmpAr As Variant Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim RegExpCancel As Object Dim RegExp_Exit As Object Const StrCancel As String = "^(1\)|residues)$" Dim CancelItem() As String Dim CancelRow1() As String Dim CancelRow2() As String Dim myCancelAr() As String Dim Cancel_Array() As String Set RegExpCancel = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExpCancel .Pattern = StrCancel .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set mySht = Sh Set myRng = mySht.UsedRange tmpAr = myRng j = 0 For i = LBound(tmpAr) To UBound(tmpAr) If RegExpCancel.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) Then ReDim Preserve CancelItem(j) ReDim Preserve CancelRow1(i) CancelItem(j) = tmpAr(i, 1) CancelRow1(j) = i j = j + 1 End If Next i ReDim myCancelAr(UBound(CancelItem), 1) For j = LBound(myCancelAr) To UBound(myCancelAr) myCancelAr(j, 0) = CancelItem(j) myCancelAr(j, 1) = CancelRow1(j) Next j ReDim Preserve myCancelAr(UBound(myCancelAr), 2) j = 0 For i = LBound(myCancelAr) To UBound(myCancelAr) - 1 If myCancelAr(i, 0) = "1)" Then If myCancelAr(i + 2, 0) = "residues" Then myCancelAr(i, 2) = myCancelAr(i + 2, 1) Else myCancelAr(i, 2) = myCancelAr(i + 1, 1) End If j = j + 1 End If Next i Erase CancelRow1 j = 0 ReDim CancelRow1(j) ReDim CancelRow2(j) CancelRow1(j) = myCancelAr(j, 1) CancelRow2(j) = myCancelAr(j, 2) For i = LBound(myCancelAr) + 1 To UBound(myCancelAr) If myCancelAr(i, 0) = "1)" And _ myCancelAr(i - 1, 0) <> "1)" Then j = j + 1 ReDim Preserve CancelRow1(j) ReDim Preserve CancelRow2(j) CancelRow1(j) = myCancelAr(i, 1) CancelRow2(j) = myCancelAr(i, 2) End If Next i ReDim Cancel_Array(UBound(CancelRow1), 1) j = 0 For j = LBound(Cancel_Array) To UBound(Cancel_Array) Cancel_Array(j, 0) = CancelRow1(j) Cancel_Array(j, 1) = CancelRow2(j) Next j j = 0 Cancel_Array(j, 0) = 1 Cancel_Array(j, 1) = CancelRow1(j) For j = LBound(Cancel_Array) + 1 To UBound(Cancel_Array) Cancel_Array(j, 0) = CancelRow2(j - 1) Cancel_Array(j, 1) = CancelRow1(j) Next j NoCancelArray = Cancel_Array End Function
CSV file of the ‘Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan 2010′
Classify the Item_Number of the ‘Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan 2010′, Part 2
Option Explicit Function MajorCategoryAr(ByRef Sh As Worksheet) As String() Dim mySht As Worksheet Dim myRng As Range Dim tmpAr As Variant Dim StartEnd As Variant Dim strFoodGroup As String Dim strFoodGroupJP As String Dim strFoodGroupEN As String Dim strSubFoodGroup As String Dim strSubFoodGroupJP As String Dim strSubFoodGroupEN As String Dim strSub_Category As String Dim strSub_CategoryJP As String Dim strSub_CategoryEN As String Dim strMajor_Category As String Dim StartNumber() As String Dim Exit_Number() As String Dim FoodGroupJP() As String Dim FoodGroupEN() As String Dim Sub_FoodGroup_JP() As String Dim Sub_FoodGroup_EN() As String Dim Sub_Category_JPN() As String Dim Sub_Category_ENG() As String Dim Major_CategoryJP() As String Dim Major_CategoryEN() As String Dim Major_CategoryLT() As String Dim myArray() As String Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim k As Long Dim n As Long Dim RegExp_3_Digit_Num As Object Dim RegExp_Item_Number As Object Dim RegExp_SentakuHanni As Object Dim RegExp_SubCategory1 As Object Dim RegExp_SubCategory2 As Object Dim RegExp_MedCategory As Object Dim RegExp_Foods_Group As Object Dim RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix As Object Dim RegExp_JapaneseOnly As Object Dim RegExp_Upper_Lower As Object Dim RegExp_Upper_Only As Object Dim RegExp_Lower_Only As Object Dim RegExp_RoundBracket As Object Dim RegExp_SquareBracket As Object Dim RegExp_AngleBracket As Object Dim myMatches As Object Dim myMatch As Object Const Ptn_3_Digit_Num As String = "[0-9]{3}$" Const Ptn_Item_Number As String = "^[0-9]{5}$" Const Ptn_SentakuHanni As String = "(,|~)" Const Ptn_SubCategory1 As String = "^((|\().()|\))$" Const Ptn_SubCategory2 As String = "^(<|>)$" Const Ptn_MedCategory As String = "^\[.\]$" Const Ptn_FoodGroupNum As String = "^([0-9]|[0-9]{2})$" Const Ptn_Jpn_Eng_Mix As String = "^[^A-Za-z0-9]+(\([^A-Za-z0-9]+\))?([A-Za-z])" Const Ptn_JapaneseOnly As String = "^[^A-Za-z0-9]+(\([^A-Za-z0-9]+\))?$" Const Ptn_Upper_Lower As String = "[A-Z][a-z]+" Const Ptn_Upper_Only As String = "[A-Z]+" Const Ptn_Lower_Only As String = "^[a-z]+$" Const Ptn_RoundStart As String = "^[\((]" Const Ptn_Round_Exit As String = "[\((][^A-Za-z0-9]+[\))]" Const Ptn_SquareStart As String = "^\[" Const Ptn_Square_Exit As String = "\[[^A-Za-z0-9]+\]" Const Ptn_AngleStart As String = "^[\<<]" Const Ptn_Angle_Exit As String = "[\<<][^A-Za-z0-9]+[\>>]" Set mySht = Sh Set myRng = mySht.UsedRange tmpAr = myRng Set RegExp_3_Digit_Num = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Item_Number = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_SentakuHanni = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_SubCategory1 = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_SubCategory2 = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_MedCategory = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Foods_Group = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_JapaneseOnly = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Upper_Lower = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Upper_Only = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Lower_Only = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_RoundBracket = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_SquareBracket = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_AngleBracket = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_3_Digit_Num .Pattern = "[0-9]{3}$" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Item_Number .Pattern = "^[0-9]{5}$" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_SentakuHanni .Pattern = "(,|~)" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_SubCategory1 .Pattern = "^((|\().()|\))$" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_SubCategory2 .Pattern = "^(<|>)$" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_MedCategory .Pattern = "^\[.\]$" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Foods_Group .Pattern = "^([0-9]|[0-9]{2})$" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix .Pattern = "^[^A-Za-z0-9]+(\([^A-Za-z0-9]+\))?([A-Za-z])" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_JapaneseOnly .Pattern = "^[^A-Za-z0-9]+(\([^A-Za-z0-9]+\))?$" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Upper_Lower .Pattern = "[A-Z][a-z]+" .IgnoreCase = False .Global = True End With With RegExp_Upper_Only .Pattern = "[A-Z]+" .IgnoreCase = False .Global = True End With With RegExp_Lower_Only .Pattern = "^[a-z]+$" .IgnoreCase = False .Global = True End With j = 0 For i = LBound(tmpAr) + 1 To UBound(tmpAr) With RegExp_RoundBracket .Pattern = Ptn_RoundStart .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_SquareBracket .Pattern = Ptn_SquareStart .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_AngleBracket .Pattern = Ptn_AngleStart .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With strFoodGroup = "" strSubFoodGroup = "" strSub_Category = "" strMajor_Category = "" ReDim Preserve StartNumber(j) ReDim Preserve Exit_Number(j) ReDim Preserve FoodGroupJP(j) ReDim Preserve FoodGroupEN(j) ReDim Preserve Sub_FoodGroup_JP(j) ReDim Preserve Sub_FoodGroup_EN(j) ReDim Preserve Sub_Category_JPN(j) ReDim Preserve Sub_Category_ENG(j) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryJP(j) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryEN(j) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryLT(j) If RegExp_3_Digit_Num.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) Then Select Case True Case RegExp_Item_Number.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) StartNumber(j) = tmpAr(i, 1) Exit_Number(j) = tmpAr(i, 1) Case RegExp_SentakuHanni.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) StartEnd = StartExit(tmpAr(i, 1)) StartNumber(j) = StartEnd(0) Exit_Number(j) = StartEnd(1) Erase StartEnd End Select FoodGroupJP(j) = strFoodGroupJP FoodGroupEN(j) = strFoodGroupEN If (i >= 19 And i <= 27) _ Or (i >= 370 And i <= 596) _ Or (i >= 599 And i <= 626) _ Or (i >= 635 And i <= 639) _ Or (i >= 646 And i <= 668) _ Then Sub_FoodGroup_JP(j) = strSubFoodGroupJP Sub_FoodGroup_EN(j) = strSubFoodGroupEN End If If tmpAr(i, 2) = "" Then Sub_Category_JPN(j) = strSub_CategoryJP Sub_Category_ENG(j) = strSub_CategoryEN End If For k = 2 To 8 strMajor_Category = strMajor_Category & " " & tmpAr(i, k) Next k strMajor_Category = Trim(strMajor_Category) On Error Resume Next For k = 1 To 8 If RegExp_Lower_Only.Test(tmpAr(i + 1, 1)) _ And Not RegExp_SubCategory1.Test(tmpAr(i + 1, 1)) _ And Not RegExp_SubCategory2.Test(tmpAr(i + 1, 1)) _ And Not RegExp_Foods_Group.Test(tmpAr(i + 1, 1)) _ And Not RegExp_3_Digit_Num.Test(tmpAr(i + 1, 1)) _ Then strMajor_Category = strMajor_Category & " " & tmpAr(i + 1, k) End If Next k On Error GoTo 0 strMajor_Category = Trim(strMajor_Category) If RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix.Test(strMajor_Category) Then StartEnd = Separate_Jpn_Eng(strMajor_Category) Major_CategoryJP(j) = StartEnd(0) Erase StartEnd Set myMatches = RegExp_Upper_Lower.Execute(strMajor_Category) Major_CategoryEN(j) = Mid(strMajor_Category, _ myMatches.Item(0).firstindex + 1, _ myMatches.Item(myMatches.Count - 1).firstindex _ - myMatches.Item(0).firstindex - 1) Set myMatch = myMatches.Item(myMatches.Count - 1) Major_CategoryLT(j) = Mid(strMajor_Category, myMatch.firstindex + 1) Else End If Else Select Case True Case RegExp_Foods_Group.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) For k = 2 To 8 strFoodGroup = strFoodGroup & " " & tmpAr(i, k) Next k strFoodGroup = Trim(strFoodGroup) Select Case True Case RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix.Test(strFoodGroup) Set myMatches = RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix.Execute(strFoodGroup) Set myMatch = myMatches.Item(0) strFoodGroupJP = Left(strFoodGroup, myMatches.Item(0).Length - 1) strFoodGroupEN = Mid(strFoodGroup, myMatches.Item(0).Length) Case RegExp_JapaneseOnly.Test(strFoodGroup) Set myMatches = RegExp_JapaneseOnly.Execute(strFoodGroup) Set myMatch = myMatches.Item(0) strFoodGroupJP = Left(strFoodGroup, myMatches.Item(0).Length - 1) strFoodGroupEN = Mid(strFoodGroup, myMatches.Item(0).Length) Case Else End Select Case RegExp_AngleBracket.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) For k = 1 To 8 strSubFoodGroup = strSubFoodGroup & " " & tmpAr(i, k) Next k strSubFoodGroup = Trim(strSubFoodGroup) With RegExp_AngleBracket .Pattern = Ptn_Angle_Exit .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set myMatches = RegExp_AngleBracket.Execute(strSubFoodGroup) strSubFoodGroupJP = myMatches.Item(0).Value strSubFoodGroupEN = Mid(strSubFoodGroup, myMatches.Item(0).Length + 2) strSubFoodGroupEN = Replace(strSubFoodGroupEN, "<", "<") strSubFoodGroupEN = Replace(strSubFoodGroupEN, ">", ">") Case RegExp_RoundBracket.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) For k = 1 To 8 strSub_Category = strSub_Category & " " & tmpAr(i, k) Next k strSub_Category = Trim(strSub_Category) With RegExp_RoundBracket .Pattern = Ptn_Round_Exit .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set myMatches = RegExp_RoundBracket.Execute(strSub_Category) On Error Resume Next strSub_CategoryJP = myMatches.Item(0).Value strSub_CategoryJP = Replace(strSub_CategoryJP, "(", "(") strSub_CategoryJP = Replace(strSub_CategoryJP, ")", ")") strSub_CategoryEN = Mid(strSub_Category, myMatches.Item(0).Length + 2) strSub_CategoryEN = Replace(strSub_CategoryEN, "(", "(") strSub_CategoryEN = Replace(strSub_CategoryEN, ")", ")") On Error GoTo 0 Case Else End Select j = j - 1 End If j = j + 1 Next i ReDim myArray(UBound(StartNumber), 10) For n = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray) myArray(n, 0) = StartNumber(n) myArray(n, 1) = Exit_Number(n) myArray(n, 2) = FoodGroupJP(n) myArray(n, 3) = FoodGroupEN(n) myArray(n, 4) = Sub_FoodGroup_JP(n) myArray(n, 5) = Sub_FoodGroup_EN(n) myArray(n, 6) = Sub_Category_JPN(n) myArray(n, 7) = Sub_Category_ENG(n) myArray(n, 8) = Major_CategoryJP(n) myArray(n, 9) = Major_CategoryEN(n) myArray(n, 10) = Major_CategoryLT(n) Next n MajorCategoryAr = myArray End Function Function StartExit(ByVal InputStr As String) As String() Dim str As String Dim Ar() As String str = InputStr ReDim Ar(1) Ar(0) = Left(str, 5) Ar(1) = Left(str, 2) & Right(str, 3) StartExit = Ar End Function Function Separate_Jpn_Eng(ByVal InputStr As String) As String() Dim str As String Dim Ar() As String Dim RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix As Object Dim myMatches As Object Dim myMatch As Object Const Ptn_Jpn_Eng_Mix As String = "^[^A-Za-z0-9]+(\([^A-Za-z0-9]+\))?([A-Za-z])" str = InputStr ReDim Ar(1) Set RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix .Pattern = Ptn_Jpn_Eng_Mix .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set myMatches = RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix.Execute(str) For Each myMatch In myMatches If myMatches.Count > 0 Then Ar(0) = Left(str, myMatches.Item(0).Length - 1) Ar(1) = Mid(str, myMatches.Item(0).Length) End If Next myMatch Separate_Jpn_Eng = Ar End Function Sub Separate_by_Parent() Dim mySht1 As Worksheet Dim mySht2 As Worksheet Dim mySht3 As Worksheet Dim myRng As Range Dim tmpAr As Variant Dim Major_CategoryAr As Variant Dim No_Cancel_Ar As Variant Dim ItemNamAr() As String Dim ItemNumAr() As String Dim JapaneseName() As String Dim English_Name() As String Dim ItemArray() As String Dim Residual_JPN() As String Dim Residual_ENG() As String Dim Residual_Row() As String Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim k As Long Dim m As Long Dim n As Long Dim p As Long Dim q As Long Dim r As Long Dim s As Long Dim t As Long Dim str_JPN_Analyse As String Dim str_ENG_Analyse As String Dim strFoodGroup As String Dim strFoodGroupJP As String Dim strFoodGroupEN As String Dim strSubFoodGroup As String Dim strSubFoodGroupJP As String Dim strSubFoodGroupEN As String Dim strSub_Category As String Dim strSub_CategoryJP As String Dim strSub_CategoryEN As String Dim strMajor_Category As String Dim strMajor_CategoryJP As String Dim strMajor_CategoryEN As String Dim strMediumCategory As String Dim strMediumCategoryJP As String Dim strMediumCategoryEN As String Dim strMinor_Category As String Dim strMinor_CategoryJP As String Dim strMinor_CategoryEN As String Dim strDetailCategory As String Dim strDetailCategoryJP As String Dim strDetailCategoryEN As String Dim FoodGrouNum() As String Dim FoodGroupJP() As String Dim FoodGroupEN() As String Dim Sub_FoodGroup_JP() As String Dim Sub_FoodGroup_EN() As String Dim Sub_Group_JP_Row() As String Dim Sub_Group_EN_Row() As String Dim Sub_Category_JPN() As String Dim Sub_Category_ENG() As String Dim SubCategory_RowJ() As String Dim SubCategory_RowE() As String Dim Major_CategoryJP() As String Dim Major_CategoryEN() As String Dim Major_CategoryLT() As String Dim Major_JPN_RowNum() As String Dim Major_ENG_RowNum() As String Dim Major_Temp_Array() As String Dim MediumCategoryJP() As String Dim MediumCategoryEN() As String Dim Med_JP_RowNumber() As Long Dim Med_EN_RowNumber() As Long Dim Med_Category_JPN() As String Dim Med_Category_ENG() As String Dim MediumCategoryAr() As String Dim Minor_CategoryJP() As String Dim Minor_CategoryEN() As String Dim Min_JP_RowNumber() As Long Dim Min_EN_RowNumber() As Long Dim Min_Category_JPN() As String Dim Min_Category_ENG() As String Dim Minor_CategoryAr() As String Dim DetailCategoryJP() As String Dim DetailCategoryEN() As String Const Ptn_FoodGroupNum As String = "^([0-9]|[0-9]{2})$" Const Ptn_Jpn_Eng_Mix As String = "^[^A-Za-z0-9]+(\([^A-Za-z0-9]+\))?([A-Za-z])" Const Ptn_JapaneseOnly As String = "^[^A-Za-z0-9\*]+(\([^A-Za-z0-9]+\))?$" Const Ptn_Upper_Lower As String = "[A-Za-z\s:\-,]+" '"[A-Za-z,\s]+" Const Ptn_Upper_Only As String = "[A-Z]+" Const Ptn_Lower_Only As String = "^[a-z]+$" Const Ptn_AngleStart As String = "^[\<<]" Const Ptn_Angle_JPN As String = "[<<].+[>>]" Const Ptn_Angle_ENG As String = "[<<].+[>>]" Const Ptn_RoundStart As String = "^[\((][^0-9]+" Const Ptn_Round_JPN As String = "[\((][^A-Za-z0-9]+[\))]" Const Ptn_Round_ENG As String = "[\((][A-Za-z\s]+[\))]" Const Ptn_SquareStart As String = "^\[" Const Ptn_Square_JPN As String = "\[[^A-Za-z0-9]+\]" Const Ptn_Square_ENG As String = "\[[A-Za-z\s:\-,]+(\]|])" Dim RegExp_MedCategory As Object Dim RegExp_Foods_Group As Object Dim RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix As Object Dim RegExp_JapaneseOnly As Object Dim RegExp_English_Only As Object Dim RegExp_Upper_Lower As Object Dim RegExp_Upper_Only As Object Dim RegExp_Lower_Only As Object Dim RegExp_Angle_Bracket As Object Dim RegExp_Angle_Bracket_JP As Object Dim RegExp_Angle_Bracket_EN As Object Dim RegExp_Round_Bracket As Object Dim RegExp_Round_Bracket_JP As Object Dim RegExp_Round_Bracket_EN As Object Dim RegExp_SquareBracket As Object Dim RegExp_SquareBracket_JP As Object Dim RegExp_SquareBracket_EN As Object Dim RegExp_5_Number As Object Dim RegExp_Japanese As Object Dim RegExp_Alphabet As Object Dim myMatches As Object Dim myMatch As Object Const Ptn_5_Number As String = "^[0-9]{5}$" Const Ptn_Japanese As String = "[^A-Za-z0-9]{2,}" Const Ptn_Alphabet As String = "^[A-Za-z]{2,}" Dim CEREALS As Long Dim POTATOES As Long Dim SUGARS As Long Dim PULSES As Long Dim NUTS As Long Dim VEGETABLES As Long Dim FRUITS As Long Dim MUSHROOMS As Long Dim ALGAE As Long Dim FISHES As Long Dim MEATS As Long Dim EGGS As Long Dim MILK As Long Dim OIL As Long Dim CONFECTIONERIES As Long Dim BEVERAGES As Long Dim SEASONINGS As Long Dim PREPARED As Long Dim RegExpJapaneseName As Object Const Ptn_JapaneseName As String = "^([0-9%]{1,3})?[^A-Za-z0-9]+" Set RegExpJapaneseName = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExpJapaneseName .Pattern = Ptn_JapaneseName .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Dim RegExp_EnglishName As Object Dim Ptn_EnglishName As String Ptn_EnglishName = "^[A-Za-z0-9%\.,\-'" & ChrW(&HC0) & "-" & ChrW(&HFF) & "]+$" Set RegExp_EnglishName = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_EnglishName .Pattern = Ptn_EnglishName .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set RegExp_5_Number = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_MedCategory = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Foods_Group = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Jpn_Eng_Mix = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_JapaneseOnly = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_English_Only = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Upper_Lower = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Upper_Only = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Lower_Only = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Angle_Bracket = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Angle_Bracket_JP = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Angle_Bracket_EN = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Round_Bracket = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Round_Bracket_JP = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Round_Bracket_EN = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_SquareBracket = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_SquareBracket_JP = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_SquareBracket_EN = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Japanese = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") Set RegExp_Alphabet = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExp_5_Number .Pattern = Ptn_5_Number .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Angle_Bracket .Pattern = Ptn_AngleStart .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Angle_Bracket_JP .Pattern = Ptn_Angle_JPN .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Angle_Bracket_EN .Pattern = Ptn_Angle_ENG .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Round_Bracket .Pattern = Ptn_RoundStart .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Round_Bracket_JP .Pattern = Ptn_Round_JPN .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Round_Bracket_EN .Pattern = Ptn_Round_ENG .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_SquareBracket .Pattern = Ptn_SquareStart .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_SquareBracket_JP .Pattern = Ptn_Square_JPN .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_SquareBracket_EN .Pattern = Ptn_Square_ENG .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Japanese .Pattern = Ptn_Japanese .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With With RegExp_Alphabet .Pattern = Ptn_Alphabet .IgnoreCase = False .Global = True End With With RegExp_JapaneseOnly .Pattern = Ptn_JapaneseOnly .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set mySht1 = Worksheets("Sheet1") Set mySht2 = Worksheets("Sheet2") Set myRng = mySht1.UsedRange tmpAr = myRng Major_CategoryAr = MajorCategoryAr(mySht2) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryAr(UBound(Major_CategoryAr), UBound(Major_CategoryAr, 2) + 2) m = 0 For i = LBound(tmpAr) To UBound(tmpAr) For n = LBound(Major_CategoryAr) To UBound(Major_CategoryAr) If Major_CategoryAr(n, 0) = tmpAr(i, 1) Then Major_CategoryAr(n, 11) = i End If If Major_CategoryAr(n, 1) = tmpAr(i, 1) Then Major_CategoryAr(n, 12) = i End If Next n Next i m = 0 n = 0 p = 0 q = 0 No_Cancel_Ar = NoCancelArray(mySht1) For r = LBound(No_Cancel_Ar) To UBound(No_Cancel_Ar) For i = No_Cancel_Ar(r, 0) To No_Cancel_Ar(r, 1) str_JPN_Analyse = "" str_ENG_Analyse = "" On Error Resume Next For k = 1 To 5 str_JPN_Analyse = str_JPN_Analyse & tmpAr(i, k) str_ENG_Analyse = str_ENG_Analyse & " " & tmpAr(i + 1, k) str_ENG_Analyse = Replace(str_ENG_Analyse, " ", " ") Next k For k = 1 To 3 str_ENG_Analyse = str_ENG_Analyse & " " & tmpAr(i + 2, k) str_ENG_Analyse = Replace(str_ENG_Analyse, " ", " ") Next k On Error GoTo 0 str_ENG_Analyse = Trim(str_ENG_Analyse) Select Case True Case RegExp_Angle_Bracket.Test(str_JPN_Analyse) And _ RegExp_Angle_Bracket.Test(str_ENG_Analyse) ReDim Preserve Sub_FoodGroup_JP(p) ReDim Preserve Sub_FoodGroup_EN(p) ReDim Preserve Sub_Group_JP_Row(p) ReDim Preserve Sub_Group_EN_Row(p) Set myMatches = RegExp_Angle_Bracket_JP.Execute(str_JPN_Analyse) Sub_FoodGroup_JP(p) = myMatches.Item(0).Value Sub_Group_JP_Row(p) = i Set myMatches = RegExp_Angle_Bracket_EN.Execute(str_ENG_Analyse) Sub_FoodGroup_EN(p) = myMatches.Item(0).Value Sub_FoodGroup_EN(p) = Replace(Sub_FoodGroup_EN(p), "<", "<") Sub_FoodGroup_EN(p) = Replace(Sub_FoodGroup_EN(p), ">", ">") Sub_Group_EN_Row(p) = i + 1 p = p + 1 Case RegExp_Round_Bracket_JP.Test(str_JPN_Analyse) And _ RegExp_Round_Bracket_EN.Test(str_ENG_Analyse) ReDim Preserve Sub_Category_JPN(n) ReDim Preserve Sub_Category_ENG(n) ReDim Preserve SubCategory_RowJ(n) ReDim Preserve SubCategory_RowE(n) Set myMatches = RegExp_Round_Bracket_JP.Execute(str_JPN_Analyse) Sub_Category_JPN(n) = myMatches.Item(0).Value Sub_Category_JPN(n) = Replace(Sub_Category_JPN(n), "(", "(") Sub_Category_JPN(n) = Replace(Sub_Category_JPN(n), ")", ")") SubCategory_RowJ(n) = i Set myMatches = RegExp_Round_Bracket_EN.Execute(str_ENG_Analyse) Sub_Category_ENG(n) = myMatches.Item(0).Value Sub_Category_ENG(n) = Replace(Sub_Category_ENG(n), "(", "(") Sub_Category_ENG(n) = Replace(Sub_Category_ENG(n), ")", ")") SubCategory_RowE(n) = i + 1 n = n + 1 Case RegExp_SquareBracket_JP.Test(str_JPN_Analyse) And _ RegExp_SquareBracket_EN.Test(str_ENG_Analyse) ReDim Preserve MediumCategoryJP(m) ReDim Preserve Med_JP_RowNumber(m) ReDim Preserve MediumCategoryEN(m) ReDim Preserve Med_EN_RowNumber(m) Set myMatches = RegExp_SquareBracket_JP.Execute(str_JPN_Analyse) MediumCategoryJP(m) = myMatches.Item(0).Value Med_JP_RowNumber(m) = i Set myMatches = RegExp_SquareBracket_EN.Execute(str_ENG_Analyse) MediumCategoryEN(m) = myMatches.Item(0).Value Med_EN_RowNumber(m) = i + 1 m = m + 1 Case RegExp_Japanese.Test(str_JPN_Analyse) And _ RegExp_Alphabet.Test(str_ENG_Analyse) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryJP(q) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryEN(q) ReDim Preserve Major_JPN_RowNum(q) ReDim Preserve Major_ENG_RowNum(q) Set myMatches = RegExp_Japanese.Execute(str_JPN_Analyse) Major_CategoryJP(q) = myMatches.Item(0).Value Major_JPN_RowNum(q) = i Set myMatches = RegExp_Alphabet.Execute(str_ENG_Analyse) Major_CategoryEN(q) = myMatches.Item(0).Value Major_ENG_RowNum(q) = i + 1 q = q + 1 Case Else End Select Next i Next r ReDim Major_Temp_Array(UBound(Major_CategoryJP), 5) For q = LBound(Major_Temp_Array) To UBound(Major_Temp_Array) - 1 Major_Temp_Array(q, 0) = Major_CategoryJP(q) Major_Temp_Array(q, 1) = Major_JPN_RowNum(q) Major_Temp_Array(q, 2) = Major_JPN_RowNum(q + 1) Major_Temp_Array(q, 3) = Major_CategoryEN(q) Major_Temp_Array(q, 4) = Major_ENG_RowNum(q) Major_Temp_Array(q, 5) = Major_ENG_RowNum(q + 1) Next q Major_Temp_Array(q, 0) = Major_CategoryJP(UBound(Major_Temp_Array)) Major_Temp_Array(q, 1) = Major_JPN_RowNum(UBound(Major_Temp_Array)) Major_Temp_Array(q, 2) = 32757 Major_Temp_Array(q, 3) = Major_CategoryEN(UBound(Major_Temp_Array)) Major_Temp_Array(q, 4) = Major_ENG_RowNum(UBound(Major_Temp_Array)) Major_Temp_Array(q, 5) = 32757 ReDim MediumCategoryAr(UBound(MediumCategoryJP), 5) For m = LBound(MediumCategoryAr) To UBound(MediumCategoryAr) - 1 MediumCategoryAr(m, 0) = MediumCategoryJP(m) MediumCategoryAr(m, 1) = Med_JP_RowNumber(m) MediumCategoryAr(m, 2) = Med_JP_RowNumber(m + 1) MediumCategoryAr(m, 3) = MediumCategoryEN(m) MediumCategoryAr(m, 4) = Med_EN_RowNumber(m) MediumCategoryAr(m, 5) = Med_EN_RowNumber(m + 1) Next m MediumCategoryAr(m, 0) = MediumCategoryJP(UBound(MediumCategoryAr)) MediumCategoryAr(m, 1) = Med_JP_RowNumber(UBound(MediumCategoryAr)) MediumCategoryAr(m, 2) = 26271 MediumCategoryAr(m, 3) = MediumCategoryEN(UBound(MediumCategoryAr)) MediumCategoryAr(m, 4) = Med_EN_RowNumber(UBound(MediumCategoryAr)) MediumCategoryAr(m, 5) = 26271 For m = LBound(MediumCategoryAr) To UBound(MediumCategoryAr) For n = LBound(Major_CategoryAr) To UBound(Major_CategoryAr) If CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 1)) > CLng(Major_CategoryAr(n, 11)) And _ CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 1)) < CLng(Major_CategoryAr(n, 12)) And _ CLng(Major_CategoryAr(n, 12)) < CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 2)) Then MediumCategoryAr(m, 2) = Major_CategoryAr(n, 12) End If If CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 4)) > CLng(Major_CategoryAr(n, 11)) And _ CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 4)) < CLng(Major_CategoryAr(n, 12)) And _ CLng(Major_CategoryAr(n, 12)) < CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 5)) Then MediumCategoryAr(m, 5) = Major_CategoryAr(n, 12) Exit For End If Next n Next m p = 0 For i = LBound(tmpAr) To UBound(tmpAr) - 1 strMinor_CategoryJP = "" strMinor_CategoryEN = "" For n = LBound(Major_CategoryAr) To UBound(Major_CategoryAr) If RegExp_JapaneseOnly.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) And _ Not RegExp_5_Number.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) And _ Not RegExp_Round_Bracket.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) And _ Not RegExp_SquareBracket.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) And _ Not RegExp_Angle_Bracket.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) And _ InStr(tmpAr(i, 1), Major_CategoryAr(n, 8)) <> 0 And _ InStr(tmpAr(i + 1, 1), Major_CategoryAr(n, 9)) <> 0 And _ i >= Major_CategoryAr(n, 11) And _ i <= Major_CategoryAr(n, 12) Then ReDim Preserve Minor_CategoryJP(p) ReDim Preserve Minor_CategoryEN(p) ReDim Preserve Min_JP_RowNumber(p) ReDim Preserve Min_EN_RowNumber(p) For k = 1 To 2 strMinor_CategoryJP = strMinor_CategoryJP & tmpAr(i, k) strMinor_CategoryEN = strMinor_CategoryEN & " " & tmpAr(i + 1, k) strMinor_CategoryEN = Trim(strMinor_CategoryEN) Next k Set myMatches = RegExp_JapaneseOnly.Execute(strMinor_CategoryJP) Minor_CategoryJP(p) = strMinor_CategoryJP Min_JP_RowNumber(p) = i Set myMatches = RegExp_Upper_Lower.Execute(strMinor_CategoryEN) Minor_CategoryEN(p) = strMinor_CategoryEN Min_EN_RowNumber(p) = i + 1 p = p + 1 Else End If Next n Next i j = 0 For i = LBound(tmpAr) To UBound(tmpAr) strFoodGroup = "" strSubFoodGroup = "" strSub_Category = "" strMajor_Category = "" strMinor_Category = "" strDetailCategory = "" If RegExp_5_Number.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) And tmpAr(i, 2) <> "(欠番)" Then ReDim Preserve ItemNamAr(j) ReDim Preserve ItemNumAr(j) ReDim Preserve FoodGrouNum(j) ReDim Preserve FoodGroupJP(j) ReDim Preserve FoodGroupEN(j) ReDim Preserve Sub_FoodGroup_JP(j) ReDim Preserve Sub_FoodGroup_EN(j) ReDim Preserve Sub_Category_JPN(j) ReDim Preserve Sub_Category_ENG(j) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryJP(j) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryEN(j) ReDim Preserve Major_CategoryLT(j) ReDim Preserve Med_Category_JPN(j) ReDim Preserve Med_Category_ENG(j) ReDim Preserve Minor_CategoryJP(j) ReDim Preserve Minor_CategoryEN(j) ReDim Preserve DetailCategoryJP(j) ReDim Preserve DetailCategoryEN(j) ReDim Preserve JapaneseName(j) ReDim Preserve English_Name(j) ItemNamAr(j) = tmpAr(i, 1) ItemNumAr(j) = i Select Case True Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "01" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "穀類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "CEREALS" CEREALS = CEREALS + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "02" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "いも及びでん粉類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "POTATOES AND STARCHES" POTATOES = POTATOES + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "03" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "砂糖及び甘味類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "SUGARS" SUGARS = SUGARS + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "04" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "豆類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "PULSES" PULSES = PULSES + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "05" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "種実類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "NUTS AND SEEDS" NUTS = NUTS + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "06" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "野菜類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "VEGETABLES" VEGETABLES = VEGETABLES + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "07" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "果実類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "FRUITS" FRUITS = FRUITS + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "08" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "きのこ類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "MUSHROOMS" MUSHROOMS = MUSHROOMS + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "09" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "藻類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "ALGAE" ALGAE = ALGAE + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "10" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "魚介類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "FISHES AND SHELLFISHES" FISHES = FISHES + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "11" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "肉類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "MEATS" MEATS = MEATS + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "12" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "卵類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "EGGS" EGGS = EGGS + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "13" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "乳類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "MILKS" MILK = MILK + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "14" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "油脂類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "FATS AND OILS" OIL = OIL + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "15" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "菓子類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "CONFECTIONERIES" CONFECTIONERIES = CONFECTIONERIES + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "16" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "し好飲料類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "BEVERAGES" BEVERAGES = BEVERAGES + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "17" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "調味料及び香辛料類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "SEASONINGS AND SPICES" SEASONINGS = SEASONINGS + 1 Case Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) = "18" FoodGrouNum(j) = Left(tmpAr(i, 1), 2) FoodGroupJP(j) = "調理加工食品類" FoodGroupEN(j) = "PREPARED FOODS" PREPARED = PREPARED + 1 Case Else End Select If RegExpJapaneseName.Test(tmpAr(i, 2)) Then Set myMatches = RegExpJapaneseName.Execute(tmpAr(i, 2)) JapaneseName(j) = myMatches.Item(0).Value End If For t = 1 To 6 If RegExp_EnglishName.Test(tmpAr(i + 1, t)) Then English_Name(j) = English_Name(j) & " " & tmpAr(i + 1, t) English_Name(j) = Trim(English_Name(j)) Else Exit For End If Next t For k = LBound(Major_CategoryAr) To UBound(Major_CategoryAr) If CLng(tmpAr(i, 1)) >= CLng(Major_CategoryAr(k, 0)) _ And CLng(tmpAr(i, 1)) <= CLng(Major_CategoryAr(k, 1)) Then Sub_FoodGroup_JP(j) = Major_CategoryAr(k, 4) Sub_FoodGroup_EN(j) = Major_CategoryAr(k, 5) Sub_Category_JPN(j) = Major_CategoryAr(k, 6) Sub_Category_ENG(j) = Major_CategoryAr(k, 7) Major_CategoryJP(j) = Major_CategoryAr(k, 8) Major_CategoryEN(j) = Major_CategoryAr(k, 9) Major_CategoryLT(j) = Major_CategoryAr(k, 10) For m = LBound(MediumCategoryAr) To UBound(MediumCategoryAr) If i >= CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 1)) And _ i <= CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 2)) Then Med_Category_JPN(j) = MediumCategoryAr(m, 0) End If If i >= CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 4)) And _ i <= CLng(MediumCategoryAr(m, 5)) Then Med_Category_ENG(j) = MediumCategoryAr(m, 3) End If Next m Else End If Next k Else j = j - 1 End If j = j + 1 Next i ReDim ItemArray(UBound(ItemNamAr), 14) For i = LBound(ItemArray) To UBound(ItemArray) ItemArray(i, 0) = ItemNamAr(i) ItemArray(i, 1) = FoodGrouNum(i) ItemArray(i, 2) = FoodGroupJP(i) ItemArray(i, 3) = FoodGroupEN(i) ItemArray(i, 4) = Sub_FoodGroup_JP(i) ItemArray(i, 5) = Sub_FoodGroup_EN(i) ItemArray(i, 6) = Sub_Category_JPN(i) ItemArray(i, 7) = Sub_Category_ENG(i) ItemArray(i, 8) = Major_CategoryJP(i) ItemArray(i, 9) = Major_CategoryEN(i) ItemArray(i, 10) = Major_CategoryLT(i) ItemArray(i, 11) = Med_Category_JPN(i) ItemArray(i, 12) = Med_Category_ENG(i) ItemArray(i, 13) = JapaneseName(i) ItemArray(i, 14) = English_Name(i) Next i Set mySht3 = Worksheets.Add With mySht3 .Name = "Result" .Range("A1").Value = "ItemNumber" .Range("B1").Value = "食品群番号" .Range("C1").Value = "食品群" .Range("D1").Value = "FoodGroup" .Range("E1").Value = "副分類" .Range("F1").Value = "SubFoodGroup" .Range("G1").Value = "区分" .Range("H1").Value = "SubCategory" .Range("I1").Value = "大分類" .Range("J1").Value = "MajorCategory" .Range("K1").Value = "AcademicName" .Range("L1").Value = "中分類" .Range("M1").Value = "MediumCategory" .Range("N1").Value = "小分類・細分" .Range("O1").Value = "MinorCategory_Details" .Range("A2:O1879").Value = ItemArray End With End Sub Function NoCancelArray(ByRef Sh As Worksheet) As Variant Dim mySht As Worksheet Dim myRng As Range Dim tmpAr As Variant Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim RegExpCancel As Object Dim RegExp_Exit As Object Const StrCancel As String = "^(1\)|residues)$" Dim CancelItem() As String Dim CancelRow1() As String Dim CancelRow2() As String Dim myCancelAr() As String Dim Cancel_Array() As String Set RegExpCancel = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With RegExpCancel .Pattern = StrCancel .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With Set mySht = Sh Set myRng = mySht.UsedRange tmpAr = myRng j = 0 For i = LBound(tmpAr) To UBound(tmpAr) If RegExpCancel.Test(tmpAr(i, 1)) Then ReDim Preserve CancelItem(j) ReDim Preserve CancelRow1(i) CancelItem(j) = tmpAr(i, 1) CancelRow1(j) = i j = j + 1 End If Next i ReDim myCancelAr(UBound(CancelItem), 1) For j = LBound(myCancelAr) To UBound(myCancelAr) myCancelAr(j, 0) = CancelItem(j) myCancelAr(j, 1) = CancelRow1(j) Next j ReDim Preserve myCancelAr(UBound(myCancelAr), 2) j = 0 For i = LBound(myCancelAr) To UBound(myCancelAr) - 1 If myCancelAr(i, 0) = "1)" Then If myCancelAr(i + 2, 0) = "residues" Then myCancelAr(i, 2) = myCancelAr(i + 2, 1) Else myCancelAr(i, 2) = myCancelAr(i + 1, 1) End If j = j + 1 End If Next i Erase CancelRow1 j = 0 ReDim CancelRow1(j) ReDim CancelRow2(j) CancelRow1(j) = myCancelAr(j, 1) CancelRow2(j) = myCancelAr(j, 2) For i = LBound(myCancelAr) + 1 To UBound(myCancelAr) If myCancelAr(i, 0) = "1)" And _ myCancelAr(i - 1, 0) <> "1)" Then j = j + 1 ReDim Preserve CancelRow1(j) ReDim Preserve CancelRow2(j) CancelRow1(j) = myCancelAr(i, 1) CancelRow2(j) = myCancelAr(i, 2) End If Next i ReDim Cancel_Array(UBound(CancelRow1), 1) j = 0 For j = LBound(Cancel_Array) To UBound(Cancel_Array) Cancel_Array(j, 0) = CancelRow1(j) Cancel_Array(j, 1) = CancelRow2(j) Next j j = 0 Cancel_Array(j, 0) = 1 Cancel_Array(j, 1) = CancelRow1(j) For j = LBound(Cancel_Array) + 1 To UBound(Cancel_Array) Cancel_Array(j, 0) = CancelRow2(j - 1) Cancel_Array(j, 1) = CancelRow1(j) Next j NoCancelArray = Cancel_Array End Function
日本食品標準成分表2010の食品番号をカテゴリー分類する その2
EXCEL VBAでの2次元動的配列には最終次元,つまり第2次元の要素数の変更しかできないという制約があります.しかし現実問題として第1次元の要素数を変更したいという需要はあります.今回は2次元動的配列の第1次元の要素数の変更方法を述べます.下記のコードで2次元配列の全要素を一旦1次元動的配列に書き出し,1次元配列の要素数を増やしてから再度2次元配列に書き戻しています.
Option Explicit Sub DynamicArray_Sample() Dim mySht As Worksheet Dim myRng As Range Dim tmpAr As Variant Dim myAr() As String Dim myID() As String Dim myStr() As String Dim i As Long Set mySht = Worksheets.Add With mySht .Range("A1").Value = "10001" .Range("A2").Value = "10002" .Range("A3").Value = "10003" .Range("A4").Value = "10004" .Range("A5").Value = "10005" .Range("B1").Value = "aaaaa" .Range("B2").Value = "bbbbb" .Range("B3").Value = "ccccc" .Range("B4").Value = "ddddd" .Range("B5").Value = "eeeee" End With Set myRng = mySht.UsedRange tmpAr = myRng For i = LBound(tmpAr) To UBound(tmpAr) ReDim Preserve myID(i) ReDim Preserve myStr(i) myID(i) = myAr(i, 0) myStr(i) = myAr(i, 1) Next i ReDim Preserve myID(UBound(myID) + 1) ReDim Preserve myStr(UBound(myStr) + 1) myID(UBound(myID)) = "10006" myStr(UBound(myStr)) = "fffff" ReDim myAr(UBound(myID), 1) For i = LBound(myAr) To UBound(myAr) myAr(i, 0) = myID(i) myAr(i, 1) = myStr(i) Next i Set mySht = Worksheets.Add With mySht .Range("A1:B6") = myAr End With Set mySht = Nothing End Sub